
979 lines
29 KiB

// ignore_for_file: use_build_context_synchronously
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:gecko/globals.dart';
import 'package:gecko/models/chest_data.dart';
import 'package:gecko/models/wallet_data.dart';
import 'package:gecko/providers/home.dart';
import 'package:gecko/providers/my_wallets.dart';
import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/api/apiKeyring.dart';
import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/api/types/networkParams.dart';
import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/api/types/txInfoData.dart';
import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/polkawallet_sdk.dart';
import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/storage/keyring.dart';
import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/storage/types/keyPairData.dart';
import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/webviewWithExtension/types/signExtrinsicParam.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:truncate/truncate.dart';
import 'package:pointycastle/pointycastle.dart' as pc;
import "package:hex/hex.dart";
class SubstrateSdk with ChangeNotifier {
final WalletSDK sdk = WalletSDK();
final Keyring keyring = Keyring();
String generatedMnemonic = '';
bool sdkReady = false;
bool sdkLoading = false;
bool nodeConnected = false;
bool importIsLoading = false;
int blocNumber = 0;
bool isLoadingEndpoint = false;
String debugConnection = '';
String transactionStatus = '';
final int initSs58 = 42;
Map<String, int> currencyParameters = {};
TextEditingController csSalt = TextEditingController();
TextEditingController csPassword = TextEditingController();
String g1V1NewAddress = '';
bool isCesiumIDVisible = true;
////////// 1: API METHODS ///////////
Future<String> executeCall(TxInfoData txInfo, txOptions, String password,
[String? rawParams]) async {
try {
final hash = await sdk.api.tx
.signAndSend(txInfo, txOptions, password, rawParam: rawParams)
const Duration(seconds: 12),
onTimeout: () => {},
if (hash.isEmpty) {
transactionStatus = 'timeout';
return 'timeout';
} else {
transactionStatus = hash.toString();
return hash.toString();
} catch (e) {
transactionStatus = e.toString();
return e.toString();
Future getStorage(String call) async {
return await sdk.webView!.evalJavascript('api.query.$call');
Future getStorageConst(String call) async {
return (await sdk.webView!
.evalJavascript('api.consts.$call', wrapPromise: false) ??
TxSenderData _setSender() {
return TxSenderData(
////////// 2: GET ONCHAIN STORAGE //////////
Future<int> getIdentityIndexOf(String address) async {
return await getStorage('identity.identityIndexOf("$address")') ?? 0;
Future<List<int>> getCerts(String address) async {
final idtyIndex = await getIdentityIndexOf(address);
final certsReceiver =
await getStorage('cert.storageIdtyCertMeta($idtyIndex)') ?? [];
return [certsReceiver['receivedCount'], certsReceiver['issuedCount']];
Future<int> getCertValidityPeriod(String from, String to) async {
final idtyIndexFrom = await getIdentityIndexOf(from);
final idtyIndexTo = await getIdentityIndexOf(to);
if (idtyIndexFrom == 0 || idtyIndexTo == 0) return 0;
final List certData =
await getStorage('cert.certsByReceiver($idtyIndexTo)') ?? [];
if (certData.isEmpty) return 0;
for (List certInfo in certData) {
if (certInfo[0] == idtyIndexFrom) {
return certInfo[1];
return 0;
Future<bool> hasAccountConsumers(String address) async {
final accountInfo = await getStorage('system.account("$address")');
final consumers = accountInfo['consumers'];
return consumers == 0 ? false : true;
// Future<double> getBalance(String address) async {
// double balance = 0.0;
// if (nodeConnected) {
