/dev/null // where currenthost is the name of one of the Players defined in the Configuration menu // and player_backend MUST be mpd or mopidy, depending on what your player is. // You can also use eg -b "debug_enabled=8;currenthost=MPD;player_backend=mpd" // to get more debug info in the webserver error log. require_once ("includes/vars.php"); require_once ("includes/functions.php"); require_once ("utils/imagefunctions.php"); require_once ("international.php"); require_once ("backends/sql/backend.php"); $error = 0; logger::trace("TIMINGS", "======================================================================"); $initmem = memory_get_usage(); logger::trace("COLLECTION", "Memory Used is ".$initmem); $now2 = time(); switch (true) { case array_key_exists('item', $_REQUEST): logit('item'); // Populate a dropdown in the collection or search results dumpAlbums($_REQUEST['item']); break; case array_key_exists('mpdsearch', $_REQUEST): logit('mpdsearch'); // Handle an mpd-style search request require_once ("player/".$prefs['player_backend']."/player.php"); require_once ("collection/collection.php"); $trackbytrack = true; $doing_search = true; mpd_search(); break; case array_key_exists('browsealbum', $_REQUEST): logit('browsealbum'); // Populate a spotify album in mopidy's search results - as spotify doesn't return all tracks require_once ("player/".$prefs['player_backend']."/player.php"); require_once ("collection/collection.php"); $trackbytrack = true; $doing_search = true; browse_album(); break; case array_key_exists("rawterms", $_REQUEST): logit('rawterms'); // Handle an mpd-style search request requiring tl_track format results // Note that raw_search uses the collection models but not the database // hence $trackbytrack must be false logger::log("MPD SEARCH", "Doing RAW search"); require_once ("player/".$prefs['player_backend']."/player.php"); require_once ("collection/collection.php"); require_once ("collection/dbsearch.php"); $doing_search = true; raw_search(); break; case array_key_exists('terms', $_REQUEST): logit('terms'); // SQL database search request require_once ("player/".$prefs['player_backend']."/player.php"); require_once ("collection/collection.php"); require_once ("collection/dbsearch.php"); $doing_search = true; database_search(); break; case array_key_exists('rebuild', $_REQUEST): logit('rebuild'); // This is a request to rebuild the music collection require_once ("player/".$prefs['player_backend']."/player.php"); require_once ("collection/collection.php"); $trackbytrack = true; update_collection(); break; default: logger::fail("ALBUMS", "Couldn't figure out what to do!"); break; } logger::trace("TIMINGS", "== Collection Update And Send took ".format_time(time() - $now2)); $peakmem = memory_get_peak_usage(); $ourmem = $peakmem - $initmem; logger::trace("TIMINGS", "Peak Memory Used Was ".number_format($peakmem)." bytes - meaning we used ".number_format($ourmem)." bytes."); logger::trace("TIMINGS", "======================================================================"); function logit($key) { logger::log("COLLECTION", "Request is",$key,"=",$_REQUEST[$key]); } function checkDomains($d) { if (array_key_exists('domains', $d)) { return $d['domains']; } logger::debug("SEARCH", "No search domains in use"); return false; } function mpd_search() { global $dbterms, $skin, $PLAYER_TYPE; // If we're searching for tags or ratings it would seem sensible to only search the database // HOWEVER - we could be searching for genre or performer or composer - which will not match in the database // For those cases ONLY, controller.js will call into this instead of database_search, and we set $dbterms // to make the collection check everything it finds against the database $cmd = $_REQUEST['command']; $domains = checkDomains($_REQUEST); foreach ($_REQUEST['mpdsearch'] as $key => $term) { switch ($key) { case 'tag': case 'rating': $dbterms[$key] = $term; break; case 'any': // This makes a search term of 'Madness My Girl' into // search any Madness any My any Girl // which seems to produce better results with Spotify. But probably doesn't with Google Play, which // only uses the first term. Soundcloud concatenates them all back into one term again. What does MPD do? foreach ($term as $t) { $terms = explode(' ',$t); foreach ($terms as $tom) { $cmd .= " ".$key.' "'.format_for_mpd(html_entity_decode(trim($tom))).'"'; } } break; default: foreach ($term as $t) { $cmd .= " ".$key.' "'.format_for_mpd(html_entity_decode(trim($t))).'"'; } break; } } logger::log("MPD SEARCH", "Search command : ".$cmd); if ($_REQUEST['resultstype'] == "tree") { require_once ("player/mpd/filetree.php"); require_once ("skins/".$skin."/ui_elements.php"); $player = new fileCollector(); $player->doFileSearch($cmd, $domains); } else { cleanSearchTables(); prepareCollectionUpdate(); $collection = new musicCollection(); $player = new $PLAYER_TYPE(); $player->populate_collection($cmd, $domains, $collection); $collection->tracks_to_database(); close_transaction(); dumpAlbums($_REQUEST['dump']); remove_findtracks(); } } function browse_album() { global $PLAYER_TYPE, $skin; $a = preg_match('/(a|b)(.*?)(\d+|root)/', $_REQUEST['browsealbum'], $matches); if (!$a) { print '


