import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:gecko/globals.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; class MyWalletsProvider with ChangeNotifier { String listWallets; bool checkIfWalletExist() { if (appPath == null) { return false; } List contents = walletsDirectory.listSync(); if (contents.length == 0) { print('No wallets detected'); return false; } else { print('Some wallets have been detected.'); return true; } } String getAllWalletsNames() { final bool _isWalletsExists = checkIfWalletExist(); if (!_isWalletsExists) { return ''; } if (listWallets != null && listWallets.isNotEmpty) { listWallets = ''; } if (listWallets == null) { listWallets = ''; } // int i = 0; walletsDirectory .listSync(recursive: false, followLinks: false) .forEach((_wallet) { File _walletConfig = File('${_wallet.path}/config.txt'); _walletConfig.readAsLinesSync().forEach((element) { if (listWallets != '') { listWallets += '\n'; } listWallets += element; // listWallets += "${element.split(':')[0]}:${element.split(':')[1]}:${element.split(':')[2]}" }); }); print(listWallets); return listWallets; } Future deleteAllWallet(context) async { try { print('DELETE THAT ?: $walletsDirectory'); final bool _answer = await _confirmDeletingAllWallets(context); if (_answer) { await walletsDirectory.delete(recursive: true); await walletsDirectory.create(); notifyListeners(); Navigator.pop(context); } return 0; } catch (e) { return 1; } } Future _confirmDeletingAllWallets(context) async { return showDialog( context: context, barrierDismissible: true, // user must tap button! builder: (BuildContext context) { MyWalletsProvider _myWalletProvider = Provider.of(context); return AlertDialog( title: Text('Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer tous vos trousseaux ?'), content: SingleChildScrollView(child: Text('')), actions: [ TextButton( child: Text("Non"), onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context, false); }, ), TextButton( child: Text("Oui"), onPressed: () { WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { _myWalletProvider.listWallets = _myWalletProvider.getAllWalletsNames(); _myWalletProvider.rebuildWidget(); }); Navigator.pop(context, true); }, ), ], ); }, ); } Future generateNewDerivation( context, String _name, int _walletNbr) async { int _newDerivationNbr; final _walletConfig = File('${walletsDirectory.path}/$_walletNbr/config.txt'); if (await _walletConfig.readAsString() == '') { _newDerivationNbr = 3; } else { String _lastWallet = await _walletConfig.readAsLines().then((value) => value.last); int _lastDerivation = int.parse(_lastWallet.split(':')[2]); _newDerivationNbr = _lastDerivation + 3; } await _walletConfig.writeAsString('\n$_walletNbr:$_name:$_newDerivationNbr', mode: FileMode.append); print(await _walletConfig.readAsString()); notifyListeners(); Navigator.pop(context); } void rebuildWidget() { notifyListeners(); } }