library miniplayer; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:miniplayer/src/utils.dart'; ///Type definition for the builder function typedef Widget MiniplayerBuilder(double height, double percentage); ///Miniplayer class class Miniplayer extends StatefulWidget { ///Required option to set the minimum and maximum height final double minHeight, maxHeight; ///Option to enable and set elevation for the miniplayer final double elevation; ///Central API-Element ///Provides a builder with useful information final MiniplayerBuilder builder; ///Option to set the animation curve final Curve curve; ///Sets the background-color of the miniplayer final Color backgroundColor; ///Option to set the animation duration final Duration duration; ///Allows you to use a global ValueNotifier with the current progress. ///This can be used to hide the BottomNavigationBar. final ValueNotifier valueNotifier; ///If onDismiss is set, the miniplayer can be dismissed final Function onDismiss; //Allows you to manually control the miniplayer in code final MiniplayerController controller; const Miniplayer({ Key key, @required this.minHeight, @required this.maxHeight, @required this.builder, this.curve = Curves.easeOut, this.elevation = 0, this.backgroundColor = const Color(0x70000000), this.valueNotifier, this.duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300), this.onDismiss, this.controller, }) : super(key: key); @override _MiniplayerState createState() => _MiniplayerState(); } class _MiniplayerState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin { ValueNotifier heightNotifier; ValueNotifier dragDownPercentage = ValueNotifier(0); PanelState snap; ///Current y position of drag gesture double _dragHeight; ///Used to determine SnapPosition double _startHeight; bool dismissed = false; bool animating = false; ///Counts how many updates were required for a distance (onPanUpdate) -> necessary to calculate the drag speed int updateCount = 0; StreamController _heightController = StreamController.broadcast(); AnimationController _animationController; void _statusListener(AnimationStatus status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) _resetAnimationController(); } void _resetAnimationController({Duration duration}) { if (_animationController != null) _animationController.dispose(); _animationController = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: duration == null ? widget.duration : duration, ); _animationController.addStatusListener(_statusListener); animating = false; } @override void initState() { if (widget.valueNotifier == null) heightNotifier = ValueNotifier(widget.minHeight); else heightNotifier = widget.valueNotifier; _resetAnimationController(); _dragHeight = heightNotifier.value; if (widget.controller != null) widget.controller.addListener(controllerListener); super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { _heightController.close(); _animationController.dispose(); if (widget.controller != null) widget.controller.removeListener(controllerListener); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (dismissed) return Container(); return ValueListenableBuilder( builder: (BuildContext context, double value, Widget child) { var _percentage = ((value - widget.minHeight)) / (widget.maxHeight - widget.minHeight); return Stack( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, children: [ if (_percentage > 0) GestureDetector( onTap: () => _animateToHeight(widget.minHeight), child: Opacity( opacity: borderDouble( minRange: 0, maxRange: 1, value: _percentage), child: Container(color: widget.backgroundColor), ), ), Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: SizedBox( height: value, child: GestureDetector( child: ValueListenableBuilder( valueListenable: dragDownPercentage, builder: (context, value, child) { if (value == 0) return child; return Opacity( opacity: borderDouble( minRange: 0, maxRange: 1, value: 1 - value * 0.8), child: Transform.translate( offset: Offset(0.0, widget.minHeight * value * 0.5), child: child, ), ); }, child: Material( color: Theme.of(context).canvasColor, child: Container( constraints: BoxConstraints.expand(), child: widget.builder(value, _percentage), decoration: BoxDecoration( boxShadow: [ BoxShadow( color: Colors.black45, blurRadius: widget.elevation, offset: Offset(0.0, 4)) ], color: Colors.white, ), ), ), ), onTap: () => _snapToPosition(_dragHeight != widget.maxHeight ? PanelState.MAX : PanelState.MIN), onPanStart: (details) { _startHeight = _dragHeight; updateCount = 0; if (animating) _resetAnimationController(); }, onPanEnd: (details) async { ///Calculates drag speed double speed = (_dragHeight - _startHeight * _dragHeight < _startHeight ? 