#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ # Effectue les payements récurrents et enlève le vérrou (DESTROY) # TAKES CARE OF DOING RECURRENT PAYEMENTS EVERY DAY FOR ITS $PHONE G1Wallets # TODO: Add SMS Alert if G1sms Wallet is low... source ./init.sh source ./functions.sh log "__SUB:cron_VIR.reccurent.sh: START" rm -f /tmp/VIR* echo "" > /tmp/VIR TODAY=$(date '+%Y%m%d') log "__SUB:cron_VIR.reccurent.sh: Searching payements to do for $TODAY" for file in /home/$YOU/.zen/g1sms_wallets/*/VIREMENTS.gpg ; do if [[ -f $file ]]; then log "__SUB:cron_VIR.reccurent.sh: FOUND $file decrypting with Node key" echo "${IPFSPrivKey}" | gpg -d -q --output "/tmp/VIREMENTS" --yes --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase-fd 0 "$file" cat /tmp/VIREMENTS | sort >> /tmp/VIR$TODAY else continue fi done ############################################ if [[ -f /tmp/VIR$TODAY ]]; then ############################################ while read line do virement=(${line}); if [[ ${virement[0]} == ${TODAY} ]]; then log "__SUB:cron_VIR.reccurent.sh: PAYING !!! ${line}" PHONE=${virement[2]} VIR=${virement[3]} DESTRIB=${virement[4]} DESTUID=${virement[5]} REF=${virement[6]} NB=${virement[7]} sms_INIT_ACCOUNT "$PHONE" "NOSMS" duniter_server=$(./tools/duniter_getnode.sh) PAY=$(silkaj -p "$duniter_server" -af --file /home/$YOU/.zen/g1sms_wallets/$PHONE/secret.dunikey tx --output "$DESTRIB" --amount "$VIR" --comment "[G1sms+] VIR $REF / $NB" -y) if [[ "$(echo $PAY | grep 'successful')" == "" || "$PAY" == "" ]]; then sms_ERROR "$PHONE" "Problème Virement. $PAY"; else sms_SEND "$PHONE" "$TODAY Virement automatique $REF vers $DESTUID (Reste $NB) : $PAY" fi log "__SUB:cron_VIR.reccurent.sh: $TODAY VIR DONE...." else virement="" echo "$(declare -p virement)" fi done < /tmp/VIR$TODAY # CHECK FOR LAST VIREMENTS AND CLEAN IT? for virfile in "/home/$YOU/.zen/g1sms_wallets/*/VIREMENTS.gpg"; do phone=$(echo $virfile | cut -d '/' -f 6) if [[ "$phone" == "*" ]]; then exit; fi echo "${IPFSPrivKey}" | gpg -d -q --output "/tmp/$phone.VIREMENTS" --yes --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase-fd 0 "/home/$YOU/.zen/g1sms_wallets/$phone/VIREMENTS.gpg" nv=0; tot=0; while read ligne do virs=(${ligne}); if [[ ${virs[0]} -gt ${TODAY} ]]; then # Some other payments are to be done in the future ((nv++)) tot=$((tot + {virs[3]})) fi done < /tmp/$phone.VIREMENTS # NO FUTURE PAYMENTS. REMOVE VIREMENTS files if [[ $nv -eq 0 ]]; then log "__SUB:cron_VIR.reccurent.sh: Plus AUCUN payement récurrent !!" sms_SEND "$phone" "Plus AUCUN payement récurrent" rm -f "/home/$YOU/.zen/g1sms_wallets/$phone/VIREMENTS.gpg" rm -f "/home/$YOU/.zen/g1sms_wallets/$phone/VIREMENTS" I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) else log "__SUB:cron_VIR.reccurent.sh: Encore $nv payements récurrents à réaliser pour $tot G1" # TODO Verify Wallet Amount is not too low... To send alert (sms, email) # cts=$(echo $(bc -l <<< "scale=0; $tot * 100") | cut -d '.' -f 1) sms_SEND "$phone" "Encore $nv payements récurrents à réaliser pour $tot G1. Approvisionnez votre solde en conséqence..." fi rm -f "/tmp/$phone.VIREMENTS" done ############################################ fi ############################################