// final brutBalance = await sdk.api.account.queryBalance(address);
// // log.d(brutBalance?.toJson());
// balance = int.parse(brutBalance!.freeBalance) / 100;
// } else {
// balance = -1;
// }
// await getUnclaimedUd(address);
// return balance;
// }
Future<Map<String, double>> getBalance(String address) async {
// log.d('currencyParameters: $currencyParameters');
if (!nodeConnected) {
return {
'transferableBalance': 0,
'free': 0,
'unclaimedUds': 0,
'reserved': 0,
// Get onchain storage values
final Map balanceGlobal = await getStorage('system.account("$address")');
final int? idtyIndex =
await getStorage('identity.identityIndexOf("$address")');
final Map? idtyData = idtyIndex == null
? null
: await getStorage('identity.identities($idtyIndex)');
final int currentUdIndex =
int.parse(await getStorage('universalDividend.currentUdIndex()'));
final List pastReevals =
await getStorage('universalDividend.pastReevals()');
// Compute amount of claimable UDs
final int unclaimedUds = _computeUnclaimUds(currentUdIndex,
idtyData?['data']?['firstEligibleUd'] ?? 0, pastReevals);
// Calculate transferable and potential balance
final int transferableBalance =
(balanceGlobal['data']['free'] + unclaimedUds);
Map<String, double> finalBalances = {
'transferableBalance': transferableBalance / 100,
'free': balanceGlobal['data']['free'] / 100,
'unclaimedUds': unclaimedUds / 100,
'reserved': balanceGlobal['data']['reserved'] / 100,
// log.i(finalBalances);
return finalBalances;
int _computeUnclaimUds(
int currentUdIndex, int firstEligibleUd, List pastReevals) {
int totalAmount = 0;
if (firstEligibleUd == 0) return 0;
for (final List reval in pastReevals.reversed) {
final int revalNbr = reval[0];
final int revalValue = reval[1];
// Loop each UDs revaluations and sum unclaimed balance
if (revalNbr <= firstEligibleUd) {
final count = currentUdIndex - firstEligibleUd;
totalAmount += count * revalValue;
} else {
final count = currentUdIndex - revalNbr;
totalAmount += count * revalValue;
currentUdIndex = revalNbr;
return totalAmount;
Future<bool> isMemberGet(String address) async {
return await idtyStatus(address) == 'Validated';
Future<Map<String, int>> certState(String from, String to) async {
Map<String, int> result = {};
if (from != to && await isMemberGet(from)) {
final removableOn = await getCertValidityPeriod(from, to);
final certMeta = await getCertMeta(from);
final int nextIssuableOn = certMeta['nextIssuableOn'] ?? 0;
final certRemovableDuration = (removableOn - blocNumber) * 6;
const int renewDelay = 2 * 30 * 24 * 3600; // 2 months
if (certRemovableDuration >= renewDelay) {
final certRenewDuration = certRemovableDuration - renewDelay;
result.putIfAbsent('certRenewable', () => certRenewDuration);
} else if (nextIssuableOn > blocNumber) {
final certDelayDuration = (nextIssuableOn - blocNumber) * 6;
result.putIfAbsent('certDelay', () => certDelayDuration);
} else {
result.putIfAbsent('canCert', () => 0);
final toStatus = await idtyStatus(to);
// log.d('certMeta: $toStatus');
if (toStatus == 'Created') result.putIfAbsent('toStatus', () => 1);
return result;
Future<Map> getCertMeta(String address) async {
var idtyIndex = await getIdentityIndexOf(address);
final certMeta =
await getStorage('cert.storageIdtyCertMeta($idtyIndex)') ?? '';
return certMeta;
Future<String> idtyStatus(String address) async {
var idtyIndex = await getIdentityIndexOf(address);
if (idtyIndex == 0) {
return 'noid';
final idtyStatus = await getStorage('identity.identities($idtyIndex)');
if (idtyStatus != null) {
final String status = idtyStatus['status'];
return (status);
} else {
return 'expired';
Future<String> getGenesisHash() async {
final String genesisHash = await sdk.webView!.evalJavascript(
wrapPromise: false,
) ??
