var infobar = function() { var playlistinfo = {}; var lfminfo = {}; var npinfo = {}; var starttime = 0; var scrobbled = false; var nowplaying_updated = false; var markedaslistened = false; var fontsize = 8; var ftimer = null; var singling = false; var notifycounter = 0; function scrobble() { if (!scrobbled) { debug.trace("INFOBAR","Track is not scrobbled"); scrobbled = true; if (lastfm.isLoggedIn()) { if (playlistinfo.Title != "" && playlistinfo.trackartist != "") { var options = { timestamp: parseInt(starttime.toString()), track: (lfminfo.title === undefined) ? playlistinfo.Title : lfminfo.title, artist: (lfminfo.trackartist === undefined) ? playlistinfo.trackartist : lfminfo.trackartist, album: (lfminfo.album === undefined) ? playlistinfo.Album : lfminfo.album }; options.chosenByUser = (playlistinfo.type == 'local' && !playlist.radioManager.isRunning()) ? 1 : 0; if (playlistinfo.albumartist && playlistinfo.albumartist != "" && playlistinfo.albumartist.toLowerCase() != playlistinfo.trackartist.toLowerCase()) { options.albumArtist = playlistinfo.albumartist; } debug.log("INFOBAR","Scrobbling", options); lastfm.track.scrobble( options ); } } debug.log("INFOBAR","Track playcount being updated"); nowplaying.incPlaycount(null); } } function updateNowPlaying() { if (!nowplaying_updated && lastfm.isLoggedIn()) { if (playlistinfo.Title != "" && playlistinfo.type && playlistinfo.type != "stream") { var opts = { track: (lfminfo.title === undefined) ? playlistinfo.Title : lfminfo.title, artist: (lfminfo.trackartist === undefined) ? playlistinfo.trackartist : lfminfo.trackartist, album: (lfminfo.album === undefined) ? playlistinfo.Album : lfminfo.album }; debug.trace("INFOBAR","is updating nowplaying",opts); lastfm.track.updateNowPlaying(opts); nowplaying_updated = true; } } } function setTheText(info) { var stuff = mungeplaylistinfo(info); setWindowTitle(stuff.doctitle); npinfo = stuff.textbits debug.debug("INFOBAR","Now Playing Info",npinfo); infobar.biggerize(); } function mungeplaylistinfo(info) { var npinfo = {}; var doctitle = "RompЯ"; debug.log("INFOBAR", "Doing Track Things",info); if (info.Title != "") { npinfo.Title = info.Title; doctitle = info.Title; } var s = info.trackartist; if (info.type != "stream" || s != "") { if (info.metadata && info.metadata.artists) { s = ""; var prevtype = ""; for (var i in info.metadata.artists) { var joinstring = ", "; var afterstring = ""; if (info.metadata.artists[i].type == "performer" && prevtype != "performer" && prevtype != "composer") { joinstring = " : "; } if (i == info.metadata.artists.length - 1) { joinstring = (info.metadata.artists.length == 2 && prevtype == "artist" && info.metadata.artists[i].type == "albumartist") ? " / " : " & "; } if (info.metadata.artists[i].type == "composer") { if (!info.metadata.artists[i].name.match(/composer/i)) { afterstring = " ("+language.gettext('label_composer')+")"; } if (prevtype == "composer") { joinstring = ", " } else { joinstring = " : " } } if (i == 0) { joinstring = ""; } s = s + joinstring + info.metadata.artists[i].name + afterstring; prevtype = info.metadata.artists[i].type; } } } if (s != "") { npinfo.Artist = s; doctitle = doctitle + " : " + s; } if (info.Album) { npinfo.Album = info.Album; } =; if (prefs.player_in_titlebar) { doctitle = prefs.currenthost+' - RompЯ'; } return {doctitle: doctitle, textbits: npinfo}; } function getLines(numlines) { var lines; switch (numlines) { case 2: lines = [ {text: " "}, {text: " "} ]; if (npinfo.Artist && npinfo.Album) { lines[1].text = ''''+' '+npinfo.Artist+" " +''+frequentLabels.on+''+" "+npinfo.Album; } else if ( { if ( != 'No Title') { lines[1].text =; } } else if (npinfo.Album && npinfo.Title) { lines[1].text = ''+frequentLabels.on+''+" "+npinfo.Album; } break; case 3: lines = [ {text: " "}, {text: ''''+" "+npinfo.Artist}, {text: ''+frequentLabels.on+''+" "+npinfo.Album} ] break; } if (npinfo.Title) { lines[0].text = npinfo.Title; } else if (npinfo.Album) { lines[0].text = npinfo.Album; } // ZEEBOX HACK ZONE if ( ! npinfo.Album ) { npinfo.Album =; } var reclink = './_CopyLa/youtube-dl.php?q=REC&artist=' + escape(encodeURIComponent(npinfo.Artist)) + '&title=' + escape(encodeURIComponent(npinfo.Title)) + '&radio='+ escape(encodeURIComponent(npinfo.Album)) +'&maxResults=1'; var zcopylink = ' [REC]'; zcopylink += ' *'; lines[0].text += zcopylink; // ZEEBOX HACK ZONE return lines; } function put_text_in_area(output_lines, nptext) { nptext.empty(); for (var i in output_lines) { // Just in case we have a long line with no spaces, insert some zero-width spaces // after -, _, or & to permit text wrapping var spaceCount = (output_lines[i].text.split(" ").length - 1); if (spaceCount <= 0) { output_lines[i].text = output_lines[i].text.replace(/(_|&|-)/g, '$&\u200B'); } nptext.append($('

