2020-12-17 21:52:17 +01:00

196 lines
6.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (C) 2014-2016 bromix (
Copyright (C) 2016-2018
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
See LICENSES/GPL-2.0-only for more information.
from six import PY3
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
from ..abstract_context_ui import AbstractContextUI
from .xbmc_progress_dialog import XbmcProgressDialog
from .xbmc_progress_dialog_bg import XbmcProgressDialogBG
from ... import constants
from ... import utils
class XbmcContextUI(AbstractContextUI):
def __init__(self, xbmc_addon, context):
self._xbmc_addon = xbmc_addon
self._context = context
self._view_mode = None
def create_progress_dialog(self, heading, text=None, background=False):
if background and self._context.get_system_version().get_version() > (12, 3):
return XbmcProgressDialogBG(heading, text)
return XbmcProgressDialog(heading, text)
def get_skin_id(self):
return xbmc.getSkinDir()
def on_keyboard_input(self, title, default='', hidden=False):
# fallback for Frodo
if self._context.get_system_version().get_version() <= (12, 3):
keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(default, title, hidden)
if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText():
text = utils.to_unicode(keyboard.getText())
return True, text
return False, u''
# Starting with Gotham (13.X > ...)
dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
result = dialog.input(title, utils.to_unicode(default), type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM)
if result:
text = utils.to_unicode(result)
return True, text
return False, u''
def on_numeric_input(self, title, default=''):
dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
result = dialog.input(title, str(default), type=xbmcgui.INPUT_NUMERIC)
if result:
return True, int(result)
return False, None
def on_yes_no_input(self, title, text, nolabel='', yeslabel=''):
dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
return dialog.yesno(title, text, nolabel=nolabel, yeslabel=yeslabel)
def on_ok(self, title, text):
dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
return dialog.ok(title, text)
def on_remove_content(self, content_name):
text = self._context.localize(constants.localize.REMOVE_CONTENT) % utils.to_unicode(content_name)
return self.on_yes_no_input(self._context.localize(constants.localize.CONFIRM_REMOVE), text)
def on_delete_content(self, content_name):
text = self._context.localize(constants.localize.DELETE_CONTENT) % utils.to_unicode(content_name)
return self.on_yes_no_input(self._context.localize(constants.localize.CONFIRM_DELETE), text)
def on_select(self, title, items=None):
if items is None:
items = []
major_version = self._context.get_system_version().get_version()[0]
if isinstance(items[0], tuple) and len(items[0]) == 4 and major_version <= 16:
items = [(item[0], item[2]) for item in items]
use_details = (isinstance(items[0], tuple) and len(items[0]) == 4 and major_version > 16)
_dict = {}
_items = []
i = 0
for item in items:
if isinstance(item, tuple):
if use_details:
new_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=item[0], label2=item[1])
new_item.setArt({'icon': item[3], 'thumb': item[3]})
_dict[i] = item[2]
_dict[i] = item[1]
_dict[i] = i
i += 1
dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
if use_details:
result =, _items, useDetails=use_details)
result =, _items)
return _dict.get(result, -1)
def show_notification(self, message, header='', image_uri='', time_milliseconds=5000, audible=True):
_header = header
if not _header:
_header = self._context.get_name()
_header = utils.to_utf8(_header)
_image = image_uri
if not _image:
_image = self._context.get_icon()
if PY3 and isinstance(message, str):
message = message.encode('utf-8')
_message = utils.to_utf8(message.decode('unicode-escape'))
except (AttributeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
_message = utils.to_utf8(message)
_message = _message.replace(',', ' ')
_message = _message.replace('\n', ' ')
except TypeError:
_message = _message.replace(b',', b' ')
_message = _message.replace(b'\n', b' ')
_message = utils.to_unicode(_message)
_header = utils.to_unicode(_header)
# xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)" % (_header, _message, time_milliseconds, _image))
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(_header, _message, _image, time_milliseconds, audible)
def open_settings(self):
def refresh_container(self):
script_uri = 'special://home/addons/%s/resources/lib/youtube_plugin/' % self._context.get_id()
xbmc.executebuiltin('RunScript(%s)' % script_uri)
def get_info_label(value):
return xbmc.getInfoLabel(value)
def set_home_window_property(property_id, value):
property_id = ''.join(['', property_id])
xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty(property_id, value)
def get_home_window_property(property_id):
property_id = ''.join(['', property_id])
return xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty(property_id) or None
def clear_home_window_property(property_id):
property_id = ''.join(['', property_id])
def bold(value):
return ''.join(['[B]', value, '[/B]'])
def uppercase(value):
return ''.join(['[UPPERCASE]', value, '[/UPPERCASE]'])
def color(color, value):
return ''.join(['[COLOR=', color.lower(), ']', value, '[/COLOR]'])
def set_focus_next_item(self):
cid = xbmcgui.Window(xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()).getFocusId()
current_position = int(self.get_info_label('Container.Position')) + 1
self._context.execute('SetFocus(%s,%s)' % (cid, str(current_position)))
except ValueError: