analyze($fname); getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($tags); if (array_key_exists('comments', $tags) && array_key_exists('lyrics', $tags['comments'])) { $output = $tags['comments']['lyrics'][0]; } else if (array_key_exists('comments', $tags) && array_key_exists('unsynchronised_lyric', $tags['comments'])) { $output = $tags['comments']['unsynchronised_lyric'][0]; } else if (array_key_exists('quicktime', $tags) && array_key_exists('moov', $tags['quicktime']) && array_key_exists('subatoms', $tags['quicktime']['moov'])) { read_apple_awfulness($tags['quicktime']['moov']['subatoms']); } } if ($output == null) { $uri = "".urlencode($artist)."&song=".urlencode($song)."&fmt=xml"; logger::mark("LYRICS", "Trying",$uri); $d = new url_downloader(array( 'url' => $uri, 'cache' => 'lyrics', 'return_data' => true )); if ($d->get_data_to_file()) { $l = simplexml_load_string($d->get_data()); if ($l->url) { logger::log("LYRICS", " Now Getting",html_entity_decode($l->url)); $d2 = new url_downloader(array( 'url' => html_entity_decode($l->url), 'cache' => 'lyrics', 'return_data' => true )); if ($d2->get_data_to_file()) { if (preg_match('/\
\.*?\<\/script\>(.*?)\<\!--/', $d2->get_data(), $matches)) { $output = html_entity_decode($matches[1]); } else if (preg_match('/\
/', $d2->get_data(), $matches)) { $output = html_entity_decode($matches[1]); } else { logger::mark("LYRICS", " Could Not Find Lyrics"); } } } else { logger::mark("LYRICS", " Nope, nothing there"); } } } else { logger::mark("LYRICS", " Got lyrics from file"); } if ($output == null) { $output = '



'; } print $output; function read_apple_awfulness($a) { // Whoever came up with this was on something. // All we want to do is read some metadata... // why do you have to store it in such a horrible, horrible, way? global $output; foreach ($a as $atom) { if (array_key_exists('name', $atom)) { if (preg_match('/lyr$/', $atom['name'])) { $output = preg_replace( '/^.*?data/', '', $atom['data']); break; } } if (array_key_exists('subatoms', $atom)) { read_apple_awfulness($atom['subatoms']); } } } ?>