This commit is contained in:
devingfx 2018-07-01 19:26:53 +02:00
parent 8e012b4cfd
commit 7898ce6385
2 changed files with 314 additions and 31 deletions

5 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Kriptopter
mini web app to use WebCrypto
[bookmarklet]("'','','titlebar=no,location=no'); fetch('').then(res=>res.text()).then(app=>win.document.write(app) )")

View File

@ -1,44 +1,322 @@
<style> <style>
body{ body{
display: grid; display: grid;
grid-template: "pass pass" 1.5em grid-template: "menu menu menu" 2em
"main main" auto "main main main" auto
"left right" 2em "left middle right" 2em
/ auto; / 6em auto 6em;
height: 100%; height: 100%;
grid-gap: 1em; grid-gap: 1em;
margin: 0; margin: 0;
background: lightgrey; background: lightgrey;
box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 1em; padding: 1em;
} }
input { grid-area: pass }
textarea { grid-area: main } menu { grid-area: menu }
button:first { grid-area: left } input[type=file] { display: none; }
button:last { grid-area: right }
ui-data {
grid-area: main;
margin-top: -1.05em;
height: calc(100% + 1.05em);
button[encrypt] { grid-area: left }
pass { grid-area: middle }
button[decrypt] { grid-area: right }
button[decrypt] {
font-weight: bolder;
text-transform: uppercase;
menu {
display: flex;
height: 2em;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
menu > button {
font-size: 1em;
height: 2em;
width: 2em;
margin-left: -1px;
input[filename] { flex: 1; padding: 0 .5em; }
pass {
position: relative;
height: 2em;
border: 1px solid darkgrey;
overflow: hidden;
pass input { filter: blur(5px); width: 100%; border: none;
height: 100%;
padding: 0 .5em; }
pass i { position: absolute; top: .5em; right: .5em;}
pass input.clear { filter: blur(0) }
ui-toast {
position: fixed;
text-align: center;
background: lightblue;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 20em;
margin: -1em -10em;
height: 2em;
</style> </style>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter a password"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-TbilV5Lbhlwdyc4RuIV/JhD8NR+BfMrvz4BL5QFa2we1hQu6wvREr3v6XSRfCTRp" crossorigin="anonymous">
<textarea></textarea> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-avJt9MoJH2rB4PKRsJRHZv7yiFZn8LrnXuzvmZoD3fh1aL6aM6s0BBcnCvBe6XSD" crossorigin="anonymous">
<button onclick="encrypt()">encrypt</button><button onclick="decrypt()">decrypt</button> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ozJwkrqb90Oa3ZNb+yKFW2lToAWYdTiF1vt8JiH5ptTGHTGcN7qdoR1F95e0kYyG" crossorigin="anonymous">
const $ = s=> document.querySelector(s)
, algo = { name: "AES-GCM", iv: Uint8Array.from([120,1,248,135,62,71,87,156,92,67,155,37]) } <menu>
, $pass = $('input') <button disabled select title="Select text on the page"
, $text = $('textarea') onclick="">
<i class="fas fa-align-center"></i>
<button disabled point title="Point the element in the page"
<i class="fas fa-mouse-pointer"></i>
<button page title="Load the whole page content"
onclick="$text.value = opener.document.body.textContent">
<i class="far fa-file"></i>
<button open title="Load a file from disk"
<i class="far fa-folder-open"></i>
<input type="file" onchange="read(this.files[0]).then( s=> $text.value = s ); $filename.value = this.files[0].name"/>
<input filename type="text"/>
<button save title="Save to disk"
<i class="far fa-save"></i>
<button encrypt onclick="encrypt2($text.value).then(res=>$text.value=res,bubbleOn(this))">encrypt</button>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter a password"/>
<i class="far fa-eye-slash" onmouseover="$pass.classList.add('clear');this.classList.remove('fa-eye-slash');this.classList.add('fa-eye')"
<button decrypt onclick="decrypt($text.value).catch(bubbleOn(this))">decrypt</button>
<template ui-data>
textarea {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
