# Mazash ![Swagger UI API documentation](swagger_ui.png) Minimal application IPFS & Dejavu The following features are included in the application: * Recognize song by CID ipfs and extension * Fingerpint CID IPFS, extension, song name * API documentation using the OpenAPI 3 specification and Swagger UI ## Setup To set up the application, you need Python 3. After cloning the repository change to the project directory and install the dependencies via: ``` python3 -m pip install requirements.txt ``` ## Development To start the app in development mode, execute ``` ./run_app_dev.sh ``` The application will then be available at `localhost:5000`. You can test the functionality manually using `curl`, e.g. via ``` curl localhost:5000/api/v1/path_for_blueprint_x/test ``` or through the automated tests, by running ``` pytest ``` The commands should output ``` { "msg": "I'm the test endpoint from blueprint_x." } ``` and ``` test/test_endpoints.py .... ============= 4 passed in 0.14s ============== ``` respectively. To view the API documentation through the Swagger user interface, navivate your browser to `localhost:5000/api/docs`. ## Production To run the app in production, execute ``` ./run_app_prod.sh ``` Now the application is served on `localhost:8600`. To run the automated tests for the production host, use ``` pytest --host http://localhost:8600 ``` ## mp3 for test https://github.com/worldveil/dejavu/blob/master/mp3/Brad-Sucks--Total-Breakdown.mp3 -> QmU3XRYZiebdDMcUwKrvecxyDgtgVY6zaNYrzQBeCkFb2r curl -X POST "http://localhost:8600/api/v1/mazash/recognize" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"cid\":\"QmU3XRYZiebdDMcUwKrvecxyDgtgVY6zaNYrzQBeCkFb2r\",\"extension\":\".mp3\",\"song\":\"Brad-Sucks--Total-Breakdown\"}" curl -X POST "http://localhost:8600/api/v1/mazash/recognize" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"cid\":\"QmU3XRYZiebdDMcUwKrvecxyDgtgVY6zaNYrzQBeCkFb2r\",\"extension\":\".mp3\"}"