
157 lines
4.8 KiB

require_once ('player/mpd/filetree.php');
function doDbCollection($terms, $domains, $resultstype, &$collection) {
// This can actually be used to search the database for title, album, artist, anything, rating, and tag
// But it isn't because we let Mopidy/MPD search for anything they support because otherwise we
// have to duplicate their entire database, which is daft.
// This function was written before I realised that... :)
// It's still used for searches where we're only looking for tags and/or ratings in conjunction with
// any of the above terms, because mopidy often returns incomplete search results.
$parameters = array();
$qstring = "SELECT t.*, al.*, a1.*, a2.Artistname AS AlbumArtistName ";
if (array_key_exists('rating', $terms)) {
$qstring .= ",rat.Rating ";
$qstring .= "FROM Tracktable AS t ";
if (array_key_exists('tag', $terms)) {
$qstring .= "JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT TTindex FROM TagListtable JOIN Tagtable AS tag USING (Tagindex) WHERE";
$tagterms = array();
foreach ($terms['tag'] as $tag) {
$parameters[] = trim($tag);
$tagterms[] = " tag.Name LIKE ?";
$qstring .= implode(" OR",$tagterms);
$qstring .=") AS j ON j.TTindex = t.TTindex ";
if (array_key_exists('rating', $terms)) {
$qstring .= "JOIN (SELECT * FROM Ratingtable WHERE Rating >= ".
$terms['rating'].") AS rat ON rat.TTindex = t.TTindex ";
$qstring .= "JOIN Artisttable AS a1 ON a1.Artistindex = t.Artistindex ";
$qstring .= "JOIN Albumtable AS al ON al.Albumindex = t.Albumindex ";
$qstring .= "JOIN Artisttable AS a2 ON al.AlbumArtistindex = a2.Artistindex ";
if (array_key_exists('wishlist', $terms)) {
$qstring .= "WHERE t.Uri IS NULL";
} else {
$qstring .= "WHERE t.Uri IS NOT NULL ";
$qstring .= "AND t.Hidden = 0 AND t.isSearchResult < 2 ";
// Map search parameters to database tables
$searchmap = array(
'artist' => 'a1.Artistname',
'album' => 'al.Albumname',
'title' => 't.Title',
'file' => 't.Uri',
'albumartist' => 'a2.Artistname'
foreach ($searchmap as $t => $d) {
if (array_key_exists($t, $terms)) {
$qstring .= 'AND (';
$qstring .= format_for_search($terms[$t],$d, $parameters);
$qstring .= ' OR '.format_for_search2($terms[$t],$d, $parameters);
$qstring .= ') ';
if (array_key_exists('any', $terms)) {
$qstring .= ' AND (';
$bunga = array();
foreach ($terms['any'] as $tim) {
$t = explode(' ',$tim);
foreach ($t as $tom) {
foreach ($searchmap AS $d) {
$bunga[] = format_for_search(array($tom), $d, $parameters);
$bunga[] = format_for_search2(array($tom), $d, $parameters);
$qstring .= implode(' OR ', $bunga);
$qstring .= ')';
if (array_key_exists('date', $terms)) {
$qstring .= "AND ";
$parameters[] = trim($terms['date'][0]);
$qstring .= "al.Year = ? ";
if (is_array($domains)) {
$qstring .= "AND (";
$domainterms = array();
foreach ($domains as $dom) {
$parameters[] = trim($dom)."%";
$domainterms[] = "t.Uri LIKE ?";
$qstring .= implode(" OR ",$domainterms);
$qstring .= ")";
logger::log("DB SEARCH", "Parameters", $parameters);
$result = sql_prepare_query(false, PDO::FETCH_OBJ, null, null, $qstring, $parameters);
$fcount = count($result);
foreach ($result as $obj) {
$filedata = array(
'Artist' => array($obj->Artistname),
'Album' => $obj->Albumname,
'AlbumArtist' => array($obj->AlbumArtistName),
'file' => $obj->Uri,
'Title' => $obj->Title,
'Track' => $obj->TrackNo,
'X-AlbumImage' => $obj->Image,
'Time' => $obj->Duration,
'X-AlbumUri' => $obj->AlbumUri,
'Date' => $obj->Year,
'Last-Modified' => $obj->LastModified
$filedata = array_merge(MPD_FILE_MODEL, $filedata);
logger::log("DB SEARCH", "Found :",$obj->Title,$obj->Uri);
if ($resultstype == "tree") {
} else if ($resultstype == "RAW") {
} else {
generic_sql_query("UPDATE Tracktable SET isSearchResult = 1 WHERE TTindex = ".$obj->TTindex, true);
return $fcount;
function format_for_search($terms, $s, &$parameters) {
// Make things a little more searchable
$a = array();
foreach ($terms as $i => $term) {
$t = trim($term);
$t = preg_replace('/[\(\)\/\[\]\&\*\+\'\"\,\/]/','%',$t);
$a[] = $s.' LIKE ?';
$parameters[] = '% '.$t. '%';
$a[] = $s.' LIKE ?';
$parameters[] = '%'.$t. ' %';
$ret = implode(' OR ',$a);
return $ret;
function format_for_search2($terms, $s, &$parameters) {
// Make things a little more searchable
$a = array();
foreach ($terms as $i => $term) {
$t = trim($term);
$t = preg_replace('/[\(\)\/\[\]\&\*\+\'\"\,\/]/','%',$t);
$a[] = $s.' = ?';
$parameters[] = $t;
$ret = implode(' OR ',$a);
return $ret;