', {class: 'line'+i}).html(output_lines[i].text)); } } function doNotification(message, icontype) { notifycounter++; var div = $('

', { class: 'containerbox menuitem notification new', id: 'notify_'+notifycounter }).appendTo('#notifications'); var icon = $('
', {class: 'fixed'}).appendTo(div); icon.append($('', { class: icontype+' svg-square' })); div.append($('
', { class: 'expand indent' }).html(message)); if ($('#notifications').is(':hidden')) { $('#notifications').slideToggle('slow'); } div.removeClass('new'); return div; } return { rejigTheText: function() { debug.log('INFOBAR', 'Rejig was called'); clearTimeout(ftimer); ftimer = setTimeout(infobar.biggerize, 500); }, biggerize: function() { clearTimeout(ftimer); if (Object.keys(npinfo).length == 0 || $("#nptext").is(':hidden') || $("#infobar").is(':hidden')) { debug.log("INFOBAR","Not biggerizing because", Object.keys(npinfo).length, $("#nptext").is(':hidden'), $("#infobar").is(':hidden')); $("#nptext").html(""); return; } debug.debug("INFOBAR","Biggerizing",npinfo); var nptext = $('#nptext'); var parent = nptext.parent(); var maxheight = parent.height(); // Start with a font size that will fill the height if no text wraps var fontsize = Math.floor((maxheight/1.75)/1.25); var two_lines = getLines(2); nptext.empty().css('font-size', fontsize+'px').css('padding-top', '0px').removeClass('ready').removeClass('calculating').addClass('calculating'); if (two_lines[0] != ' ') { put_text_in_area(two_lines, nptext); // We can't simply calculate the font size based on the difference in height, // because we've got text wrapping onto multiple lines and we don't know how that will // change when we adjust the font size. while (fontsize > 4 && (nptext.outerHeight(true) > maxheight)) { fontsize -= 1; nptext.css('font-size', fontsize+'px'); } if (npinfo.Title && npinfo.Album && npinfo.Artist) { /* Does it still fit if we use 3 lines - this is because Title by Artist on Album Has A Name Looks better than Title by Artist on Album Has A Name */ var three_lines = getLines(3); put_text_in_area(three_lines, nptext); if (nptext.outerHeight(true) > maxheight) { put_text_in_area(two_lines, nptext); } } var top = Math.max(0, Math.floor((maxheight - nptext.height())/2)); nptext.css("padding-top", top+"px").removeClass('calculating').addClass('ready'); } }, albumImage: function() { var aImg = new Image(); var current_image; const noimage = "newimages/compact-disc.png"; const notafile = "newimages/thisdosntexist.png"; aImg.onload = function() { debug.mark("ALBUMPICTURE","Image Loaded",$(this).attr("src")); $('#albumpicture').attr("src", $(this).attr("src")); } aImg.onerror = function() { debug.warn("ALBUMPICTURE","Image Failed To Load",$(this).attr("src")); $('img[name="'+$(this).attr('name')+'"]').addClass("notfound"); $('#albumpicture').fadeOut('fast',layoutProcessor.adjustLayout); } return { setSource: function(data) { debug.trace("ALBUMPICTURE","New source",data,"current is",aImg.src); if (data.ImgKey && data.ImgKey != { return false; } if (data.images === null) { // null means playlist.emptytrack. Set the source to a file that doesn't exist // and let the onerror handler do the stuff. Then if we start playing the same // album again the image src will change and the image will be re-displayed. infobar.albumImage.setKey('notrack'); aImg.src = notafile; } else if (data.images.asdownloaded == "") { // No album image was supplied aImg.src = noimage; } else { debug.trace("ALBUMPICTURE","Source is being set to ",data.images.asdownloaded); aImg.src = data.images.asdownloaded; } }, setSecondarySource: function(data) { if (data.key === undefined || data.key == aImg.getAttribute('name')) { debug.log("ALBUMPICTURE","Secondary Source is being set to ",data.image,aImg); if (data.image != "" && data.image !