import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import '../extensions/helpers_extension.dart'; /// Encapsulates a valid YouTube video ID. class VideoId with EquatableMixin { static final _regMatchExp = RegExp(r'youtube\..+?/watch.*?v=(.*?)(?:&|/|$)'); static final _shortMatchExp = RegExp(r'youtu\.be/(.*?)(?:\?|&|/|$)'); static final _embedMatchExp = RegExp(r'youtube\..+?/embed/(.*?)(?:\?|&|/|$)'); /// ID as string. final String value; /// Initializes an instance of [VideoId] with a url or video id. VideoId(String idOrUrl) : value = parseVideoId(idOrUrl) ?? '' { if (value.isEmpty) { throw ArgumentError.value( idOrUrl, 'urlOrUrl', 'Invalid YouTube video ID or URL'); } } @override String toString() => value; @override List get props => [value]; /// Returns true if the given [videoId] is valid. static bool validateVideoId(String videoId) { if (videoId.isNullOrWhiteSpace) { return false; } if (videoId.length != 11) { return false; } return !RegExp(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z_\-]').hasMatch(videoId); } /// Parses a video id from url or if given a valid id as url returns itself. /// Returns null if the id couldn't be extracted. static String? parseVideoId(String url) { if (url.isNullOrWhiteSpace) { return null; } if (validateVideoId(url)) { return url; } // var regMatch = _regMatchExp.firstMatch(url)?.group(1); if (!regMatch.isNullOrWhiteSpace && validateVideoId(regMatch!)) { return regMatch; } // var shortMatch = _shortMatchExp.firstMatch(url)?.group(1); if (!shortMatch.isNullOrWhiteSpace && validateVideoId(shortMatch!)) { return shortMatch; } // var embedMatch = _embedMatchExp.firstMatch(url)?.group(1); if (!embedMatch.isNullOrWhiteSpace && validateVideoId(embedMatch!)) { return embedMatch; } return null; } /// Converts [obj] to a [VideoId] by calling .toString on that object. /// If it is already a [VideoId], [obj] is returned factory VideoId.fromString(dynamic obj) { if (obj is VideoId) { return obj; } return VideoId(obj.toString()); } }