import logging import re # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def template(body, domain): BUG_REPORT = 'Cloudflare may have changed their technique, or there may be a bug in the script.' try: js = r'setTimeout\(function\(\){\s+(.*?a\.value = \S+)', body, re.M | re.S ).group(1) except Exception: raise ValueError('Unable to identify Cloudflare IUAM Javascript on website. {}'.format(BUG_REPORT)) jsEnv = '''String.prototype.italics=function(str) {{return "" + this + "";}}; var subVars= {{{subVars}}}; var document = {{ createElement: function () {{ return {{ firstChild: {{ href: "https://{domain}/" }} }} }}, getElementById: function (str) {{ return {{"innerHTML": subVars[str]}}; }} }}; ''' try: k =" k\s*=\s*'(?P\S+)';", body).group('k') r = re.compile(r'
'.format(k)) subVars = '' for m in r.finditer(body): subVars = '{}\n\t\t{}{}: {},\n'.format(subVars, k,'id'),'jsfuck')) subVars = subVars[:-2] except: # noqa logging.error('Error extracting Cloudflare IUAM Javascript. {}'.format(BUG_REPORT)) raise return '{}{}'.format( re.sub( r'\s{2,}', ' ', jsEnv.format( domain=domain, subVars=subVars ), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL ), js ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #