playlisturl; if ($playlisturl == '') { logger::log("UPGRADE", " File has no playlist URL! Cannot upgrade this file. Sorry."); continue; } logger::log("UPGRADE", " Playlist URL is ".$playlisturl); $tracks = array(); foreach($x->trackList->track as $track) { if ((string) $track->album != "" && $album == ROMPR_UNKNOWN_STREAM) { $album = (string) $track->album; logger::log("UPGRADE", " Station Name is ".$album); } if ((string) $track->image != "" && $image == 'newimages/broadcast.svg') { $image = (string) $track->image; logger::log("UPGRADE", " Station Image is ".$image); } $tracks[] = array('uri' => (string) $track->location, 'stream' => (string) $track->stream); } if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "INSERT INTO RadioStationtable (IsFave, StationName, PlaylistUrl, Image) VALUES (1, ?, ?, ?)", $album, $playlisturl, $image)) { $rindex = $mysqlc->lastInsertId(); logger::log("UPGRADE", " Created Station With Index ".$rindex); foreach ($tracks as $track) { if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "INSERT INTO RadioTracktable (Stationindex, TrackUri, PrettyStream) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", $rindex, $track['uri'], $track['stream'])) { logger::log("UPGRADE", " Created Track"); } else { logger::log("UPGRADE", " Failed To Create Track"); } } } else { logger::log("UPGRADE", " FAILED to create station!"); } unlink($file); } if (file_exists('prefs/userstreams/radioorder.txt')) { logger::log("UPGRADE", "Setting Fave Station Order"); $fcontents = file('prefs/userstreams/radioorder.txt'); $count = 1; foreach ($fcontents as $f) { $s = trim($f); logger::log("UPGRADE", " ".$count." - ".$s); sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "UPDATE RadioStationtable SET Number = ? WHERE StationName = ?",$count, $s); $count++; } unlink('prefs/userstreams/radioorder.txt'); } logger::log("UPGRADE", "Upgrading Temp Stream XSPFs"); $playlists = glob("prefs/tempstreams/STREAM*.xspf"); foreach($playlists as $file) { logger::log("UPGRADE", " Loading ".$file); $x = simplexml_load_file($file); $playlisturl = null; $album = ROMPR_UNKNOWN_STREAM; $image = 'newimages/broadcast.svg'; $playlisturl = (string) $x->playlisturl; if ($playlisturl == '') { logger::log("UPGRADE", " File has no playlist URL! Cannot upgrade this file. Sorry."); continue; } $index = sql_prepare_query(false, null, 'Stationindex', null, "SELECT Stationindex FROM RadioStationtable WHERE PlaylistUrl = ?", $playlisturl); if ($index) { logger::log("UPGRADE", " Station already exists"); continue; } logger::log("UPGRADE", " Playlist URL is ".$playlisturl); $tracks = array(); foreach($x->trackList->track as $track) { if ((string) $track->album != "" && $album == ROMPR_UNKNOWN_STREAM) { $album = (string) $track->album; logger::log("UPGRADE", " Station Name is ".$album); } if ((string) $track->image != "" && $image == 'newimages/broadcast.svg') { $image = (string) $track->image; logger::log("UPGRADE", " Station Image is ".$image); } $tracks[] = array('uri' => (string) $track->location, 'stream' => (string) $track->stream); } if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "INSERT INTO RadioStationtable (IsFave, StationName, PlaylistUrl, Image) VALUES (0, ?, ?, ?)", $album, $playlisturl, $image)) { $rindex = $mysqlc->lastInsertId(); logger::log("UPGRADE", " Created Station With Index ".$rindex); foreach ($tracks as $track) { if (sql_prepare_query(true, null, null, null, "INSERT INTO RadioTracktable (Stationindex, TrackUri, PrettyStream) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", $rindex, $track['uri'], $track['stream'])) { logger::log("UPGRADE", " Created Track"); } else { logger::log("UPGRADE", " Failed To Create Track"); } } } else { logger::log("UPGRADE", " FAILED to create station!"); } } ?>