resize: none;
padding-bottom: 2em;
button {
position: relative;
top: -1.6em;
margin-right: -1px;
:host-context([bin]) [bin] { color: rebeccapurple }
:host-context([uint]) [uint] { color: rebeccapurple }
:host-context([utf8]) [utf8] { color: rebeccapurple }
:host-context([base64]) [base64] { color: rebeccapurple }
:host-context([frame]) [frame] { color: rebeccapurple }
<script ui>
const _s = (ss, ...pp)=>,i)=> s + (pp[i]||'')).join('')
, _a = iterable=> iterable.length > 1 ? iterable : iterable[0]
, Q = (ss, ...pp)=> Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( _s(ss, ...pp)) )
, T = document.createElement('template')
, DOM = (ss, ...pp)=> ( T.innerHTML = _s(ss, ...pp), document.adoptNode(T.content).childNodes )
, $ = (ss, ...pp)=> _a( ~_s(ss, ...pp).indexOf('<') ? DOM(ss, ...pp) : Q(ss, ...pp) )
, notify = (html,duration)=> $`body`.add( $`<ui-toast ${duration?`duration="${duration}"`:''}>${html}</ui-toast>` )
, bubbleOn = el=> e=> el.dispatchEvent( new ErrorEvent('Error',{bubbles:true, error:e}) )
, parseAlgo = str=> ({ name: str.split(' ')[0], iv: Uint8Array.from(str.split(' ').slice(1)) })
, pulse = color=> ( = color) && setTimeout(o=> = 'lightgrey', 1000)
Node.prototype.add = function( ...els )
this.append( ...els )
return _a( els )
Node.prototype.$ = function(ss, ...pp)
return _a(
~_s(ss, ...pp).indexOf('<')
? this.add(...DOM(ss, ...pp))
: Array.from( this.querySelectorAll( _s(ss, ...pp)) )
class UI extends HTMLElement {
static get is(){ return 'ui' +[A-Z]/g, L=> '-'+L.toLocaleLowerCase()) }
let tpl = $`template[${}]`
tpl && this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})
.appendChild( tpl.content.cloneNode(true) )
class Toast extends UI {
static get duration(){ return this._duration || 5000000 }
static set duration( v ){ this._duration = v }
setTimeout( toast=> toast.remove(), this.getAttribute('duration') || Toast.duration, this )
class Data extends UI {
static get observedAttributes(){ return ['bin','uint','utf8','base64','frame'] }
// = new MutationObserver(
// changes=> console.log(changes.filter(m=>~['bin','255','utf8','base64','object'].indexOf(m.attributeName)) )
// )
// .observe( this, { attributes: true } )
this.shadowRoot.append( type=> $`<button ${type}>${type}</button>` ) )
this.shadowRoot.$`button`.map( button=> button.onclick = e=> {
[...this.attributes].map( o=> o.ownerElement.removeAttributeNode(o) )
this.setAttribute(, '' )
get value(){ return this.shadowRoot.$`textarea`.value }
set value( v ){ return this.shadowRoot.$`textarea`.value = v }
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue)
console.log( arguments )
;[ Toast, Data ]
.map( klass=> customElements.define(, klass) )
document.body.addEventListener('Error', e=> pulse('red') && (notify(e.error.message).style.color = 'red') )
<script app>
const algo = { name: "AES-GCM", iv: Uint8Array.from([120,1,248,135,62,71,87,156,92,67,155,37]) }
, algos = [ "AES-GCM 120 1 248 135 62 71 87 156 92 67 155 37" ]
//, algo = parseAlgo(algos[0])
, $pass = $`pass input`
, $text = $`ui-data`
, $filename = $`[filename]`
let key
$pass.onchange = async e=>
key = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
, await crypto.subtle.digest( 'SHA-256', new TextEncoder().encode($pass.value) )
, algo, false, ['encrypt','decrypt']
const encrypt = ()=> { const encrypt = ()=> {
crypto.subtle.digest( 'SHA-256', new TextEncoder().encode($pass.value) ) return crypto.subtle.digest( 'SHA-256', new TextEncoder().encode($pass.value) )
.then( pwHash=> crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', pwHash, algo, false, ['encrypt']) ) .then( pwHash=> crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', pwHash, algo, false, ['encrypt']) )