// log.d('genesisHash: $genesisHash');
return genesisHash;
Future<Uint8List> addressToPubkey(String address) async {
final pubkey = await sdk.api.account.decodeAddress([address]);
final String pubkeyHex = pubkey!.keys.first;
final pubkeyByte = HEX.decode(pubkeyHex.substring(2)) as Uint8List;
// final pubkey58 = Base58Encode(pubkeyByte);
return pubkeyByte;
// Future pubkeyToAddress(String pubkey) async {
// await sdk.api.account.encodeAddress([pubkey]);
// }
Future initCurrencyParameters() async {
currencyParameters['ss58'] =
await getStorageConst('system.ss58Prefix.words');
currencyParameters['minCertForMembership'] =
await getStorageConst('wot.minCertForMembership.words');
currencyParameters['newAccountPrice'] =
await getStorageConst('account.newAccountPrice.words');
currencyParameters['existentialDeposit'] =
await getStorageConst('balances.existentialDeposit.words');
currencyParameters['certPeriod'] =
await getStorageConst('cert.certPeriod.words');
currencyParameters['certMaxByIssuer'] =
await getStorageConst('cert.maxByIssuer.words');
currencyParameters['certValidityPeriod'] =
await getStorageConst('cert.validityPeriod.words');
log.i('currencyParameters: $currencyParameters');
void cesiumIDisVisible() {
isCesiumIDVisible = !isCesiumIDVisible;
Future<void> initApi() async {
sdkLoading = true;
await keyring.init([initSs58]);
await sdk.init(keyring);
sdkReady = true;
sdkLoading = false;
String? getConnectedEndpoint() {
return sdk.api.connectedNode?.endpoint;
Future<void> connectNode(BuildContext ctx) async {
HomeProvider homeProvider = Provider.of<HomeProvider>(ctx, listen: false);
MyWalletsProvider myWalletProvider =
Provider.of<MyWalletsProvider>(ctx, listen: false);
homeProvider.changeMessage("connectionPending".tr(), 0);
// configBox.delete('customEndpoint');
final List<NetworkParams> listEndpoints =
? [getDuniterCustomEndpoint()]
: getDuniterBootstrap();
int timeout = 10000;
if (sdk.api.connectedNode?.endpoint != null) {
await sdk.api.setting.unsubscribeBestNumber();
isLoadingEndpoint = true;
final res = await sdk.api.connectNode(keyring, listEndpoints).timeout(
Duration(milliseconds: timeout),
onTimeout: () => null,
isLoadingEndpoint = false;
if (res != null) {
nodeConnected = true;
// await getSs58Prefix();
// Subscribe bloc number
sdk.api.setting.subscribeBestNumber((res) {
blocNumber = int.parse(res.toString());
// log.d(sdk.api.connectedNode?.endpoint);
if (sdk.api.connectedNode?.endpoint == null) {
nodeConnected = false;
homeProvider.changeMessage("networkLost".tr(), 0);
} else {
nodeConnected = true;
await initCurrencyParameters();
.tr(args: [getConnectedEndpoint()!.split('/')[2]]),
// snackNode(ctx, true);
} else {
nodeConnected = false;
debugConnection = res.toString();
homeProvider.changeMessage("noDuniterEndointAvailable".tr(), 0);
if (!myWalletProvider.checkIfWalletExist()) snackNode(homeContext, false);
List<NetworkParams> getDuniterBootstrap() {
List<NetworkParams> node = [];
for (String endpoint in configBox.get('endpoint')) {
final n = NetworkParams(); = currencyName;
n.endpoint = endpoint;
n.ss58 = currencyParameters['ss58'] ?? initSs58;
return node;
NetworkParams getDuniterCustomEndpoint() {
final nodeParams = NetworkParams(); = currencyName;
nodeParams.endpoint = configBox.get('customEndpoint');
nodeParams.ss58 = currencyParameters['ss58'] ?? initSs58;
return nodeParams;
Future<String> importAccount(
{String mnemonic = '',
String derivePath = '',
required String password}) async {
const keytype = KeyType.mnemonic;
if (mnemonic != '') generatedMnemonic = mnemonic;
importIsLoading = true;
final json = await sdk.api.keyring
keyType: keytype,
key: generatedMnemonic,
name: derivePath,
password: password,
derivePath: derivePath,
cryptoType: CryptoType.sr25519)
.catchError((e) {
importIsLoading = false;
if (json == null) return '';
// log.d(json);
try {
await sdk.api.keyring.addAccount(
keyType: keytype,
acc: json,
password: password,
} catch (e) {
importIsLoading = false;
