$value) { logger::log("OPML IMPORTER", " ".$key." = ".$value); } $file = $_FILES['opmlfile']['name']; $download_file= ""; $download_file = get_user_file($file, basename($file), $_FILES['opmlfile']['tmp_name']); $x = simplexml_load_file($download_file); $v = (string) $x['version']; logger::log("OPML IMPORTER", "OPML version is ".$v); foreach ($x->body->outline as $o) { $att = $o->attributes(); logger::log("OPML IMPORTER", " Text is ".$att['text'].", type is ".$att['type']); switch ($att['type']) { case 'rss': array_push($output, array( 'Title' => (string) $att['text'], 'feedURL' => (string) $att['xmlUrl'], 'htmlURL' => (string) $att['htmlUrl'], 'subscribed' => podcast_is_subscribed((string) $att['xmlUrl']) )); break; default: logger::log("OPML IMPORTER", "Unknown outline type ".$att['type']); break; } } print json_encode($output); function podcast_is_subscribed($feedURL) { $r = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, null, null, "SELECT Title FROM Podcasttable WHERE Subscribed = 1 AND FeedURL = ?", $feedURL); if (count($r) > 0) { logger::log("OPML Imoprter", " Already Subscribed To Podcast ".$feedURL); return true; } return false; } ?>