#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Authors: # [@cel](@f/6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulDxDCwYD7DzFzPNr7u5AU=.ed25519) # [@Fred](@9BbJwPDjcyIqrOUPNn0nJZBduWdIrpMk3Cjz5MP361s=.ed25519) # [@Boris](@l5nYExWYIgDLV6BYHOJPoI97jIUyTdSm8CTLpQ0XeOg=.ed25519) # Version: 1.0 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ########################################################################################### # PREVENT DOUBLE PAYEMENT # ADD G1 Layer 10 LOVE to message writer you like ! ############################################################################################ # Let's get G1 public and private keys g1pub=$(cat ~/.ssb/secret.dunikey | grep "pub" | cut -d ' ' -f 2) g1priv=$(cat ~/.ssb/secret.dunikey | grep "sec" | cut -d ' ' -f 2) # SSB pubkey ssbpub=$(cat ~/.ssb/secret | grep public\" | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | cut -d '.' -f 1 | sed s/\"//g) ############################################################################################ #### CHECK LIKE AND SEND LOVE # Let's get G1 account balance echo "" echo "Welcome G1/SSB Astroport Pioneer!" echo " MMMMMMMMMMMMMNk;'cdxxd:,c0WMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMNx,. .;kWMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNOdlccld0NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMWXko:,'....',:okXWMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMNk:. .cOWMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMW0: .c0MMMMMMMM MMMMMMWk. 'lxkOOkdc' .cOWMMMMMMM MMMMMMO' 'kNMMMMMMMMNxcoOXWMMMMMMMMM MMMMMNl '0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMX; cNMMMMMMMNOkkkkkkkkkkONMMMMM MMMMMNc ;XMMMMMMMNd' .OMMMMM MMMMMWx. cKMMMMMMMWKc. .OMMMMM MMMMMMNo. .lkKXNNXKkc. .OMMMMM MMMMMMMNd. ...... .OMMMMM MMMMMMMMWKl. 'c:. .OMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMWXkc,.. ..,lkXWWO:;OMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMWX0OxddxO0XWMMMMMMWXNMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNx;'',dNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK, '0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNd. .oNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM " sleep 1 echo "" echo "You know your SSB pubkey:" echo $ssbpub sleep 1 echo "" echo "...but did you know it is also a valid G1 wallet?" echo $g1pub sleep 2 echo "" echo "Let's check the current balance of your wallet!" sleep 2 echo "" echo "We are interrogating the G1 blockchain to check if anyone has already sent G1..." sleep 1 echo "" echo "A moment please..." echo "" sleep 1 duniter_server="duniter-g1.p2p.legal:443" echo "Testing server $duniter_server..." echo "" silkaj -p "$duniter_server" balance $g1pub 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ] then duniter_server="g1.duniter.org:443" echo "Testing server $duniter_server..." echo "" silkaj -p "$duniter_server" balance $g1pub 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ] then echo "The server did not respond well. Please try again." exit 1 fi fi echo "Have any money? Then let's send G1love. Press ENTER to continue. " && read ########################################################################################### self=$(sbotc whoami | jq -r .id) || exit 1 ssb_dir=~/.${ssb_appname:-ssb} id_part=$(echo "$self" | sed 's/\//_/g' | tail -c +2 | head -c 9) state_file=$ssb_dir/likes-g1-$id_part.ts if [ -s "$state_file" ] then last_ts=$(cat "$state_file") || exit 1 else last_ts=$(date -u +%s%N | cut -b1-13) last_ts=$((last_ts - 3600000)) # timestamp from 1h ago #else last_ts=null fi process_msg() { msg=$1 target_id=$(printf %s "$msg" | jq -r '.value?.content?.vote?.link') || return 1 target_msg=$(sbotc -e get "$target_id") || return 1 target_author=$(printf %s "$target_msg" | jq -r .author) || return 1 root_id=$(printf %s "$target_msg" | jq -r .content?.root) || return 1 [[ $root_id == "null" ]] && root_id=$target_id g1_author=$(echo $target_author | cut -d '.' -f 1 | cut -d '@' -f2 | base64 -d | base58) } sbotc query.read '{"query":[{"$filter":{"value":{"author":"'"$self"'","content":{"type":"vote", "vote":{"expression":"Like"}},"timestamp":{"$gt":'"$last_ts"'}}}}]}' | while read -r msg do if ! ts=$(printf %s "$msg" | jq -r .value.timestamp) then printf 'Unable to get message timestamp\n' >&2 exit 1 fi if ! echo "$ts" > "$state_file"~ then printf 'Unable to write to backup state file.\n' >&2 exit 1 fi if ! process_msg "$msg" then msg_id=$(printf %s "$msg" | jq -r .key) printf 'Unable to process message %s\n' "$msg_id" >&2 exit 1 fi printf 'Message: %s ( Author: %s )\n' "$target_id" "$target_author" if [[ $g1_author != $g1pub ]]; then sleep 3 #printf '%s\n' "silkaj -af --file ~/.ssb/secret.dunikey tx --output $g1_author --amountUD 0.1 --comment _SSB:LIKE:$target_id" #### SEND 10 LOVE = 0.1 DU to $g1_author wallet silkaj -p "$duniter_server" -af --file ~/.ssb/secret.dunikey tx --output $g1_author --amountUD 0.1 --comment "_SSB:LIKE:$target_id" -y 2>/dev/null #### WRITE RESPONSE MESSAGE sbotc publish '{"type":"post","text":"Thanks for this post ; I have just sent you G1 libre money. Get code from [https://git.p2p.legal/Axiom-Team/ssb-g1like](https://git.p2p.legal/Axiom-Team/ssb-g1like). Access your wallet with [Cesium](https://cesium.app).", "branch": "'"$target_id"'", "root": "'"$root_id"'"}' 2>&1>/dev/null sleep 20 # DO NOT OVER CHARGE DUNITER else echo "I LIKE MY MESSAGE $target_id" fi if ! mv "$state_file"~ "$state_file" then msg_id=$(printf %s "$msg" | jq -r .key) printf 'Unable to write to state file. Update state file manually to prevent %s from being processed twice.\n' "$msg_id" >&2 exit 1 fi done