var albumstolistento = function() { var atl = null; var maxwidth = 640; var holder; var spinner; function getListenLater() { metaHandlers.genericAction('getlistenlater', gotListenLater, notGotListenLater); } function notGotListenLater() { debug.error("LISTENLATER","Failed to get list"); } function gotListenLater(data) { spinner.remove(); if (data.length == 0) { holder.append('


'); } else { holder.spotifyAlbumThing({ classes: 'brick tagholder2 selecotron', itemselector: 'brick', sub: 'album', showbiogs: true, maxwidth: maxwidth, is_plugin: true, imageclass: 'jalopy', showlistenlater: false, showremovebutton: true, removecallback: albumstolistento.removeId, data: data }); setDraggable('#atlfoldup'); } } function makeHolder() { holder = $('
', {id: 'albumstolistento', class: 'holdingcell masonified2 helpfulholder noselection'}).appendTo('#atlfoldup'); } return { open: function() { if (atl == null) { debug.log("LISTENLATER","Opening...."); atl = browser.registerExtraPlugin("atl", language.gettext("label_albumstolistento"), albumstolistento, ''); spinner = $('
').appendTo('#atlfoldup'); spinner.append(''); makeHolder(); getListenLater(); atl.slideToggle('fast'); browser.goToPlugin("atl"); browser.rePoint(); } else { browser.goToPlugin('atl'); } }, close: function() { holder.remove(); atl = null; }, handleClick: function(element, event) { if (element.hasClass('clickspotifywidget')) { holder.spotifyAlbumThing('handleClick', element); } }, update: function() { holder.remove(); makeHolder(); getListenLater(); }, removeId: function(id) { metaHandlers.genericAction([{action: 'removelistenlater', index: id}], function() { debug.log("LISTENLATER", "Listen Later ID",id,"removed"); }, function() { debug.error("LISTENLATER", "Failed To Remove ID",id); }); } } }(); pluginManager.setAction(language.gettext("label_albumstolistento"),;;