#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ ZetCode Tkinter tutorial In this example, we use the pack manager to create a review example. Author: Jan Bodnar Website: www.zetcode.com """ import PySimpleGUI as sg from lib.paylib import Transaction import sys, os, threading from shutil import copyfile from os.path import join, dirname from dotenv import load_dotenv from lib.natools import get_privkey import requests class StdoutRedirector(object): def __init__(self, text_widget): self.text_widget = text_widget def write(self, s): self.text_widget.insert('end', s) self.text_widget.see('end') def flush(self): pass # Get variables environment if not os.path.isfile('.env'): copyfile(".env.template", ".env") dotenv_path = join(dirname(__file__), '.env') load_dotenv(dotenv_path) dunikey = os.getenv('DUNIKEY') node = os.getenv('NODE') issuer = get_privkey(dunikey, "pubsec").pubkey if not dunikey or not node: sys.stderr.write("Please fill the path of your private key (PubSec), and a Duniter node in .env file\n") sys.exit(1) def ProceedPaiement(recipient, amount, comment): if not recipient: raise ValueError("Veuillez indiquer un destinataire de paiement") elif not amount: raise ValueError("Veuillez indiquer le montant de la transaction") amount = int(float(amount.replace(',','.'))*100) print("Paiement en cours vers", recipient) trans = Transaction(dunikey, node, recipient, amount, comment) trans.send() recipient = amount = comment = None sg.theme('DarkGrey2') layout = [ [sg.Text('Noeud utilisé: ' + node)], [sg.Text('Votre clé publique: ' + issuer)], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Text('Destinataire: '), sg.InputText(size=(50, None),default_text=issuer)], [sg.Text('Montant: '), sg.InputText(size=(7, None)), sg.Text('Ḡ1')], [sg.Text('Commentaire:'), sg.InputText(size=(50, None))], [sg.Button('Envoyer'), sg.Button('Annuler')] ] # Create the Window window = sg.Window('Paiement Ḡ1 - GVA', layout) # availablePubkeys = requests.get('https://g1-stats.axiom-team.fr/data/wallets-g1.txt') while True: try: event, values = window.read() if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Annuler': break if event == 'Envoyer': ProceedPaiement(values[0], values[1], values[2]) except Exception as e: loc = window.CurrentLocation() sg.popup(f'Une erreur est survenu', e, title="Erreur", location=(loc)) else: loc = window.CurrentLocation() sg.popup(f'Transaction effectué avec succès !', title="Envoyé", location=(loc)) window.close()