
93 lines
2.3 KiB

import { SVG } from './DOM.js'
import { makeDraggable } from './Draggable.js'
import { Group } from './Group.js'
const Box = ( title, inputs, outputs )=> {
let $dom = makeDraggable( Group('Box') ), $fo, $box
$fo = SVG`<foreignObject width="180" height="100">
<box xmlns="">
${ str=> `<socket output>${str}</socket>`).join('')}
${ str=> `<socket input>${str}</socket>`).join('')}
$box = $fo.$`box`
$dom.resize = ({ width, height })=> {
width && $fo.setAttribute('width', width )
height && $fo.setAttribute('height', height )
let heightInvalidated = false
$dom.invalidateHeight = ()=> {
heightInvalidated = true
requestAnimationFrame( ()=> $dom.resize({height: $box.offsetHeight }) )
let widthInvalidated = false
$dom.invalidateWidth = ()=> {
widthInvalidated = true
requestAnimationFrame( ()=> $dom.resize({width: $box.offsetWidth }) )
setTimeout( $dom.invalidateHeight, 1000 )
// Draw anchors
$box.$$`socket`.map( sock=> sock.anchor = SVG`<circle class="anchor"/>`[0] )
.map( a=> $dom.append(a) )
$dom.updateAnchors = ()=>
.map( sock=>
x: sock.hasAttribute('output')
? $box.offsetWidth
: 0
, y: sock.offsetTop + ( sock.offsetHeight / 2 ) + 1
$dom.on`contextmenu`( e=> = Object.assign( || {}, {
'Box': {
'Debug': e=> console.log($dom)
, 'Convert to >': {
ZigZag: e=> $'background','orange')
, Flat: e=> $'--wave-color','var(--fl-color)')
, Impulsive: e=> $'--wave-color','var(--im-color)')
// 'Convert to ZZ':e=> $'--wave-color','var(--zz-color)')
// , ...( $dom.fibos ? {['Toggle fibos']: $dom.toggleFibos} : {} )
// , ...( w.isEmpty ? {['Subdivise']: $dom.subdivise} : {} )
}) , {capture:true} )
return $dom
// class Box extends HTMLElement {
// static styles = CSS`
// `
// constructor()
// {
// super()
// this.$svg =
// this.addListeners()
// }
// addListeners()
// {
// }
// }
// customElements.define( 'vp-box', Box )
export { Box }