Add dynamic currency display in history

This commit is contained in:
poka 2020-11-27 05:50:02 +01:00
parent 23652b27f8
commit 0cbc429f4c
1 changed files with 11 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ class History:
node {
peer {
@ -107,11 +112,15 @@ class History:
baseBalance = self.historyDoc['balance']['base']
balance = balance*pow(10,baseBalance)/100
# Get currency
currency = self.historyDoc['node']['peer']['currency']
if currency == 'g1': currency = 'Ḡ1'
# Get terminal size
rows = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1])
print('-'.center(rows, '-'))
print("\033[1m{: <20} | {: <45} | {: <7} | {: <30}\033[0m".format(" Date"," De / À (clé publique)","Montant (Ḡ1)","Commentaire"))
print("\033[1m{: <20} | {: <45} | {: <7} | {: <30}\033[0m".format(" Date"," De / À (clé publique)","Montant ({0})".format(currency),"Commentaire"))
for t in trans:
if t[0] == "received":
color = "green"
@ -125,7 +134,7 @@ class History:
print('-'.center(rows, '-'))
print(colored("| {: <18} | {: <45} | {: <12} | {: <30}".format(date, *t[2:]), color))
print('-'.center(rows, '-'))
print('\033[1mSolde du compte: {0} Ḡ1\033[0m'.format(balance).center(rows, ' '))
print('\033[1mSolde du compte: {0} {1}\033[0m'.format(balance,currency).center(rows, ' '))
print('-'.center(rows, '-'))
print(colored('Reçus', 'green'), '-', colored('En cours de réception', 'yellow'), '-', colored('Envoyé', 'blue'), '-', colored("En cours d'envoi", 'red'))