== null && (aImg.src.match(noimage) !== null || aImg.src.match(notafile) !== null)) { debug.log("ALBUMPICTURE"," OK, the criteria have been met"); aImg.src = data.image; } } }, setKey: function(key) { if ( != key) { debug.trace("ALBUMPICTURE","Setting Image Key to ",key); $(aImg).attr('name', key); } }, displayOriginalImage: function(event) { imagePopup.create($(, event, aImg.src); }, dragEnter: function(ev) { evt = ev.originalEvent; evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); $("highlighted"); return false; }, dragOver: function(ev) { evt = ev.originalEvent; evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); return false; }, dragLeave: function(ev) { evt = ev.originalEvent; evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); $("highlighted"); return false; }, handleDrop: function(ev) { debug.mark("INFOBAR","Something dropped onto album image"); $("highlighted"); $('#albumpicture').attr("name",'src'); current_image = aImg.src; aImg.src = noimage; dropProcessor(ev.originalEvent, $('#albumpicture'), coverscraper, infobar.albumImage.uploaded, infobar.albumImage.uploadfail); }, uploaded: function(data) { if (data.asdownlaoded) { infobar.albumimage.uploadfail(); return; } debug.log("INFOBAR","Album Image Updated Successfully",; $('#albumpicture').removeClass('spinner').addClass('nospin').removeAttr('name'); update_ui_images(, data); }, uploadfail: function() { $('#albumpicture').removeClass('spinner').addClass('nospin').removeAttr('name'); aImg.src = current_image; infobar.error(language.gettext('error_imageupload')); } } }(), playbutton: function() { state = 0; return { clicked: function() { switch (player.status.state) { case "play": player.controller.pause(); break; case "pause": case "stop":; break; } }, setState: function(s) { if (s != state) { debug.debug("INFOBAR","Setting Play Button State"); state = s; switch (state) { case "play": $(".icon-play-circled").removeClass("icon-play-circled").addClass("icon-pause-circled"); break; default: $(".icon-pause-circled").removeClass("icon-pause-circled").addClass("icon-play-circled"); break; } } } } }(), updateWindowValues: function() { $("#volume").volumeControl("displayVolume", player.status.volume); infobar.playbutton.setState(player.status.state); playlist.setButtons(); if (player.status.single == 0 && singling) { $('.icon-to-end-1').stopFlasher(); singling = false; } if (player.status.single == 1 && !singling) { $('.icon-to-end-1').makeFlasher({flashtime: 5}); singling = true; } if (player.status.error && player.status.error != null) { infobar.error(language.gettext("label_playererror")+": "+player.status.error); playlist.repopulate(); } }, markCurrentTrack: function() { if (playlistinfo.file) { $('[name="'+rawurlencode(playlistinfo.file)+'"]').not('.playlistcurrentitem').not('.podcastresume').addClass('playlistcurrentitem'); $('[name="'+playlistinfo.file+'"]').not('.playlistcurrentitem').not('.podcastresume').addClass('playlistcurrentitem'); } }, forceTitleUpdate: function() { setTheText(playlistinfo); }, setNowPlayingInfo: function(info) { //Now playing info debug.trace("INFOBAR","NPinfo",info); if (playlistinfo.file) { $('[name="'+rawurlencode(playlistinfo.file)+'"]').removeClass('playlistcurrentitem'); $('[name="'+playlistinfo.file+'"]').removeClass('playlistcurrentitem'); } playlistinfo = info; infobar.markCurrentTrack(); lfminfo = {}; scrobbled = false; nowplaying_updated = false; $("#progress").rangechooser("setOptions", {range: info.Time}) setTheText(info); lastfm.showloveban((info.Title != "")); if (info.Title != "" && info.trackartist != "") { $("#stars").fadeIn('fast'); $("#dbtags").fadeIn('fast'); $("#ptagadd").fadeIn('fast'); $("#playcount").fadeIn('fast'); lastfm.showloveban(true); } else { $("#stars").fadeOut('fast'); $("#dbtags").fadeOut('fast'); $("#ptagadd").fadeOut('fast'); $("#playcount").fadeOut('fast'); lastfm.showloveban(false); } if (info.file != "") { var f = info.file.match(/^podcast[\:|\+](http.*?)