Update to 1.2.0

This commit is contained in:
Hexah 2020-06-16 21:49:30 +02:00
parent fefc770ae0
commit c922fedc5f
6 changed files with 173 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
## 1.2.0
- Improved documentation.
- Deprecated `StreamInfoExt.getHighestBitrate`, use list.`sortByBitrate`.
- Implemented `withHighestBitrate` and `sortByBitrate` for `StreamInfo` iterables.
- Implemented `withHighestBitrate` for `VideoStreamInfo` iterables.
- Now `sortByVideoQuality` returns a List of `T`.
## 1.1.0
- Implement parsing of the search page to retrieve information from youtube searches. See `SearchQuery`.
## 1.0.0
- Stable release
## 1.1.0
- Implement for advanced Search parsing from search page. `SearchQuery`.
## 1.0.0-beta

View File

@ -1,27 +1,32 @@
# YoutubeExplodeDart
This is a port of the [YoutubeExplode] library from C#, most of the API functions or doc comments come from YoutubeExplode's API.
This is a port of the [YoutubeExplode] library from C#, most of the functions, doc comments, readme information, is taken from YoutubeExplode repository.
This library provides a class to query metadata of Youtube videos, playlists and channels.
This doesn't require an API key and has no usage quotas.
YoutubeExplode is a library that provides an interface to query metadata of YouTube videos, playlists and channels, as well as to resolve and download video streams and closed caption tracks. Behind a layer of abstraction, the library parses raw page content and uses reverse-engineered AJAX requests to retrieve information. As it doesn't use the official API, there's also no need for an API key and there are no usage quotas.
## Features from YoutubeExplode
- Retrieve info about videos, playlists, channels, media streams, closed caption tracks.
- Handles all types of videos, including legacy, signed, restricted, non-embeddable and unlisted videos
- Downloads videos by exposing their media content as a stream
- Parses and downloads closed caption tracks
- All metadata properties are exposed using strong types and enums
- Provides static methods to validate IDs and to parse IDs from URLs
- No need for an API key and no usage quotas
- Retrieve metadata on videos, playlists, channels, streams, and closed captions
- Execute search queries and get resulting videos.
- Get or download video streams.
- Get closed captions.
- All model extend `Equatable` to easily perform equality checks
## Differences from YoutubeExplode
- The entry point is `YoutubeExplode`, not `YoutubeClient`.
- Download closed captions as `srt` is not supported yet.
- Search queries can be fetched from the search page as well (thus fetch Videos, Channels and Playlists).
## Install
## Usage
- [Install](#install)
- [Downloading a video stream](#downloading-a-video-stream)
- [Working with playlists](#working-with-playlists)
- [Extracting closed captions](#extracting-closed-captions)
- [Cleanup](#cleanup)
### Install
Add the dependency to the pubspec.yaml (Check for the latest version)
@ -33,62 +38,141 @@ Import the library
import 'package:youtube_explode_dart/youtube_explode_dart.dart';
# Usage
### Getting metadata of a video
The following example shows how you can extract various metadata from a YouTube video:
// You can provider either a video ID or URL as String or an instance of `VideoId`.
var video = yt.video.get('https://youtube.com/watch?v=bnsUkE8i0tU'); // Returns a Video instance.
var title = video.title; // "Infected Mushroom - Spitfire [Monstercat Release]"
var author = video.author; // "MonsterCat"
var duration = video.duration; // Instance of Duration - 0:07:14.00000
### Downloading a video stream
Every YouTube video has a number of streams available. These streams may have different containers, video quality, bitrate, etc.
On top of that, depending on the content of the stream, the streams are further divided into 3 categories:
- Muxed streams -- contain both video and audio
- Audio-only streams -- contain only audio
-- Video-only streams -- contain only video
You can request the stream manifest to get available streams for a particular video:
To start using the API you need to initialize the `YoutubeExplode` class (which will create a new http client), and get (for example) the video id of the video you'd want to retrieve information, which usually is the `v` parameter.
var yt = YoutubeExplode();
var manifest = yt.videos.streamsClient.getManifest('bnsUkE8i0tU');
## Get video metadata
The [Video][Video] class contains info about the video such as the video title, the duration or the search keywords.
Once you get the manifest, you can filter through the streams and choose the one you're interested in downloading:
var video = yt.video.get(id); // Returns a Video instance.
