# shtpl > bash templating ## Install Clone or download this repository: `git clone $p2git/dig/bash-utils.git` Put the `shtpl` script somewhere meant for executable scripts like `/usr/local/bin/shtpl`. Make it executable: `chmod +x shtpl`. or let the installer do it for you :) `bash-utils/shtpl/install` ## Usage Create a template file to be executed with shtpl: ``` nano someTpl.shtpl ``` ``` #!/usr/bin/env shtpl Hello $WHO ! ``` Make the template executable: ``` chmod +x someTpl.shtpl ``` ... and execute it with some environment variables: ``` WHO=Doctor ./someTpl.shtpl ``` ``` > Hello Doctor ! ``` In case of many variable you can write 1 var on each line, but for bash to understand you have to escape the newlines and keep 1 space before: ``` VAR1=foo \ VAR2=bar \ VAR3=baz \ VAR4=aze \ ./someTpl.shtpl ``` To save the result simply redirect to sdtout to a file: ``` WHO=Doctor ./someTpl.shtpl > doctorGreetings.txt ``` ## Templating syntax shtpl uses a hack to turn you file into a call of `echo ""`, so it is simple, all what your system is able to understand as substitution is valid ! ``` #!/usr/bin/env shtpl Simple variable: $ENV_VAR , and with brackets: ${TOTO}cm² Sub commands: $(echo ok) Prompt user input in place: $(read -r -p Type\ some\ text\ : v;echo $v) Loops: $( for ((i=0 ; $MAX_LOOP - $i ; i++)) do echo "[$i]" done ) Call sub templates: $(VAR_TO_PASS=$SOME_VAR ./myOtherTemplate.shtpl) ``` ``` ENV_VAR=foo \ TOTO=42 \ MAX_LOOP=10 \ SOME_VAR=aze \ ./someTpl.shtpl ``` Returns: ``` Simple variable: foo , and with brackets: 42cm² Sub commands: ok Prompt user input in place: your input Loops: [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Call sub templates: what the template returns with "aze" ``` ## Additional helper functions SHTPL declares somme utility functions to use in templates as a sub-commands, generally it is a 1 argument function that can be piped: ### lowerCase To transform a string in lowercase: ``` Original value: $value Lowercase value: $(lowerCase $value) Lowercase piped: $(echo $value | lowerCase) ``` ### slug To transform a string in a safe name, special characters are turned into "_": ``` Original value: $value Slug value: $(slug $value) Slug piped: $(echo $value | slug) ``` ### user-input Asks the user to enter text input at template execution and put it in place, multiline text is supported because you'd have to type (ctrl-D) to validate input: ``` You entered: $(user-input Enter a value) and the 2nd time this: $(user-input 'Question with simple quote') the last one is turned to lowercase: $(user-input To be turned in lowercase | lowerCase) ```