## [0.4.1+2] * Updated the readme based on a comment from [jwknows](https://www.reddit.com/r/FlutterDev/comments/ihipfr/miniplayer_functionality_in_flutter/#CommentTopMeta--Created--t1_g30dh9e:~:text=I%20might%20be%20wrong%20but%20I'm,be%20%22on%20top%22%20of%20dialogs%20etc...) ## [0.4.1+1] * Updated example reference in readme ## [0.4.1] * Updated example ## [0.4.0] * Added examples and demo images * Added duration property * Changed elevation rendering ## [0.3.0] * Migrated from StreamBuilder to ValueListenableBuilder * 40% improvement in response time (previous 19.2ms, now 11.5ms) * Added valueNotifier property ## [0.2.0] * Added backgroundColor property ## [0.1.2] * Bug fixes. ## [0.1.1] * Bug fixes. ## [0.1.0] * Initial Open Source release.