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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vStream
# Modified version From
# Unpacker for Dean Edward's p.a.c.k.e.r, a part of javascript beautifier
# by Einar Lielmanis <>
# written by Stefano Sanfilippo <>
# usage:
# if detect(some_string):
# unpacked = unpack(some_string)
"""Unpacker for Dean Edward's p.a.c.k.e.r"""
import re
from resources.lib.util import Unquote
class cPacker():
def detect(self, source):
"""Detects whether `source` is P.A.C.K.E.R. coded."""
return source.replace(' ', '').startswith('eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,')
def unpack(self, source):
"""Unpacks P.A.C.K.E.R. packed js code."""
payload, symtab, radix, count = self._filterargs(source)
# correction pour eviter bypass
if (len(symtab) > count) and (count > 0):
del symtab[count:]
if (len(symtab) < count) and (count > 0):
if count != len(symtab):
raise UnpackingError('Malformed p.a.c.k.e.r. symtab.')
unbase = Unbaser(radix)
except TypeError:
raise UnpackingError('Unknown p.a.c.k.e.r. encoding.')
def lookup(match):
"""Look up symbols in the synthetic symtab."""
word =
return symtab[unbase(word)] or word
source = re.sub(r'\b\w+\b', lookup, payload)
return self._replacestrings(source)
def _cleanstr(self, str):
str = str.strip()
if str.find("function") == 0:
pattern = (r"=\"([^\"]+).*}\s*\((\d+)\)")
args =, str, re.DOTALL)
if args:
a = args.groups()
def openload_re(match):
c =
b = ord(c) + int(a[1])
return chr(b if (90 if c <= "Z" else 122) >= b else b - 26)
str = re.sub(r"[a-zA-Z]", openload_re, a[0])
str = Unquote(str)
elif str.find("decodeURIComponent") == 0:
str = re.sub(r"(^decodeURIComponent\s*\(\s*('|\"))|(('|\")\s*\)$)", "", str)
str = Unquote(str)
elif str.find("\"") == 0:
str = re.sub(r"(^\")|(\"$)|(\".*?\")", "", str)
elif str.find("'") == 0:
str = re.sub(r"(^')|('$)|('.*?')", "", str)
return str
def _filterargs(self, source):
"""Juice from a source file the four args needed by decoder."""
source = source.replace(',[],',',0,')
juicer = (r"}\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*\((.*?)\).split\((.*?)\)")
args =, source, re.DOTALL)
if args:
a = args.groups()
return self._cleanstr(a[0]), self._cleanstr(a[3]).split(self._cleanstr(a[4])), int(a[1]), int(a[2])
except ValueError:
raise UnpackingError('Corrupted p.a.c.k.e.r. data.')
juicer = (r"}\('(.*)', *(\d+), *(\d+), *'(.*)'\.split\('(.*?)'\)")
args =, source, re.DOTALL)
if args:
a = args.groups()
return a[0], a[3].split(a[4]), int(a[1]), int(a[2])
except ValueError:
raise UnpackingError('Corrupted p.a.c.k.e.r. data.')
# could not find a satisfying regex
raise UnpackingError('Could not make sense of p.a.c.k.e.r data (unexpected code structure)')
def _replacestrings(self, source):
"""Strip string lookup table (list) and replace values in source."""
match ='var *(_\w+)\=\["(.*?)"\];', source, re.DOTALL)
if match:
varname, strings = match.groups()
startpoint = len(
lookup = strings.split('","')
variable = '%s[%%d]' % varname
for index, value in enumerate(lookup):
source = source.replace(variable % index, '"%s"' % value)
return source[startpoint:]
return source
def UnpackingError(Exception):
# Badly packed source or general error.#
class Unbaser(object):
"""Functor for a given base. Will efficiently convert
strings to natural numbers."""
62: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
95: (' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
def __init__(self, base):
self.base = base
# Error not possible, use 36 by defaut
if base == 0:
base = 36
# If base can be handled by int() builtin, let it do it for us
if 2 <= base <= 36:
self.unbase = lambda string: int(string, base)
if base < 62:
self.ALPHABET[base] = self.ALPHABET[62][0:base]
elif 62 < base < 95:
self.ALPHABET[base] = self.ALPHABET[95][0:base]
# Build conversion dictionary cache
self.dictionary = dict((cipher, index) for index, cipher in enumerate(self.ALPHABET[base]))
except KeyError:
raise TypeError('Unsupported base encoding.')
self.unbase = self._dictunbaser
def __call__(self, string):
return self.unbase(string)
def _dictunbaser(self, string):
"""Decodes a value to an integer."""
ret = 0
for index, cipher in enumerate(string[::-1]):
ret += (self.base ** index) * self.dictionary[cipher]
return ret