// Get highest quality muxed stream
var streamInfo = streamManifest.muxed.withHigestVideoQuality();
// ...or highest bitrate audio-only stream
var streamInfo = streamManifest.audioOnly.withHigestBitrate()
// ...or highest quality MP4 video-only stream
var streamInfo.videoOnly.where((e) => e.container == Container)
## Get video streams
The Manifest contains the audio, video and muxed streams of the video. Each of the streams provides an url which can be used to download a video with a get request (See [example][VidExample]).
var manifest = yt.videos.streamsClient.getManifest(videoId);
var muxed = manifest.muxed; // List of `MuxedStreamInfo` sorted by video quality.
var audio = manifest.audio; // List of `AudioStreamInfo` sorted by bitrate.
var video = manifest.video; // List of `VideoSteamInfo` sorted by video quality.
// There are available manifest.audioOnly and manifest.videoOnly as well.
Be aware, the muxed streams don't hold the best quality, to achieve so, you'd need to merge the audio and video streams.
## Closed Captions
To get the video closed caption it is need to query before the caption track infos, which can be used to retrieve the closed caption.
Finally, you can get the actual `Stream` object represented by the metadata:
var trackInfos = await yt.videos.closedCaptions.getManifest(videoId); // Get the caption track infos
var trackInfo = manifest.getByLanguage(en); // Get english caption.
var track = await track.getByTime(duration); // Get the caption displayed at `duration`.
if (streamInfo != null) {
// Get the actual stream
var stream = yt.video.streamClient.get(streamInfo);
// Open a file for writing.
var file = File(filePath);
var fileStream = file.openWrite();
// Pipe all the content of the stream into the file.
await stream.pipe(fileStream);
// Close the file.
await fileStream.flush();
await fileStream.close();
## Cleanup
You need to close `YoutubeExplode`'s http client when done otherwise this could halt the dart process.
While it may be tempting to just always use muxed streams, it's important to note that they are limited in quality. Muxed streams don't go beyond 720p30.
If you want to download the video in maximum quality, you need to download the audio-only and video-only streams separately and then mux them together on your own. There are tools like FFmpeg that let you do that.
### Working with playlists
Among other things, YoutubeExplode also supports playlists:
var yt = YoutubeExplode();
// Get playlist metadata.
var playlist = await yt.playlists.get('PLQLqnnnfa_fAkUmMFw5xh8Kv0S5voEjC9');
var title = playlist.title; // "Igorrr - Hallelujah"
var author = playlist.author; // "randomusername604"
await for (var video in yt.playlists.getVideos(playlist.id)) {
var videoTitle = video.title;
var videoAuthor = video.author;
var playlistVideos = await yt.playlists.getVideos(playlist.id);
// Get first 20 playlist videos.
var somePlaylistVideos = await yt.playlists.getVideos(playlist.id).take(20);
### Extracting closed captions
Similarly, to streams, you can extract closed captions by getting the manifest and choosing the track you're interested in:
var yt = YoutubeExplode();
var trackManifest = await yt.videos.closedCaptions.getManifest('_QdPW8JrYzQ')
var trackInfo = manifest.getByLanguage('en'); // Get english caption.
if (trackInfo != null)
// Get the actual closed caption track.
var track = await youtube.videos.closedCaptions.get(trackInfo);
// Get the caption displayed at 1:01
var caption = track.getByTime(Duration(seconds: 61));
var text = caption?.text; // "And the game was afoot."
### Cleanup
You need to close `YoutubeExplode`'s http client, when done otherwise this could halt the dart process.
### Examples:
# Examples:
Available on [GitHub][Examples]
More examples available on [GitHub][Examples].
Check the [api doc][API] for additional information.
Check the [api documentation][API] for additional information.
### Credits
- [Tyrrrz] for creating [YoutubeExplode] for C#
- [Hexer10] (Me) who ported the library over to Dart.
- All the [Contributors] of this repository.
[YoutubeExplode]: https://github.com/Tyrrrz/YoutubeExplode/
[Video]: https://pub.dev/documentation/youtube_explode_dart/latest/youtube_explode/Video-class.html
[VidExample]: https://github.com/Hexer10/youtube_explode_dart/blob/master/example/video_download.dart
[API]: https://pub.dev/documentation/youtube_explode_dart/latest/youtube_explode/youtube_explode-library.html
[Examples]: [https://github.com/Hexer10/youtube_explode_dart/tree/master/example]
[Examples]: https://github.com/Hexer10/youtube_explode_dart/tree/master/example
[Tyrrrz]: https://github.com/Tyrrrz/
[Hexer10]: https://github.com/Hexer10/
[Contributors]: https://github.com/Hexer10/youtube_explode_dart/graphs/contributors

