# shtpl > sh templating ## Install Put the `shtpl` script somewhere meant for executable scripts like `~/bin/shtpl`. Make it executable: `chmod +x shtpl`. ## Usage Create a template file to be executed with shtpl: ``` nano someTpl.shtpl ``` ``` #!/path/to/shtpl Hello $WHO ! ``` ``` chmod +x someTpl.shtpl WHO=Doctor someTpl.shtpl ``` ``` > Hello Doctor ! ``` ## Templating syntax shtpl uses a hack to turn you file into a call of `echo ""`, so it is simple, all what your system is able to understand as substitution is valid ! ``` #!/path/to/shtpl Simple variable: $ENV_VAR , and with brackets: ${TOTO}cm² Sub commands: $(echo ok) Prompt user input in place: $(read -r -p Type\ some\ text\ : v;echo $v) Loops: $( for ((i=0 ; $MAX_LOOP - $i ; i++)) do echo $i done ) Call sub templates: $(VAR_TO_PASS=$SOME_VAR ./myOtherTemplate.shtpl) ```