var helpfulThings = function() { // It'd be nice to base some recommendations on all time favourite artists. These should come lower down as they're likely to be always the same. var hpl = null; var medebug = "SPANKY"; var trackseeds; var nonspotitracks; var artists; var maxwidth = 640; var doneonce = false; var current_seed = null; var trackfinder = new faveFinder(false); trackfinder.setCheckDb(false); trackfinder.setExact(true); trackfinder.setPriorities(['spotify']); function getRecommendationSeeds() { debug.log(medebug, "Getting Seeds For Recommendations"); metaHandlers.genericAction([{action: 'getrecommendationseeds', days: 30, limit: 20, top: 15}], gotRecommendationSeeds, function() { debug.error(medebug,"Error Getting Seeds"); } ); } function gotRecommendationSeeds(data) { debug.log(medebug, "Got Seeds For Recommendations",data); if (doneonce) { $('#hplfoldup .helpfulholder').spotifyAlbumThing('destroy'); doneonce = false; } trackseeds = new Array(); nonspotitracks = new Array(); artists = new Array(); for (var i in data) { if (data[i].Uri && data[i].Artistname && artists.indexOf(data[i].Artistname) == -1) { var m = data[i].Uri.match(/spotify:track:(.*)$/); if (m && m[1]) { data[i].id = m[1]; trackseeds.push(data[i]); artists.push(data[i].Artistname); } else { debug.log(medebug,"Didn't match Uri",data[i].Uri); nonspotitracks.push(data[i]); } } } if (trackseeds.length == 0 && nonspotitracks.length == 0) { $('#helpful_spinner').remove(); $('#hplfoldup').append(''); } else { helpfulThings.doStageTwo(); } } return { open: function() { if (hpl == null) { hpl = browser.registerExtraPlugin("hpl", language.gettext("button_infoyou"), helpfulThings, ''); $('#hplfoldup').append('
'); var powers; if (player.canPlay('spotify') && player.canPlay('gmusic')) { powers = [', Spotify, and Google Play Music']; } else if (player.canPlay('gmusic')) { powers = [' and Google Play Music']; } else { powers = [' and Spotify']; } if ((player.canPlay('spotify') || player.canPlay('gmusic')) && lastfm.isLoggedIn()) { var html = '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += language.gettext('label_dailymixdesc', cloneObject(powers)); html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += language.gettext('label_luckydipdesc', powers); html += '
'; } else if ((player.canPlay('spotify') || player.canPlay('gmusic')) && !lastfm.isLoggedIn()) { var html = '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += language.gettext('label_goonlogin')+"
"; html += '
'; } else if (!player.canPlay('spotify') && !player.canPlay('gmusic')) { var html = '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += language.gettext('label_nospotify')+"
"; html += '
'; } if (player.canPlay('spotify')) { html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += language.gettext('label_spotimixdesc')+"
"; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += language.gettext('label_spotiswimdesc')+"
"; html += '
'; } $('#helpful_radio').append(html); if (player.canPlay('spotify')) { $('#hplfoldup').append('
'); getRecommendationSeeds(); } hpl.slideToggle('fast'); browser.goToPlugin("hpl"); browser.rePoint(); } else { browser.goToPlugin("hpl"); } }, handleClick: function(element, event) { if (element.hasClass('clickrefreshalbums')) { getRecommendationSeeds(); } else if (element.hasClass('clickspotifywidget')) { var e = element; while (!e.hasClass('helpfulholder')) { e = e.parent(); } e.spotifyAlbumThing('handleClick', element); } }, close: function() { nowplaying.notifyTrackChanges('helpfulthings', null); if (doneonce) { $('#hplfoldup .helpfulholder').each(function() { debug.log(medebug,"Removing And Destroying",$(this).attr("id")); $(this).prev().remove(); $(this).remove(); }); } doneonce = false; hpl = null; }, doStageTwo: function() { if (nonspotitracks.length > 0) { var t = nonspotitracks[0]; debug.log(medebug, "Searching For Spotify ID for",t); trackfinder.findThisOne( { title: t.Title, artist: t.Artistname, duration: 0, albumartist: t.Artistname, date: 0 }, helpfulThings.gotTrackResults ); } helpfulThings.getMoreStuff(); }, gotTrackResults: function(data) { debug.log(medebug,"Got Track Results",data); var t = nonspotitracks.shift(); if (data.uri && data.artist && artists.indexOf(data.artist) == -1) { var m = data.uri.match(/spotify:track:(.*)$/); if (m && m[1]) { debug.log(medebug,"Found Spotify Track Uri",m[1]); = m[1]; trackseeds.push(t); artists.push(data.artist); } } helpfulThings.doStageTwo(); }, getMoreStuff: function() { if (trackseeds.length > 0) { current_seed = trackseeds.shift(); var params = { limit: 8 } if (prefs.lastfm_country_code) { = prefs.lastfm_country_code; } params.seed_tracks =; spotify.recommendations.getRecommendations(params, helpfulThings.gotTrackRecommendations, helpfulThings.spotiError); } else if (nonspotitracks.length == 0) { $('#helpful_spinner').remove(); setDraggable('.helpfulholder'); browser.rePoint(); } }, gotTrackRecommendations: function(data) { debug.log(medebug, "Got Track Recommendations for", current_seed.Artistname,, data); if (data.tracks.length == 0) { helpfulThings.getMoreStuff(); return true; } if (current_seed.playtotal == 0) { $('#helpful_spinner').before(''); } else { $('#helpful_spinner').before(''); } var holder = $('
', {id: 'rec_', class: 'holdingcell masonified2 helpfulholder noselection'}).insertBefore($('#helpful_spinner')); // Need to make sure all the album IDs are unique, since we do get duplicates holder.spotifyAlbumThing({ classes: 'brick tagholder2 selecotron', itemselector: 'brick', sub: 'album', showbiogs: true, layoutcallback: function() { doneonce = true; helpfulThings.getMoreStuff() }, maxwidth: maxwidth, is_plugin: true, imageclass: 'jalopy', data: data.tracks }); }, spotiError: function() { debug.warn("HELPFULTHINGS","Spotify Error"); helpfulthigs.getMoreStuff(); } } }(); pluginManager.setAction(language.gettext("button_infoyou"),;;