#!/bin/bash MP="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MP="`( cd \"$MP\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized cd $MP [[ ! $1 ]] && echo "Please give a search" && exit 1 ## Get user variables and credentials source .env mkdir -p "$output" ## Get search or link from arguments track=$(echo "$@" | sed 's/ /%20/g ') ## Check if we have a direct spotify link, or search words if [[ $(echo "$track" | grep "open.spotify.com") ]]; then link="$track" [[ $(echo "$link" | grep "open.spotify.com/album") ]] && format="{artist} - {album}/{track_name}.{ext}" else ## Check if we have a non expired token in cache, or get it if [[ -f .token_cache ]]; then cached_timestamp=$(cat .token_cache | jq .expires_time) timestamp=$(date +%s) if [[ $timestamp -lt $cached_timestamp ]]; then sp_token=$(cat .token_cache | jq -r .token) fi fi if [[ ! $sp_token ]]; then base64_id="$(echo -n $sp_client_id:$sp_client_secret | base64 -w 0)" sp_token=$(curl -s --location --request POST 'https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token' --header "Authorization: Basic $base64_id" --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' | jq -r .access_token) timestamp=$(date +%s) ((timestamp=timestamp+3600)) echo -e "{\n\"token\": \"$sp_token\",\n\"expires_time\": $timestamp\n}" | jq . > .token_cache fi link=$(curl -sX "GET" "https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?q=$track&type=track" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $sp_token" | jq -r '.[].items[0].external_urls.spotify') fi ## Start download SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID="" SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET="" SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI="" python lib/spotify_ripper/spotify_ripper/main.py -k .spotify_appkey.key -u "$sp_id" -p "$sp_password" $link -f "$output/$format"