importIsLoading = false;
return keyring.allAccounts.last.address!;
/////// 4: CRYPTOGRAPHY //////////
KeyPairData getKeypair(String address) {
return keyring.keyPairs.firstWhere((kp) => kp.address == address,
orElse: (() => KeyPairData()));
Future<bool> checkPassword(String address, String pass) async {
final account = getKeypair(address);
return await sdk.api.keyring.checkPassword(account, pass);
Future<String> getSeed(String address, String pin) async {
final account = getKeypair(address);
final seed = await sdk.api.keyring.getDecryptedSeed(keyring, pin);
String seedText;
if (seed == null) {
seedText = '';
} else {
seedText = seed.seed!.split('//')[0];
return seedText;
int getDerivationNumber(String address) {
final account = getKeypair(address);
final deriveNbr =!.split('//')[1];
return int.parse(deriveNbr);
Future<KeyPairData?> changePassword(BuildContext context, String address,
String passOld, String? passNew) async {
final account = getKeypair(address);
MyWalletsProvider myWalletProvider =
Provider.of<MyWalletsProvider>(context, listen: false);
return await sdk.api.keyring.changePassword(keyring, passOld, passNew);
Future<void> deleteAllAccounts() async {
for (var account in keyring.allAccounts) {
await sdk.api.keyring.deleteAccount(keyring, account);
Future<void> deleteAccounts(List<String> address) async {
for (var a in address) {
final account = getKeypair(a);
await sdk.api.keyring.deleteAccount(keyring, account);
Future<String> generateMnemonic({String lang = appLang}) async {
final gen = await sdk.api.keyring
.generateMnemonic(currencyParameters['ss58'] ?? initSs58);
generatedMnemonic = gen.mnemonic!;
return gen.mnemonic!;
Future<String> setCurrentWallet(WalletData wallet) async {
final currentChestNumber = configBox.get('currentChest');
ChestData newChestData = chestBox.get(currentChestNumber)!;
newChestData.defaultWallet = wallet.number;
await chestBox.put(currentChestNumber, newChestData);
try {
final acc = getKeypair(wallet.address!);
return acc.address!;
} catch (e) {
return (e.toString());
KeyPairData getCurrentWallet() {
try {
final acc = keyring.current;
return acc;
} catch (e) {
return KeyPairData();
Future<String> derive(
BuildContext context, String address, int number, String password) async {
final keypair = getKeypair(address);
final seedMap =
await, password);
if (seedMap?['type'] != 'mnemonic') return '';
final List seedList = seedMap!['seed'].split('//');
generatedMnemonic = seedList[0];
return await importAccount(
mnemonic: generatedMnemonic,
derivePath: '//$number',
password: password);
Future<String> generateRootKeypair(String address, String password) async {
final keypair = getKeypair(address);
final seedMap =
await, password);
if (seedMap?['type'] != 'mnemonic') return '';
final List seedList = seedMap!['seed'].split('//');
generatedMnemonic = seedList[0];
return await importAccount(password: password);
Future<bool> isMnemonicValid(String mnemonic) async {
// Needed for bad encoding of UTF-8
mnemonic = mnemonic.replaceAll('é', '');
mnemonic = mnemonic.replaceAll('è', '');
return await sdk.api.keyring.checkMnemonicValid(mnemonic);
Future csToV2Address(String salt, String password) async {
final scrypt = pc.KeyDerivator('scrypt');
final rawSeed = scrypt.process(Uint8List.fromList(password.codeUnits));
final rawSeedHex = '0x${HEX.encode(rawSeed)}';
// Just get the address without keystore
final newAddress = await sdk.api.keyring.addressFromRawSeed(
cryptoType: CryptoType.ed25519,
rawSeed: rawSeedHex);
g1V1NewAddress = newAddress.address!;
Future<List> getBalanceAndIdtyStatus(String address, String myAddress) async {
final balance =
address == '' ? {'transferableBalance': 0} : await getBalance(address);
final thisIdtyStatus = address == '' ? 'noid' : await idtyStatus(address);
final thisHasConsumer =
address == '' ? false : await hasAccountConsumers(address);
final myIdtyStatus = await idtyStatus(myAddress);
log.d('tatata: $myIdtyStatus');
return [