\#/); if (f && f[1]) { $("#nppodiput").val(f[1]); $("#subscribe").fadeIn('fast'); } else { $("#subscribe").fadeOut('fast'); } } if (info.type != 'stream') { $("#addtoplaylist").fadeIn('fast'); } else { $("#addtoplaylist").fadeOut('fast'); } if (info.Id === -1) { $("#stars").fadeOut('fast'); $("#dbtags").fadeOut('fast'); $("#playcount").fadeOut('fast'); $("#subscribe").fadeOut('fast'); $("#addtoplaylist").fadeOut('fast'); $("#ptagadd").fadeOut('fast'); lastfm.showloveban(false); } else { infobar.albumImage.setKey(info.ImgKey); } infobar.albumImage.setSource(info); layoutProcessor.adjustLayout(); }, stopped: function() { scrobbled = false; nowplaying_updated = false; }, setLastFMCorrections: function(info) { lfminfo = info; if (prefs.lastfm_autocorrect && playlistinfo.metadata.iscomposer == 'false' && playlistinfo.type != "stream" && playlistinfo.type != "podcast") { setTheText(info); } infobar.albumImage.setSecondarySource(info); }, setStartTime: function(elapsed) { starttime = ( - parseFloat(elapsed); }, progress: function() { return (player.status.state == "stop") ? 0 : ( - starttime; }, seek: function(e) { if (playlistinfo.type != "stream") {; } }, volumeKey: function(inc) { var volume = parseInt(player.status.volume); debug.trace("INFOBAR","Volume key with volume on",volume); volume = volume + inc; if (volume > 100) { volume = 100 }; if (volume < 0) { volume = 0 }; if (player.controller.volume(volume)) { $("#volume").volumeControl("displayVolume", volume);{volume: parseInt(volume.toString())}); } }, notify: function(message) { debug.trace("INFOBAR","Creating notification",message); var div = doNotification(message, 'icon-info-circled'); setTimeout($.proxy(infobar.removenotify, div, notifycounter), 5000); return notifycounter; }, longnotify: function(message) { var div = doNotification(message, 'icon-info-circled'); setTimeout($.proxy(infobar.removenotify, div, notifycounter), 10000); return notifycounter; }, error: function(message) { var div = doNotification(message, 'icon-attention-1'); setTimeout($.proxy(infobar.removenotify, div, notifycounter), 5000); return notifycounter; }, permerror: function(message) { doNotification(message, 'icon-attention-1'); return notifycounter; }, permnotify: function(message) { doNotification(message, 'icon-info-circled'); return notifycounter; }, smartradio: function(message) { var div = doNotification(message, 'icon-wifi'); setTimeout($.proxy(infobar.removenotify, div, notifycounter), 5000); return notifycounter; }, removenotify: function(data) { if ($('#notifications>div').length == 1) { debug.log("INFOBAR","Removing single notification"); if ($('#notifications').is(':visible')) { $('#notifications').slideToggle('slow', function() { $('#notifications').empty(); }); } else { $('#notifications').empty(); } } else { debug.log("INFOBAR","Removing notification", data); $('#notify_'+data).fadeOut('slow', function() { $('#notify_'+data).remove(); }); } }, createProgressBar: function() { $("#progress").rangechooser({ ends: ['max'], onstop:, startmax: 0, animate: true }); }, setProgress: function(progress, duration) { if (progress < 3) { scrobbled = false; nowplaying_updated = false; markedaslistened = false; } if (progress > 4) { updateNowPlaying() }; var percent = (duration == 0) ? 0 : (progress/duration) * 100; if (percent >= prefs.scrobblepercent) { scrobble(); } if (!markedaslistened && percent >= 95 && playlist.getCurrent('type') == 'podcast') { podcasts.checkMarkPodcastAsListened(playlist.getCurrent('file')); markedaslistened = true; } $("#progress").rangechooser("setRange", {min: 0, max: progress}); var remain = duration - progress; layoutProcessor.setProgressTime({ progress: progress, duration: duration, remain: remain, progressString: formatTimeString(progress), durationString: formatTimeString(duration), remainString: '-'+formatTimeString(remain) }); nowplaying.progressUpdate(percent); }, addToPlaylist: function(element) { player.controller.addTracksToPlaylist( element.attr('name'), [{uri: playlistinfo.file}], null, 0, function() { player.controller.reloadPlaylists(); player.controller.checkProgress(); if (typeof(playlistManager) != 'undefined') { playlistManager.checkToUpdateTheThing(element.attr('name')); } } ) } } }();