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ abstract class StreamInfo {
StreamInfo(this.tag, this.url, this.container, this.size, this.bitrate);
/// Extensions for [StreamInfo]
/// Extensions for [StreamInfo].
extension StreamInfoExt on StreamInfo {
static final _exp = RegExp('ratebypass[=/]yes');
@ -32,6 +32,19 @@ extension StreamInfoExt on StreamInfo {
bool isRateLimited() => _exp.hasMatch(url.toString());
/// Gets the stream with highest bitrate.
@Deprecated('Use `sortByBitrate` extension instead. '
'Will be removed in v1.4.0')
static StreamInfo getHighestBitrate(List<StreamInfo> streams) =>
(streams..sort((a, b) => a.bitrate.compareTo(b.bitrate))).last;
/// Extension for Iterables of StreamInfo.
extension StreamInfoIterableExt<T extends StreamInfo> on Iterable<T> {
/// Gets the stream with highest bitrate.
T withHighestBitrate() => sortByBitrate().last;
/// Gets the video streams sorted by bitrate in ascending order.
/// This returns new list without editing the original list.
List<T> sortByBitrate() =>
toList()..sort((a, b) => a.bitrate.compareTo(b.bitrate));

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ abstract class VideoStreamInfo extends StreamInfo {
/// Extensions for Iterables of [VideoStreamInfo]
extension VideoStreamInfoExtension on Iterable<VideoStreamInfo> {
extension VideoStreamInfoExtension<T extends VideoStreamInfo> on Iterable<T> {
/// Gets all video qualities available in a collection of video streams.
Set<VideoQuality> getAllVideoQualities() =>
map((e) => e.videoQuality).toSet();
@ -41,12 +41,17 @@ extension VideoStreamInfoExtension on Iterable<VideoStreamInfo> {
/// Gets video quality labels of all streams available in
/// a collection of video streams.
/// This could be longer than [getAllVideoQualities] since this gives also all
/// the different fps.
/// the different framerate values.
Set<String> getAllVideoQualitiesLabel() =>
map((e) => e.videoQualityLabel).toSet();
/// Gets the video stream with highest video quality.
List<VideoStreamInfo> sortByVideoQuality() => toList()
/// Gets the stream with best video quality.
T withHighestBitrate() => sortByVideoQuality().last;
/// Gets the video streams sorted by highest video quality
/// (then by framerate) in ascending order.
/// This returns new list without editing the original list.
List<T> sortByVideoQuality() => toList()
..sort((a, b) => b.framerate.compareTo(a.framerate))
..sort((a, b) => b.videoQuality.index.compareTo(a.videoQuality.index));

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: youtube_explode_dart
description: A port in dart of the youtube explode library. Supports several API functions without the need of Youtube API Key.
version: 1.1.0
version: 1.2.0
homepage: https://github.com/Hexer10/youtube_explode_dart
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ dependencies:
http_parser: ^3.1.3
xml: '>=3.0.0 <5.0.0'
equatable: ^1.1.0
meta: ^1.1.8
effective_dart: ^1.2.1

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@ -18,11 +18,13 @@ void main() {
expect(videos, isNotEmpty);
//TODO: Find out why this fails
test('SearchYouTubeVideosFromPage', () async {
var searchQuery = await yt.search.queryFromPage('hello');
expect(searchQuery.content, isNotEmpty);
expect(searchQuery.relatedVideos, isNotEmpty);
expect(searchQuery.relatedQueries, isNotEmpty);
}, skip: 'This may fail on some environments');