.then( key=> crypto.subtle.encrypt(algo, key, new TextEncoder().encode($text.value)) ) .then( key=> crypto.subtle.encrypt(algo, key, new TextEncoder().encode($text.value)) )
.then( ctBuffer=> $text.value = new Uint8Array(ctBuffer).toString().replace(/,/g,'O') ) //.then( ctBuffer=> $text.value = new Uint8Array(ctBuffer).toString().replace(/,/g,'O') )
.catch( e=> ( = 'red') && setTimeout(o=> = 'lightgrey', 1000) ) .then( ctBuffer=> $text.value = uint2String( new Uint8Array(ctBuffer) ) )
//.then( ctBuffer=> $text.value = new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(ctBuffer)) )
//.catch( e=> pulse('red') )
} }
const encrypt2 = str=>
crypto.subtle.encrypt( algo, key, new TextEncoder().encode(str) )
//.then( ctBuffer=> $text.value = new Uint8Array(ctBuffer).toString().replace(/,/g,'O') )
.then( ctBuffer=> uint2String(new Uint8Array(ctBuffer)) )
//.then( ctBuffer=> $text.value = new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(ctBuffer)) )
//.catch( e=> pulse('red') )
const decrypt = ()=> { const decrypt = ()=> {
crypto.subtle.digest( 'SHA-256', new TextEncoder().encode($pass.value) ) return crypto.subtle.digest( 'SHA-256', new TextEncoder().encode($pass.value) )
.then( pwHash=> crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', pwHash, algo, false, ['decrypt']) ) .then( pwHash=> crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', pwHash, algo, false, ['decrypt']) )
.then( key=> crypto.subtle.decrypt(algo, key, Uint8Array.from($text.value.split('O').map(Number)).buffer ) ) //.then( key=> crypto.subtle.decrypt(algo, key, Uint8Array.from($text.value.split('O').map(Number)).buffer ) )
.then( key=> crypto.subtle.decrypt(algo, key, string2Uint($text.value).buffer ) )
//.then( key=> crypto.subtle.decrypt(algo, key, new TextEncoder().encode($text.value).buffer ) )
.then( ptBuffer=> $text.value = new TextDecoder().decode(ptBuffer) ) .then( ptBuffer=> $text.value = new TextDecoder().decode(ptBuffer) )
.catch( e=> ( = 'red') && setTimeout(o=> = 'lightgrey', 1000) )
//.catch( e=> pulse('red') )
} }
var lastSaved
const save = ( content, filename )=> {
let link = document.createElement('a')
link.setAttribute( 'download', filename )
// If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to
// manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks.
lastSaved && URL.revokeObjectURL( lastSaved )
link.href = lastSaved = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob([content], {type: 'text/plain'}) )
//link.href = makeTextFile( content )
document.body.appendChild( link )
// wait for the link to be added to the document
window.requestAnimationFrame( e=> {
link.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent('click') )
document.body.removeChild( link )
const read = file=> new Promise( (ok,ko)=> {
let r = new FileReader()
r.onload = e=> ok( r.result )
r.onerror = e=> ko()
r.readAsText( file )
var textFile
const makeTextFile = text=> {
textFile && URL.revokeObjectURL(textFile)
textFile = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob([text], {type: 'text/plain'}) )
// returns a URL you can use as a href
return textFile
const save2 = (file, content, type)=> "data:application/octet-stream," + encodeURIComponent(content), file )
const uint2String = uintArray=> String.fromCharCode.apply( null, uintArray )
const string2Uint = string=> new Uint8Array(
.map( l=>l.charCodeAt(0) )
/*const uintToString = (uintArray)=> {
var encodedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uintArray),
decodedString = decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString));
return decodedString;
function stringToUint(string) {
var string = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(string))),
charList = string.split(''),
uintArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < charList.length; i++) {
return new Uint8Array(uintArray);
</script> </script>