///////// 5: CALLS EXECUTION /////////
Future<String> pay(
{required String fromAddress,
required String destAddress,
required double amount,
required String password}) async {
transactionStatus = '';
final fromPubkey = await sdk.api.account.decodeAddress([fromAddress]);
final int amountUnit = (amount * 100).toInt();
final sender = TxSenderData(
final globalBalance = await getBalance(fromAddress);
TxInfoData txInfo;
List txOptions = [];
String? rawParams;
if (globalBalance['unclaimedUds'] == 0) {
txInfo = TxInfoData('balances',
amount == -1 ? 'transferAll' : 'transferKeepAlive', sender);
txOptions = [destAddress, amount == -1 ? false : amountUnit];
} else {
txInfo = TxInfoData(
const tx1 = 'api.tx.universalDividend.claimUds()';
final tx2 = amount == -1
? 'api.tx.balances.transferAll(false)'
: 'api.tx.balances.transferKeepAlive("$destAddress", $amountUnit)';
rawParams = '[[$tx1, $tx2]]';
// log.d('pay args: ${txInfo.module}, ${}, $txOptions, $rawParams');
return await executeCall(txInfo, txOptions, password, rawParams);
Future<String> certify(
String fromAddress, String password, String toAddress) async {
transactionStatus = '';
final myIdtyStatus = await idtyStatus(fromAddress);
final toIdtyStatus = await idtyStatus(toAddress);
final fromIndex = await getIdentityIndexOf(fromAddress);
final toIndex = await getIdentityIndexOf(toAddress);
if (myIdtyStatus != 'Validated') {
transactionStatus = 'notMember';
return 'notMember';
final sender = _setSender();
TxInfoData txInfo;
List txOptions = [];
String? rawParams;
final toCerts = await getCerts(toAddress);
// log.d('debug: ${currencyParameters['minCertForMembership']}');
if (toIdtyStatus == 'noid') {
txInfo = TxInfoData(
txOptions = [toAddress];
} else if (toIdtyStatus == 'Validated' ||
toIdtyStatus == 'ConfirmedByOwner') {
if (toCerts[0] >= currencyParameters['minCertForMembership']! - 1 &&
toIdtyStatus != 'Validated') {
log.i('Batch cert and membership validation');
txInfo = TxInfoData(
final tx1 = 'api.tx.cert.addCert($fromIndex, $toIndex)';
final tx2 = 'api.tx.identity.validateIdentity($toIndex)';
rawParams = '[[$tx1, $tx2]]';
} else {
txInfo = TxInfoData(
txOptions = [fromIndex, toIndex];
} else {
transactionStatus = 'cantBeCert';
return 'cantBeCert';
log.d('Cert action: ${!}');
return await executeCall(txInfo, txOptions, password, rawParams);
// Future claimUDs(String password) async {
// final sender = TxSenderData(
// keyring.current.address,
// keyring.current.pubKey,
// );
// final txInfo = TxInfoData(
// 'universalDividend',
// 'claimUds',
// sender,
// );
// return await executeCall(txInfo, [], password);
// }
Future<String> confirmIdentity(
String fromAddress, String name, String password) async {
log.d('me: ${keyring.current.address!}');
final sender = TxSenderData(
final txInfo = TxInfoData(
final txOptions = [name];
return await executeCall(txInfo, txOptions, password);
Future<String> signMessage(
Uint8List message, String address, String password) async {
final params = SignAsExtensionParam();
params.msgType = "pub(bytes.sign)";
params.request = {
"address": address,
"data": message,
final res = await sdk.api.keyring.signAsExtension(password, params);
// log.d('signaturee: ${res?.signature}');
return res?.signature ?? '';
Future<String> migrateIdentity(
{required String fromAddress,
required String destAddress,
required String formPassword,
required String destPassword}) async {
transactionStatus = '';
final fromPubkey = await sdk.api.account.decodeAddress([fromAddress]);
final sender = TxSenderData(
// final globalBalance = await getBalance(fromAddress);
TxInfoData txInfo;
List txOptions = [];
String? rawParams;
// final destKeyring = getKeypair(destAddress);
// await sdk.api.keyring.signatureVerify(message, signature, address)
final prefix = 'icok'.codeUnits;
final genesisHash = (await getGenesisHash()).substring(2).codeUnits;
final idtyIndex = [await getIdentityIndexOf(fromAddress)];
final oldPubkey = await addressToPubkey(fromAddress);
