import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:youtube_explode_dart/youtube_explode_dart.dart'; void main() { YoutubeExplode? yt; setUpAll(() { yt = YoutubeExplode(); }); tearDownAll(() { yt?.close(); }); test('Get metadata of a channel', () async { var channelUrl = ''; var channel = await yt!.channels.get(ChannelId(channelUrl)); expect(channel.url, channelUrl); expect(channel.title, 'Tyrrrz'); expect(channel.logoUrl, isNotEmpty); expect(channel.logoUrl, isNot(equalsIgnoringWhitespace(''))); }); group('Get metadata of any channel', () { for (final val in { 'UC46807r_RiRjH8IU-h_DrDQ', 'UCJ6td3C9QlPO9O_J5dF4ZzA', 'UCiGm_E4ZwYSHV3bcW1pnSeQ' }) { test('Channel - $val', () async { var channelId = ChannelId(val); var channel = await yt!.channels.get(channelId); expect(, channelId); }); } }); test('Get metadata of a channel by username', () async { var channel = await yt!.channels.getByUsername(Username('TheTyrrr')); expect(, 'UCEnBXANsKmyj2r9xVyKoDiQ'); }); test('Get metadata of a channel by a video', () async { var channel = await yt!.channels.getByVideo(VideoId('5NmxuoNyDss')); expect(, 'UCEnBXANsKmyj2r9xVyKoDiQ'); }); test('Get the videos of a youtube channel', () async { var videos = await yt!.channels .getUploads(ChannelId( '')) .toList(); expect(videos.length, greaterThanOrEqualTo(79)); }); group('Get the videos of any youtube channel', () { for (final val in { 'UC46807r_RiRjH8IU-h_DrDQ', 'UCJ6td3C9QlPO9O_J5dF4ZzA', 'UCiGm_E4ZwYSHV3bcW1pnSeQ' }) { test('Channel - $val', () async { var videos = await yt!.channels.getUploads(ChannelId(val)).toList(); expect(videos, isNotEmpty); }); } }); test('Get videos of a youtube channel from the uploads page', () async { var videos = await yt!.channels.getUploadsFromPage('UCEnBXANsKmyj2r9xVyKoDiQ'); expect(videos, hasLength(30)); }); //TODO: Remove dupe test test('Get about page of a youtube', () async { var aboutPage = await yt!.channels.getAboutPageByUsername( 'PewDiePie'); // or yt.channels.getAboutPage(channelId) expect(aboutPage.title, 'PewDiePie'); expect( aboutPage.viewCount, greaterThanOrEqualTo( 20000000000)); //Seems youtube likes to change and lower this number expect(aboutPage.description, isNotEmpty); expect(aboutPage.thumbnails, isNotEmpty); // Avatar list expect(aboutPage.channelLinks, isNotEmpty); expect(, 'United States'); expect(aboutPage.joinDate, 'Apr 29, 2010'); }); }