'; logger::error("DUMPALBUMS", "Browse Album Failed - regexp failed to match", $_REQUEST['browsealbum']); return false; } $why = $matches[1]; $what = $matches[2]; $who = $matches[3]; $albumlink = get_albumlink($who); if (substr($albumlink, 0, 8) == 'podcast+') { require_once ('includes/podcastfunctions.php'); logger::log("ALBUMS", "Browsing For Podcast ".substr($albumlink, 9)); $podid = getNewPodcast(substr($albumlink, 8), 0, false); logger::trace("ALBUMS", "Ouputting Podcast ID ".$podid); outputPodcast($podid, false); } else { if (preg_match('/^.+?:artist:/', $albumlink)) { remove_album_from_database($who); } $player = new $PLAYER_TYPE(); $collection = new musicCollection(); $cmd = 'find file "'.$albumlink.'"'; logger::log("MPD", "Doing Album Browse : ".$cmd); prepareCollectionUpdate(); $player->populate_collection($cmd, false, $collection); $collection->tracks_to_database(true); close_transaction(); remove_findtracks(); if (preg_match('/^.+?:album:/', $albumlink)) { // Just occasionally, the spotify album originally returned by search has an incorrect AlbumArtist // When we browse the album the new tracks therefore get added to a new album, while the original tracks // remain attached to the old one. This is where we use do_tracks_from_database with an array of albumids // which joins them together into a virtual album, with the track ordering correct print do_tracks_from_database($why, $what, find_justadded_albums(), true); } else { $artistarray = find_justadded_artists(); $do_controlheader = true; foreach ($artistarray as $artistid) { do_albums_from_database($why, 'album', $artistid, false, false, true, $do_controlheader); $do_controlheader = false; } } } } function raw_search() { global $PLAYER_TYPE, $doing_search; $domains = checkDomains($_REQUEST); $collection = new musicCollection(); $found = 0; logger::trace("MPD SEARCH", "checkdb is ".$_REQUEST['checkdb']); if ($_REQUEST['checkdb'] !== 'false') { logger::trace("MPD SEARCH", " ... checking database first "); $found = doDbCollection($_REQUEST['rawterms'], $domains, "RAW", $collection); if ($found > 0) { logger::log("MPD SEARCH", " ... found ".$found." matches in database"); } } if ($found == 0) { $cmd = $_REQUEST['command']; foreach ($_REQUEST['rawterms'] as $key => $term) { $cmd .= " ".$key.' "'.format_for_mpd(html_entity_decode($term[0])).'"'; } logger::log("MPD SEARCH", "Search command : ".$cmd); $doing_search = true; $player = new $PLAYER_TYPE(); $player->populate_collection($cmd, $domains, $collection); // For backends that don't support multiple parameters (Google Play) // This'll return nothing for Spotify, so it's OK. It might help SoundCloud too. $cmd = $_REQUEST['command'].' any '; $parms = array(); if (array_key_exists('artist', $_REQUEST['rawterms'])) { $parms[] = format_for_mpd(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['rawterms']['artist'][0])); } if (array_key_exists('title', $_REQUEST['rawterms'])) { $parms[] = format_for_mpd(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['rawterms']['title'][0])); } if (count($parms) > 0) { $cmd .= '"'.implode(' ',$parms).'"'; logger::log("MPD SEARCH", "Search command : ".$cmd); $doing_search = true; $collection->filter_duplicate_tracks(); $player->populate_collection($cmd, $domains, $collection); } } print json_encode($collection->tracks_as_array()); } function database_search() { $tree = null; $domains = checkDomains($_REQUEST); if ($_REQUEST['resultstype'] == "tree") { $tree = new mpdlistthing(null); } else { cleanSearchTables(); open_transaction(); } $fcount = doDbCollection($_REQUEST['terms'], $domains, $_REQUEST['resultstype'], $tree); if ($_REQUEST['resultstype'] == "tree") { printFileSearch($tree, $fcount); } else { close_transaction(); dumpAlbums($_REQUEST['dump']); } } function update_collection() { global $PLAYER_TYPE; // Check that an update is not currently in progress // and create the update lock if not if (collectionUpdateRunning()) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); print get_int_text('error_nocol'); exit(0); } if (file_exists('prefs/monitor')) { unlink('prefs/monitor'); } // Send some dummy data back to the browser, then close the connection // so that the browser doesn't time out and retry $sapi_type = php_sapi_name(); logger::log('COLLECTION','SAPI Name is',$sapi_type); if (preg_match('/fpm/', $sapi_type) || preg_match('/fcgi/', $sapi_type)) { logger::mark('COLLECTION', 'Closing Request The FastCGI Way'); print(''); fastcgi_finish_request(); } else { logger::mark('COLLECTION', 'Closing Request The Apache Way'); ob_end_clean(); ignore_user_abort(true); // just to be safe ob_start(); print(''); $size = ob_get_length(); header("Content-Length: $size"); header("Content-Encoding: none"); header("Connection: close"); ob_end_flush(); ob_flush(); flush(); if (ob_get_contents()) { ob_end_clean(); } } if (session_id()) { session_write_close(); } // Browser is now happy. Now we can do our work in peace. cleanSearchTables(); prepareCollectionUpdate(); $player = new $PLAYER_TYPE(); $player->musicCollectionUpdate(); tidy_database(); remove_findtracks(); // Add a marker to the monitor file to say we've finished $player->collectionUpdateDone(); // Clear the update lock clearUpdateLock(); } ?>