import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:ffi'; import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart'; import 'package:isolate/ports.dart'; import "package:system_info/system_info.dart"; import 'ffi.dart' as native; /// DEWIF meta data class DewifMetaData { /// Currency name String currency; /// Secret code length int secretCodeLen; /// DEWIF version int version; /// Wallet type WalletType walletType; DewifMetaData._(this.currency, this.secretCodeLen, this.version) { if (version == 4) { walletType = WalletType.bip32Ed25519; } else { walletType = WalletType.ed25519; } } } /// Language enum Language { /// English english, /// French french, } /// New wallet class NewWallet { /// DEWIF: Encrypted wallet String dewif; /// Secret code String pin; NewWallet._(this.dewif,; } /// Secret code type enum SecretCodeType { /// Digits digits, /// Letters letters, } /// Wallet type enum WalletType { /// Ed25519 ed25519, /// BIP32-Ed25519 bip32Ed25519, } /// DUBP Rust utilities /// /// All the functions of this package are static methods of this /// class `DubpRust`. class DubpRust { /// Must be called only once at the start of your application. static void setup() { native.store_dart_post_cobject(NativeApi.postCObject); print("DUBP_RS Setup Done"); } /// Change the secret code that encrypts the `dewif` keypair. static Future changeDewifPin({ String dewif, String oldPin, SecretCodeType secretCodeType = SecretCodeType.letters, }) async { int ram = SysInfo.getTotalPhysicalMemory(); final completer = Completer>(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort, List>(completer, callback: _handleErrList); native.change_dewif_secret_code( sendPort.nativePort, // utf8.encoder(dewif), StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(oldPin).toNativeUtf8(), 0, secretCodeType.index, ram, ); List newWallet = await completer.future; return Future.value(NewWallet._(newWallet[0], newWallet[1])); } /// Check validity of a base58 public key with its checksum static Future checkPublicKey({String pubkey}) { final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErrVoid); native.check_pubkey( sendPort.nativePort, StringUtf8Pointer(pubkey).toNativeUtf8(), ); return completer.future; } /// Compute public key checksum static Future computeChecksum({String pubkey}) { final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErr); native.compute_checksum( sendPort.nativePort, StringUtf8Pointer(pubkey).toNativeUtf8(), ); return completer.future; } /// Generate a random mnemonic static Future genMnemonic({Language language = Language.english}) { final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErr); native.gen_mnemonic( sendPort.nativePort, language.index, ); return completer.future; } /// Generate a wallet from a deprecated salt + password couple. /// /// This deprecated method must be used only for compatibility purpose ! static Future genWalletFromDeprecatedSaltPassword({ String currency = "g1", String salt, String password, SecretCodeType secretCodeType = SecretCodeType.letters, bool isMember = false, }) async { int ram = SysInfo.getTotalPhysicalMemory(); print('ram=$ram'); final completer = Completer>(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort, List>(completer, callback: _handleErrList); native.gen_dewif_from_legacy( sendPort.nativePort, StringUtf8Pointer(currency).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(salt).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(password).toNativeUtf8(), isMember ? 1 : 0, secretCodeType.index, ram, ); List newWallet = await completer.future; return Future.value(NewWallet._(newWallet[0], newWallet[1])); } /// Generate a wallet from a mnemonic phrase. /// /// If the mnemonic is not in English, you must indicate the language of /// the mnemonic (necessary for the verification of its validity). /// /// If the wallet to be generated is not dedicated to the Ğ1 currency, you /// must indicate the currency for which this wallet will be used. static Future genWalletFromMnemonic({ String currency = "g1", Language language = Language.english, String mnemonic, SecretCodeType secretCodeType = SecretCodeType.letters, }) async { int ram = SysInfo.getTotalPhysicalMemory(); print('ram=$ram'); final completer = Completer>(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort, List>(completer, callback: _handleErrList); native.gen_dewif( sendPort.nativePort, StringUtf8Pointer(currency).toNativeUtf8(), language.index, StringUtf8Pointer(mnemonic).toNativeUtf8(), 0, secretCodeType.index, ram, ); List newWallet = await completer.future; return Future.value(NewWallet._(newWallet[0], newWallet[1])); } /// Get next external public key of a specific opaque account static Future getOpaqueAccountNextExternalPublicKey( {int accountIndex}) async { final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErr); native.get_opaque_account_next_external_address( sendPort.nativePort, accountIndex.toUnsigned(31)); return completer.future; } /// Get BIP32 accounts public keys (in base 58) of `dewif` master keypair. static Future> getBip32DewifAccountsPublicKeys( {String currency = "g1", String dewif, String secretCode, List accountsIndex}) async { final completer = Completer>(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort, List>(completer, callback: _handleErrList); native.get_bip32_dewif_accounts_pubkeys( sendPort.nativePort, StringUtf8Pointer(currency).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(secretCode).toNativeUtf8(), accountsIndex.length, _listIntToPtrUint32(accountsIndex)); return completer.future; } /// Get mnemonic phrase of `dewif` (algo Bip32-Ed25519 only). static Future getBip32DewifMnemonic( {String currency = "g1", String dewif, String secretCode}) async { final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErr); native.get_bip32_dewif_mnemonic( sendPort.nativePort, StringUtf8Pointer(currency).