// final messageToSign = 'icok$genesisHash$idtyIndex$oldPubkey';
final messageToSign =
Uint8List.fromList(prefix + genesisHash + idtyIndex + oldPubkey);
final newKeySig =
await signMessage(messageToSign, destAddress, destPassword);
prefix: $prefix
genesisHash: $genesisHash
idtyIndex: $idtyIndex
oldPubkey: $oldPubkey
messageToSign: $messageToSign
newKeySig: $newKeySig""");
// [105, 99, 111, 107, 48, 55, 99, 49, 49, 50, 102, 102, 54, 97, 98, 57, 100, 55, 100, 48, 100, 53, 51, 49, 101, 98, 101, 53, 57, 102, 57, 56, 98, 51, 53, 51, 49, 56, 98, 50, 56, 49, 51, 98, 49, 54, 53, 53, 53, 55, 55, 51, 56, 48, 56, 49, 57, 100, 51, 56, 100, 54, 49, 56, 50, 100, 57, 57, 21, 181, 82, 178, 99, 198, 4, 156, 190, 78, 35, 102, 137, 255, 7, 162, 31, 16, 79, 255, 132, 130, 237, 230, 222, 176, 88, 245, 217, 237, 78, 196, 239]
// [105, 99, 111, 107, 48, 55, 99, 49, 49, 50, 102, 102, 54, 97, 98, 57, 100, 55, 100, 48, 100, 53, 51, 49, 101, 98, 101, 53, 57, 102, 57, 56, 98, 51, 53, 51, 49, 56, 98, 50, 56, 49, 51, 98, 49, 54, 53, 53, 53, 55, 55, 51, 56, 48, 56, 49, 57, 100, 51, 56, 100, 54, 49, 56, 50, 100, 57, 57, 21, 181, 82, 178, 99, 198, 4, 156, 190, 78, 35, 102, 137, 255, 7, 162, 31, 16, 79, 255, 132, 130, 237, 230, 222, 176, 88, 245, 217, 237, 78, 196, 239]
txInfo = TxInfoData(
txOptions = [destAddress, newKeySig];
// const tx1 = 'api.tx.universalDividend.claimUds()';
// final tx2 = 'api.tx.identity.changeOwnerKey("$destAddress", "$newKeySig")';
// const tx3 = 'api.tx.balances.transferAll(false)';
// rawParams = '[[$tx1, $tx2, $tx3]]';
return await executeCall(txInfo, txOptions, formPassword, rawParams);
Future revokeIdentity(String address, String password) async {
final idtyIndex = await getIdentityIndexOf(address);
final sender = TxSenderData(
TxInfoData txInfo;
txInfo = TxInfoData(
final txOptions = [idtyIndex];
return await executeCall(txInfo, txOptions, password);
Future migrateCsToV2(String salt, String password, String destAddress,
{required destPassword,
required double balance,
String idtyStatus = 'noid'}) async {
final scrypt = pc.KeyDerivator('scrypt');
final rawSeed = scrypt.process(Uint8List.fromList(password.codeUnits));
final rawSeedHex = '0x${HEX.encode(rawSeed)}';
final json = await sdk.api.keyring.importAccount(keyring,
keyType: KeyType.rawSeed,
key: rawSeedHex,
name: 'test',
password: 'password',
derivePath: '',
cryptoType: CryptoType.ed25519);
final keypair = await sdk.api.keyring.addAccount(
keyType: KeyType.rawSeed,
acc: json!,
password: password,
log.d('g1migration idtyStatus: $idtyStatus');
if (idtyStatus != 'noid') {
await migrateIdentity(
fromAddress: keypair.address!,
destAddress: destAddress,
formPassword: 'password',
destPassword: destPassword);
} else if (balance != 0) {
await pay(
fromAddress: keypair.address!,
destAddress: destAddress,
amount: -1,
password: 'password');
await sdk.api.keyring.deleteAccount(keyring, keypair);
void reload() {
/////// 6: UI ELEMENTS (off class) /////////
void snack(BuildContext context, String message, {int duration = 2}) {
final snackBar =
SnackBar(content: Text(message), duration: Duration(seconds: duration));
class AddressInfo {
final String? address;
double balance;
AddressInfo({@required this.address, this.balance = 0});
void snackNode(BuildContext context, bool isConnected) {
String message;
if (!isConnected) {
message = "noDuniterNodeAvailableTryLater".tr();
} else {
SubstrateSdk sub = Provider.of<SubstrateSdk>(context, listen: false);
message =
final snackBar = SnackBar(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
content: Text(message, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16)),
duration: const Duration(seconds: 4));
String getShortPubkey(String pubkey) {
String pubkeyShort = truncate(pubkey, 7,
omission: String.fromCharCode(0x2026),
position: TruncatePosition.end) +
truncate(pubkey, 6, omission: "", position: TruncatePosition.start);
return pubkeyShort;
class PasswordException implements Exception {
String cause;