1 : -1) / updateCount * 100; ///Define the percentage distance depending on the speed with which the widget should snap double snapPercentage = 0.005; if (speed <= 4) snapPercentage = 0.2; else if (speed <= 9) snapPercentage = 0.08; else if (speed <= 50) snapPercentage = 0.01; ///Determine to which SnapPosition the widget should snap PanelState snap = PanelState.MIN; final _percentageMax = percentageFromValueInRange( min: widget.minHeight, max: widget.maxHeight, value: _dragHeight); ///Started from expanded state if (_startHeight > widget.minHeight) { if (_percentageMax > 1 - snapPercentage) snap = PanelState.MAX; } ///Started from minified state else { if (_percentageMax > snapPercentage) snap = PanelState.MAX; else ///DismissedPercentage > 0.2 -> dismiss if (widget.onDismiss != null && percentageFromValueInRange( min: widget.minHeight, max: 0, value: _dragHeight) > snapPercentage) snap = PanelState.DISMISS; } ///Snap to position _snapToPosition(snap); }, onPanUpdate: (details) { if (dismissed) return; _dragHeight -=; updateCount++; _handleHeightChange(); }, ), ), ), ], ); }, valueListenable: heightNotifier, ); } ///Determines whether the panel should be updated in height or discarded void _handleHeightChange({bool animation = false}) { ///Drag above minHeight if (_dragHeight >= widget.minHeight) { if (dragDownPercentage.value != 0) dragDownPercentage.value = 0; if (_dragHeight > widget.maxHeight) return; heightNotifier.value = _dragHeight; } ///Drag below minHeight else if (widget.onDismiss != null) { var percentageDown = borderDouble( minRange: 0, maxRange: 1, value: percentageFromValueInRange( min: widget.minHeight, max: 0, value: _dragHeight)); if (dragDownPercentage.value != percentageDown) dragDownPercentage.value = percentageDown; if (percentageDown >= 1 && animation && !dismissed) { if (widget.onDismiss != null) widget.onDismiss(); setState(() { dismissed = true; }); } } } ///Animates the panel height according to a SnapPoint void _snapToPosition(PanelState snapPosition) { switch (snapPosition) { case PanelState.MAX: _animateToHeight(widget.maxHeight); return; case PanelState.MIN: _animateToHeight(widget.minHeight); return; case PanelState.DISMISS: _animateToHeight(0); return; } } ///Animates the panel height to a specific value void _animateToHeight(final double h, {Duration duration}) { final startHeight = _dragHeight; if (duration != null) _resetAnimationController(duration: duration); Animation _sizeAnimation = Tween( begin: startHeight, end: h, ).animate( CurvedAnimation(parent: _animationController, curve: widget.curve)); _sizeAnimation.addListener(() { if (_sizeAnimation.value == startHeight) return; _dragHeight = _sizeAnimation.value; _handleHeightChange(animation: true); }); animating = true; _animationController.forward(from: 0); } //Listener function for the controller void controllerListener() { switch (widget.controller.value.height) { case -1: _animateToHeight( widget.minHeight, duration: widget.controller.value.duration, ); break; case -2: _animateToHeight( widget.maxHeight, duration: widget.controller.value.duration, ); break; case -3: _animateToHeight( 0, duration: widget.controller.value.duration, ); break; default: _animateToHeight( widget.controller.value.height.toDouble(), duration: widget.controller.value.duration, ); break; } } } ///-1 Min, -2 Max, -3 Dismiss enum PanelState { MAX, MIN, DISMISS } //ControllerData class. Used for the controller class ControllerData { final int height; final Duration duration; const ControllerData(this.height, this.duration); } //MiniplayerController class class MiniplayerController extends ValueNotifier { MiniplayerController() : super(null); //Animates to a given height or state(expanded, dismissed, ...) void animateToHeight({double height, PanelState state, Duration duration}) { if (height == null && state == null) throw ("Miniplayer: One of the two parameters, height or status, is required."); if (height != null && state != null) throw ("Miniplayer: Only one of the two parameters, height or status, can be specified."); ControllerData valBefore = value; if (state != null) value = ControllerData(state.heightCode, duration); else { if (height < 0) return; value = ControllerData(height.round(), duration); } if (valBefore == value) notifyListeners(); } }