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(secretCode).toNativeUtf8(), ); return completer.future; } /// Get `dewif` keypair meta data. static Future getDewifMetaData( {String dewif, SecretCodeType secretCodeType = SecretCodeType.letters}) async { final completer = Completer>(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort, List>(completer, callback: _handleErrList); native.get_dewif_meta(sendPort.nativePort, StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), 0, secretCodeType.index); List dewifMetaData = await completer.future; return Future.value(DewifMetaData._(dewifMetaData[0], int.parse(dewifMetaData[1]), int.parse(dewifMetaData[2]))); } /// Get public key (in base 58) of `dewif` keypair. static Future getDewifPublicKey( {int accountIndexOpt, int addressIndexOpt, String currency = "g1", String dewif, bool externalOpt, String pin}) async { var externalOptInt = -1; if (externalOpt != null) { externalOptInt = externalOpt ? 1 : 0; } final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErr); native.get_dewif_pubkey( sendPort.nativePort, accountIndexOpt ?? -1, addressIndexOpt ?? -1, StringUtf8Pointer(currency).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), externalOptInt, StringUtf8Pointer(pin).toNativeUtf8(), ); return completer.future; } /// Get secret code length of `dewif` keypair. static int getDewifSecretCodeLen( {String currency = "g1", String dewif, SecretCodeType secretCodeType = SecretCodeType.letters}) { int res = native.get_dewif_secret_code_len( StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), 0, secretCodeType.index, ); if (res == -1) { print('DUBP_RS_ERROR: DEWIF file content is corrupted.'); throw 'DUBP_RS_ERROR: DEWIF file content is corrupted.'; } else { return res; } } /// Get public key (in base 58) of legacy wallet (password + salt) /// /// This deprecated method must be used only for compatibility purpose ! static Future getLegacyPublicKey({String password, String salt}) { final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErr); native.get_legacy_pubkey( sendPort.nativePort, StringUtf8Pointer(salt).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(password).toNativeUtf8(), ); return completer.future; } /// Load opaque accounts static Future loadOpaqueAccounts( List accountsIndex, String currency, String dewif, String secretCode, ) { final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErrVoid); native.load_opaque_bip32_accounts( sendPort.nativePort, accountsIndex.length, _listIntToPtrUint32(accountsIndex), StringUtf8Pointer(currency).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(secretCode).toNativeUtf8()); return completer.future; } /// Sign the message `message` with `dewif` keypair encryted /// in DEWIF format. /// /// If you have several messages to sign, use `signSeveral` /// method instead. static Future sign( {int accountIndexOpt, int addressIndexOpt, String currency = "g1", String dewif, bool externalOpt, String secretCode, String message}) { var externalOptInt = -1; if (externalOpt != null) { externalOptInt = externalOpt ? 1 : 0; } final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErr); native.sign( sendPort.nativePort, accountIndexOpt ?? -1, addressIndexOpt ?? -1, StringUtf8Pointer(currency).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), externalOptInt, StringUtf8Pointer(secretCode).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(message).toNativeUtf8(), ); return completer.future; } /// Sign several messages `messages` with `dewif` keypair encryted in DEWIF /// format. /// /// This method is optimized to sign several messages at once. If you have /// several messages to sign, avoid calling the `sign` method for each /// message. Use this `signSeveral` method instead. static Future> signSeveral( {int accountIndexOpt, int addressIndexOpt, String currency = "g1", String dewif, bool externalOpt, String secretCode, List messages}) { var externalOptInt = -1; if (externalOpt != null) { externalOptInt = externalOpt ? 1 : 0; } final completer = Completer>(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort, List>(completer, callback: _handleErrList); native.sign_several( sendPort.nativePort, accountIndexOpt ?? -1, addressIndexOpt ?? -1, StringUtf8Pointer(currency).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), externalOptInt, StringUtf8Pointer(secretCode).toNativeUtf8(), messages.length, _listStringToPtr(messages), ); return completer.future; } /// Make a simple payment from a transparent account static Future simplePaymentFromTransparentAccount( {int accountIndex, double amount, String currency = "g1", String dewif, String gvaEndpoint, String recipient, String secretCode, String txComment}) { final completer = Completer(); final sendPort = singleCompletePort(completer, callback: _handleErrVoid); native.simple_payment_bip32( sendPort.nativePort, accountIndex, amount, StringUtf8Pointer(currency).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(dewif).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(gvaEndpoint).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(recipient).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(secretCode).toNativeUtf8(), StringUtf8Pointer(txComment).toNativeUtf8(), ); return completer.future; } static Pointer _listIntToPtrUint32(List list) { final listUint32 = => i.toUnsigned(31)).toList(); final Pointer ptr = malloc.allocate(listUint32.length); for (var i = 0; i < listUint32.length; i++) { ptr[i] = listUint32[i]; } return ptr; } static Pointer> _listStringToPtr(List list) { final listUtf8 = => StringUtf8Pointer(s).toNativeUtf8()).toList(); final Pointer> ptr = malloc.allocate(listUtf8.length); for (var i = 0; i < listUtf8.length; i++) { ptr[i] = listUtf8[i]; } return ptr; } static String _handleErr(String res) { if (res.startsWith('DUBP_RS_ERROR: ')) { final error = res; print(error); throw error; } else { return res; } } static List _handleErrList(List res) { final List arr = res.cast(); if (arr.isNotEmpty && arr[0].startsWith('DUBP_RS_ERROR: ')) { final error = arr[0]; print(error); throw error; } else { return arr; } } static void _handleErrVoid(String res) { if (res.startsWith('DUBP_RS_ERROR: ')) { final error = res; print(error); throw error; } } /*static int _handleErrInt(String res) { if (res.startsWith('DUBP_RS_ERROR: ')) { final error = res; print(error); throw error; } else { return int.parse(res); } }*/ }