import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_dotenv/flutter_dotenv.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:gecko/globals.dart'; import 'package:gecko/models/wallet_data.dart'; import 'package:gecko/providers/generate_wallets.dart'; import 'package:gecko/providers/my_wallets.dart'; import 'package:gecko/providers/substrate_sdk.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'dart:io' as io; import 'package:gecko/main.dart' as app; final bool isHumanReading = dotenv.env['isHumanReading'] == 'true' ? true : false; Timeout testTimeout([int seconds = 120]) => Timeout(Duration(seconds: isHumanReading ? 600 : seconds)); final sub = Provider.of(homeContext, listen: false); late WidgetTester tester; // TEST WALLETS CONSTS const testMnemonic = 'pipe paddle ketchup filter life ice feel embody glide quantum ride usage'; final test1 = TestWallet('5FeggKqw2AbnGZF9Y9WPM2QTgzENS3Hit94Ewgmzdg5a3LNa', 'test1'); final test2 = TestWallet('5E4i8vcNjnrDp21Sbnp32WHm2gz8YP3GGFwmdpfg5bHd8Whb', 'test2'); final test3 = TestWallet('5FhTLzXLNBPmtXtDBFECmD7fvKmTtTQDtvBTfVr97tachA1p', 'test3'); final test4 = TestWallet('5DXJ4CusmCg8S1yF6JGVn4fxgk5oFx42WctXqHZ17mykgje5', 'test4'); final test5 = TestWallet('5Dq3giahrBfykJogPetZJ2jjSmhw49Fa7i6qKkseUvRJ2T3R', 'test5'); // final test6 = // TestWallet('5FeggKqw2AbnGZF9Y9WPM2QTgzENS3Hit94Ewgmzdg5a3LNa', 'test6'); // final test7 = // TestWallet('5FeggKqw2AbnGZF9Y9WPM2QTgzENS3Hit94Ewgmzdg5a3LNa', 'test7'); // final test8 = // TestWallet('5FeggKqw2AbnGZF9Y9WPM2QTgzENS3Hit94Ewgmzdg5a3LNa', 'test8'); // CUSTOM FUNCTIONS Future sleep([int time = 1000]) async { await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: time)); } Future humanRead([int time = 1, bool force = false]) async { if (isHumanReading || force) io.sleep(Duration(seconds: time)); } Future goKey(Key buttonKey, {Finder? customFinder, int duration = 100, bool selectLast = false}) async { if (duration != 0) { await tester.pumpAndSettle(Duration(milliseconds: duration)); } final Finder finder = customFinder ?? find.byKey(buttonKey); log.d('INTEGRATION TEST: Tap on ${finder.description}}'); await tester.tap(selectLast ? finder.last : finder); humanRead(); } Future goBack() async { final NavigatorState navigator = tester.state(find.byType(Navigator)); log.d('INTEGRATION TEST: Go back'); navigator.pop(); await tester.pump(); humanRead(); } Future enterText(Key fieldKey, String textIn, [int duration = 200]) async { if (duration != 0) { await tester.pumpAndSettle(Duration(milliseconds: duration)); } log.d('INTEGRATION TEST: Enter text: $textIn'); await tester.enterText(find.byKey(fieldKey), textIn); humanRead(); } Future waitFor(String text, {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 5), bool reverse = false, bool exactMatch = false}) async { final end =; Finder finder = exactMatch ? find.text(text) : find.textContaining(text); log.d('INTEGRATION TEST: Wait for: $text'); do { if ( { throw Exception('Timed out waiting for text $text'); } await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100)); } while (reverse ? finder.evaluate().isNotEmpty : finder.evaluate().isEmpty); humanRead(); } // Test if text is visible on screen, return a boolean Future isPresent(String text, {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 1)}) async { try { await waitFor(text, timeout: timeout); humanRead(); return true; } catch (exception) { humanRead(); return false; } } // Test if widget exist on screen, return a boolean Future isIconPresent(IconData icon, {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 1)}) async { await tester.pumpAndSettle(); final finder = find.byIcon(icon); log.d('tatatatatatata: ${finder.evaluate()}'); humanRead(); return finder.evaluate().isEmpty ? false : true; } Future spawnBlock({int number = 1, int duration = 200, int? until}) async { if (duration != 0) { await sleep(duration); } if (until != null) { number = until - sub.blocNumber; } await sub.spawnBlock(number); await sleep(200); } Future bkPay( {required String fromAddress, required String destAddress, required double amount}) async { fromAddress: fromAddress, destAddress: destAddress, amount: amount, password: 'AAAAA'); await spawnBlock(); await sleep(500); } Future bkCertify( {required String fromAddress, required String destAddress}) async { sub.certify(fromAddress, destAddress, 'AAAAA'); await spawnBlock(); await sleep(500); } Future bkConfirmIdentity( {required String fromAddress, required String name}) async { sub.confirmIdentity(fromAddress, name, 'AAAAA'); await spawnBlock(); await sleep(500); } class TestWallet { String address; String name; TestWallet(this.address,; endAddress() => address.substring(address.length - 6); shortAddress() => getShortPubkey(address); } Future bkSetNode([String? endpoint]) async { if (endpoint == null) { final ipAddress = dotenv.env['ip_address'] ?? ''; endpoint = 'ws://$ipAddress:9944'; } configBox.put('customEndpoint', endpoint); sub.connectNode(homeContext); } Future bkRestoreChest([String mnemonic = testMnemonic]) async { final myWalletProvider = Provider.of(homeContext, listen: false); final generateWalletProvider = Provider.of(homeContext, listen: false); await generateWalletProvider.storeHDWChest(homeContext); for (int number = 0; number <= 4; number++) { await _addImportAccount( mnemonic: mnemonic, chest: 0, number: number, name: 'test${number + 1}', derivation: (number + 1) * 2); } myWalletProvider.rebuildWidget(); } Future _addImportAccount( {required String mnemonic, required int chest, required int number, required String name, required int derivation}) async { final address = await sub.importAccount( mnemonic: mnemonic, derivePath: '//$derivation', password: 'AAAAA'); final myWallet = WalletData( version: dataVersion, chest: chest, address: address, number: number, name: name, derivation: derivation, imageDefaultPath: '${number % 4}.png'); await walletBox.add(myWallet); return myWallet; } Future bkDeleteAllWallets() async { final myWalletProvider = Provider.of(homeContext, listen: false); if (myWalletProvider.listWallets.isNotEmpty) { await myWalletProvider.deleteAllWallet(homeContext); myWalletProvider.rebuildWidget(); } } Future fastStart() async { app.main(); await waitFor('Test starting...', reverse: true); await tester.pumpAndSettle(const Duration(milliseconds: 100)); await sleep(2000); // Connect to local endpoint await bkSetNode(); await sleep(); // Delete all existing chests is exists await bkDeleteAllWallets(); // Restore the test chest await bkRestoreChest(); await waitFor("y'a pas de lézard"); }