#!/bin/bash #################################################### # # # Auth: jean-christophe.iacono@1001pharmacies.com # # # # img-compressr.sh # # # # Usage: img-compressr.sh # # # # This script compresses images in target folders # # and subfolders using ImageMagick. # # # # # # Version: 0.4 # # # #################################################### # # ### Documentation used # - ImageMagick install : https://imagemagick.org/script/install-source.php # OR apt install. (because manual install means manual plugin management) # # - PageSpeed Insights : https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/OptimizeImages # ### Notes # # The purpose of this script is to compress images in a list of folders # with potential subfolders. # # - Script can handle spaces in files or folders names # # - imagemagick : target and destination files can be the same, this will overwrite file # with compressed version # # # ### TODO # # - Catch and manage error codes # - Set customizable (maxdepth) recursivity # - Log path as a variable # # # PATH=${PATH:-/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin} # imagemagick convert binary convert=convert lastrun_marker=compression_marker original_ext=uncompressedbak convert_args_jpg="-sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB" convert_args_png="-strip -define png:compression-filter=0 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=1" report="/tmp/img_compression_report.log" current_time="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")" RED="\033[31m" GREEN="\033[32m" BLUE="\033[96m" YELLOW="\033[93m" BRIGHTGREEN="\033[32m\033[1m" BRIGHTBLUE="\033[36m\033[1m" COLOR_RESET="\033[0m" if ! [ -x "$(command -v $convert)" ] ; then echo "Imagemagick convert ($convert) is required to execute this script" >> $report exit 1 fi function show_help(){ printf "Script usage :\n" printf "\t-b : Backup, copy original images as .$original_ext ;\n" printf "\t-c : Clean backups, backup copies will be removed ;\n" printf "\t-f : Force, ignore last compression timestamp. Will also overwrite backups if combined with -b ;\n" printf "\t-r : Recursive, convert images recursively in folder and subfolders ;\n" printf "\t-u : Undo, revert to original files (requires backup to be previously created) ;\n" printf "\t-v : Verbose, display commands and files being compressed ;\n" printf "\t-y : Yes, do not ask for confirmation to begin compression ;\n" printf "\n" printf "\t-h : this screen.\n" printf "\n" printf " Examples : $0 -vbr /some/directory \"/directory/with some/spaces\"\n" printf " $0 -ryu /some/directory \"/directory/with some/spaces\"\n" printf " $0 -cry /some/directory \"/directory/with some/spaces\"\n" printf "\n" } function user_confirmation() { if [ "$yes" -eq 0 ] ; then read -p "Are you sure you want to proceed ? (y/n) " -n 1 -r echo if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] ; then echo "Operation aborted, no change on files" ; exit 0 fi fi } function clean_backups() { user_confirmation echo ; echo -e "${BLUE}Cleaning backups...${COLOR_RESET}" for target_folder in "$@" ; do find "$target_folder" -type f -iname '*.$original_ext' -delete done echo -e "${BLUE}Cleaning backups ${BRIGHTGREEN}OK${COLOR_RESET}" exit 0 } function image_error() { error_count=$((error_count+1)) echo -e "${RED}Error${COLOR_RESET} on file ${YELLOW}$file${COLOR_RESET}, file is ${BLUE}not modified${COLOR_RESET}" echo "($1)" log_message "error" "$1" rm -f "$file.compressed" if [ $force -eq 0 ] ; then rm -f "$file.$original_ext" ; fi } function log_message() { echo "[$(date +"%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S")] event=\"$1\" message=\"$2\"" >> $report ### : } function bytes_to_human() { b=${1:-0}; d=''; s=0; S=(Bytes {K,M,G,T,P,E,Z,Y}B) while ((b > 1024)); do d="$(printf ".%02d" $((b % 1024 * 100 / 1024)))" b=$((b / 1024)) let s++ done echo "$b$d ${S[$s]}" } ### Catching options ### script_options="$@" # For logs backup=0 do_clean_backups=0 force=0 recursive=0 undo=0 verbose=0 yes=0 if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then # If 0 option echo "Some options are required" ; echo show_help ; exit 1 fi while getopts "bcfruvyh" optName; do case "$optName" in b) backup=1 ; echo "Backup enabled. A copy of files will be created" ;; c) do_clean_backups=1 ; echo "Clean mode, backups in target folders will be removed" ;; f) force=1 ; echo "Force enabled. Last compression timestamp will be ignored" echo "Note that forcing compression will overwrite any existing backups with current version" ;; r) recursive=1 ; echo "Recursivity enabled. Subfolders will be treated" ;; u) undo=1 ; echo "Undo mode, original files for target folders will be restored if present" ;; v) verbose=1 ; echo "Verbose mode enabled" ;; y) yes=1 ; echo "Auto confirmation enabled" ;; h) show_help ; exit 0 ;; *) echo "Option $1 not recognized" ; show_help ; exit 1 ;; esac done shift "$((OPTIND -1))" if [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo ; echo "You must specify at least one target directory" echo ; show_help ; exit 1 fi if [ $backup -eq 1 ] && [ $undo -eq 1 ] ; then echo ; echo "You may not want to backup and undo at the same time" echo ; show_help ; exit 1 fi if [ $do_clean_backups -eq 1 ] ; then clean_backups "$@" fi ############# ### START ### ############# # Report definition start_time="$current_time" #echo "[$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")] Script started. Options: $script_options" >> $report echo >> $report echo >> $report echo >> $report #echo "[$current_time] event=\"info\" message=\"Script started. Options: $script_options\"" >> $report log_message "info" "Script started." log_message "info" "Script options : $script_options" [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo && echo -e "${BLUE}Script started at : $(date)${COLOR_RESET}" # Stats : init total total_before=0 total_after=0 error_count=0 subfolders_count=0 ### SUBFOLDERS DISCOVERY ### # Create the subfolder list echo ; echo -e "${BLUE}Listing affected subfolders...${COLOR_RESET}" if [ $recursive -eq 0 ] ; then # target folders will be the actual folder list subfolders_list="$(find "$@" -maxdepth 0 -type d)" else # recursive enabled, get subfolders subfolders_list="$(find "$@" -type d)" fi subfolders_total=$(echo "$subfolders_list" | wc -l) # Display and confirm $subfolders_list echo "$subfolders_list" echo -e "${BLUE}Listing $subfolders_total subfolders ${BRIGHTGREEN}OK${COLOR_RESET}"; echo user_confirmation ### BACKUP RESTORATION ### if [ $undo -eq 1 ] ; then # Restore available backups restored_count=0 echo ; echo -e "${BLUE}Restoring available backups in target subfolders...${COLOR_RESET}" while IFS="" read -r folder ; do subfolders_count=$(($subfolders_count+1)) echo echo echo echo -e "${BRIGHTBLUE}*** Entering folder ${COLOR_RESET}${YELLOW}$folder ${COLOR_RESET} ${BLUE}($subfolders_count / $subfolders_total)${COLOR_RESET}" echo echo -e "${BLUE}Restoring files...${COLOR_RESET}" while IFS="" read -r file ; do if [ -z "$file" ] ; then # list is empty echo -e "${BLUE}No new files to restore in this folder${COLOR_RESET}" else mv "$file" "${file%.$original_ext}" [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -ne "${BLUE}folder $subfolders_count/$subfolders_total${COLOR_RESET} " [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "File ${YELLOW}${file%.$original_ext}${COLOR_RESET} ${BLUE}restored${COLOR_RESET}" restored_count=$(($restored_count+1)) fi done <<< "$(find "$folder" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*.$original_ext")" if [ -f "$folder/$lastrun_marker" ] ; then echo -e "${BLUE}Removing compression marker${COLOR_RESET}" ; rm "$folder/$lastrun_marker" fi done <<< "$subfolders_list" echo ; echo -e "${BLUE}Cleaning backups ${BRIGHTGREEN}OK${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e "${BLUE}$restored_count files restored${COLOR_RESET}" ; echo log_message "info" "$restored_count files restored" log_message "info" "Script ended." exit 0 fi ### COMPRESSION ### while IFS="" read -r folder ; do subfolders_count=$(($subfolders_count+1)) echo echo echo echo -e "${BRIGHTBLUE}*** Entering folder ${COLOR_RESET}${YELLOW}$folder${COLOR_RESET} ${BLUE}($subfolders_count / $subfolders_total)${COLOR_RESET}" ### FILE LISTING ### echo ; echo -e "${BLUE}Listing files...${COLOR_RESET}" # If marker present, use it, unless Force is used use_marker=0 if [ $force -eq 0 ] ; then if [ -f "$folder/$lastrun_marker" ] ; then use_marker=1 ; [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${BLUE}Found marker from last compression, only compressing new files${COLOR_RESET}" else se_marker=0 ; [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${BLUE}No marker found, all files in this folder will be compressed${COLOR_RESET}" fi else use_marker=0 ; [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${BLUE}Force used, all files in this folder will be compressed${COLOR_RESET}" fi # Create files list # # (Duplicated command here, passing -newer with quotes would make find to not locate the marker) # if [ $use_marker -eq 0 ] ; then # newer_opt="" # newer_marker="" images_list="$(find "$folder" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iregex '.*\.\(jpe?g\|png\)')" else # newer_opt="-newer" # newer_marker="\"$folder/$lastrun_marker\"" images_list="$(find "$folder" -maxdepth 1 -type f -newer "$folder/$lastrun_marker" -iregex '.*\.\(jpe?g\|png\)')" fi [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${BLUE}command : ${GREEN}find $folder -maxdepth 1 -type f $newer_opt $newer_marker -iregex \'.*\.\(jpe?g\|png\)\'${COLOR_RESET}" # images_list="$(find "$folder" -maxdepth 1 -type f $newer_opt $newer_marker -iregex '.*\.\(jpe?g\|png\)')" images_total=$(echo "$images_list" | wc -l) images_count=0 ### FILE COMPRESSION ### [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo ; echo -e "${BLUE}Converting files...${COLOR_RESET}" [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${BLUE}command : ${GREEN}$convert $convert_args ${COLOR_RESET}" if [ -z "$images_list" ] ; then # list is empty echo -e "${BLUE}No new files to compress in this folder${COLOR_RESET}" else # Initialization of folder statistics folder_before=0 folder_after=0 while IFS="" read -r file ; do images_count=$(($images_count+1)) # Stats before size_before=$(stat -c%s "$file") if [ "$size_before" -eq 0 ] ; then image_error "File $file has a size of 0" ; continue fi # Display count as output prefix [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -ne "${BLUE}folder $subfolders_count/$subfolders_total ; image $images_count/$images_total)${COLOR_RESET} " file_type="$(file -b "$file" | awk '{print $1}')" if [ $file_type == "very" ] ; then file_type="very small or empty" ; fi case $file_type in [jJ][pP][gG] | [jJ][pP][eE][gG]) convert_args="$convert_args_jpg" ;; [pP][nN][gG]) convert_args="$convert_args_png" ;; *) image_error "File $file has an unexpected filetype : $file_type" ; continue ;; esac $convert $convert_args "$file" "$file.compressed" 2>>$report if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then image_error "Compression failed for $file" ; continue else # Stats size_after=$(stat -c%s "$file.compressed") variation=$(awk -v after="$size_after" -v before="$size_before" 'BEGIN {print int(((after*100)/before)-100)}') folder_before=$(( $folder_before + $size_before )) total_before=$(( $total_before + $size_before )) if [ "$variation" -ge 0 ] ; then # No improvement, do not keep. rm -f "$file.compressed" if [ $force -eq 0 ] ; then rm -f "$file.$original_ext" ; fi # Stats update folder_after=$(( $folder_after + $size_before )) total_after=$(( $total_after + $size_before )) [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "File ${YELLOW}$file${COLOR_RESET} would increase by $variation %, file is ${BLUE}not modified${COLOR_RESET}" else # Create / overwrite backup (unless force used && backup already present) if [ $backup -eq 1 ] ; then if [ $force -eq 0 ] || [[ $force -eq 1 && ! -f "$file.$original_ext" ]] ; then cp -a "$file" "$file.$original_ext" fi fi # Replace mv "$file.compressed" "$file" # Stats update folder_after=$(( $folder_after + $size_after )) total_after=$(( $total_after + $size_after )) [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "File ${YELLOW}$file${COLOR_RESET} ${GREEN}decreased${COLOR_RESET} from $(bytes_to_human $size_before) to $(bytes_to_human $size_after), by ${GREEN}$variation %${COLOR_RESET}" fi fi done <<< "$images_list" echo -e "${BLUE}Compression ${BRIGHTGREEN}OK${COLOR_RESET}" # Stats for this folder echo [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${BLUE}Folder${COLOR_RESET} ${YELLOW}$folder ${BLUE}complete.${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e "${BLUE}Initial size${COLOR_RESET} : $(bytes_to_human $folder_before)" echo -e "${BLUE}Compressed size${COLOR_RESET} : $(bytes_to_human $folder_after)" folder_variation=$(awk -v after="$folder_after" -v before="$folder_before" 'BEGIN {print int(((after*100)/before)-100)}') if [ $folder_after -gt $folder_before ] ; then echo -e "${BLUE}Folder compression gain : ${RED}$folder_variation %${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e "${BLUE}Folder compression gain : ${GREEN}$folder_variation %${COLOR_RESET}" fi # Test success with exit code ? [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${BLUE}Success, generating compression marker...${COLOR_RESET}" echo "Success" > "$folder/$lastrun_marker" fi done <<< "$subfolders_list" # Total stats echo ; echo ; echo ; echo -e "${BRIGHTBLUE}*** Compression complete ! ***${COLOR_RESET}" if [ $total_before -eq 0 ] ; then echo -e "${BLUE}No file were modified.${COLOR_RESET}" log_message "info" "No file were modified." else echo -e "${BLUE}Total initial size :${COLOR_RESET} $(bytes_to_human $total_before)" log_message "info" "Total initial size : $(bytes_to_human $total_before)" echo -e "${BLUE}Total compressed size :${COLOR_RESET} $(bytes_to_human $total_after)" log_message "info" "Total compressed size : $(bytes_to_human $total_after)" total_variation=$(awk -v after="$total_after" -v before="$total_before" 'BEGIN {print int(((after*100)/before)-100)}') if [ $total_after -gt $total_before ] ; then echo -e "${BLUE}Total compression gain : ${RED}$total_variation %${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e "${BLUE}Total compression gain : ${GREEN}$total_variation %${COLOR_RESET}" fi log_message "info" "Total compression gain : $total_variation %" fi if [ $error_count -gt 0 ] ; then echo -e "${BLUE}$error_count errors during execution, check $report for details${COLOR_RESET}" log_message "info" "$error_count errors during execution, check $report for details" fi echo echo echo -e "${BLUE}Script ended at : $(date)${COLOR_RESET}" log_message "info" "Script ended." echo