import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:html/dom.dart'; import 'package:html/parser.dart' as parser; import '../../../youtube_explode_dart.dart'; import '../../extensions/helpers_extension.dart'; import '../../retry.dart'; import '../youtube_http_client.dart'; /// class PlaylistPage { /// final String playlistId; final Document? root; late final _InitialData initialData = getInitialData(); _InitialData? _initialData; /// _InitialData getInitialData() { if (_initialData != null) { return _initialData!; } final scriptText = root! .querySelectorAll('script') .map((e) => e.text) .toList(growable: false); var initialDataText = scriptText .firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.contains('window["ytInitialData"] =')); if (initialDataText != null) { return _InitialData(json .decode(_extractJson(initialDataText, 'window["ytInitialData"] ='))); } initialDataText = scriptText.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.contains('var ytInitialData = ')); if (initialDataText != null) { return _InitialData( json.decode(_extractJson(initialDataText, 'var ytInitialData = '))); } throw TransientFailureException( 'Failed to retrieve initial data from the search page, please report this to the project GitHub page.'); // ignore: lines_longer_than_80_chars } String _extractJson(String html, String separator) { var index = html.indexOf(separator) + separator.length; if (index > html.length) { throw TransientFailureException( 'Failed to retrieve initial data from the search page, please report this to the project GitHub page. Couldn\'t extract json: $html'); } return _matchJson(html.substring(index)); } String _matchJson(String str) { var bracketCount = 0; var lastI = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { lastI = i; if (str[i] == '{') { bracketCount++; } else if (str[i] == '}') { bracketCount--; } else if (str[i] == ';') { if (bracketCount == 0) { return str.substring(0, i); } } } return str.substring(0, lastI + 1); } /// PlaylistPage(this.root, this.playlistId, [_InitialData? initialData]) : _initialData = initialData; /// Future nextPage(YoutubeHttpClient httpClient) async { if (initialData.continuationToken == null) { return null; } return get(httpClient, playlistId, token: initialData.continuationToken); } /// static Future get(YoutubeHttpClient httpClient, String id, {String? token}) { if (token != null && token.isNotEmpty) { var url = ''; return retry(() async { var body = { 'context': const { 'client': { 'hl': 'en', 'clientName': 'WEB', 'clientVersion': '2.20200911.04.00' } }, 'continuation': token }; var raw = await, body: json.encode(body)); return PlaylistPage(null, id, _InitialData(json.decode(raw.body))); }); // Ask for next page, } var url = '$id&hl=en&persist_hl=1'; return retry(() async { var raw = await httpClient.getString(url); return PlaylistPage.parse(raw, id); }); // ask for next page } /// PlaylistPage.parse(String raw, this.playlistId) : root = parser.parse(raw); } class _InitialData { // Json parsed map final Map root; _InitialData(this.root); late final String? title = root .get('metadata') ?.get('playlistMetadataRenderer') ?.getT('title'); late final String? author = root .get('sidebar') ?.get('playlistSidebarRenderer') ?.getList('items') ?.elementAtSafe(1) ?.get('playlistSidebarSecondaryInfoRenderer') ?.get('videoOwner') ?.get('videoOwnerRenderer') ?.get('title') ?.getT>('runs') ?.parseRuns(); late final String? description = root .get('metadata') ?.get('playlistMetadataRenderer') ?.getT('description'); late final int? viewCount = root .get('sidebar') ?.get('playlistSidebarRenderer') ?.getList('items') ?.firstOrNull ?.get('playlistSidebarPrimaryInfoRenderer') ?.getList('stats') ?.elementAtSafe(1) ?.getT('simpleText') ?.parseInt(); late final String? continuationToken = (videosContent ?? playlistVideosContent) ?.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e['continuationItemRenderer'] != null) ?.get('continuationItemRenderer') ?.get('continuationEndpoint') ?.get('continuationCommand') ?.getT('token'); List>? get playlistVideosContent => root .get('contents') ?.get('twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer') ?.getList('tabs') ?.firstOrNull ?.get('tabRenderer') ?.get('content') ?.get('sectionListRenderer') ?.getList('contents') ?.firstOrNull ?.get('itemSectionRenderer') ?.getList('contents') ?.firstOrNull ?.get('playlistVideoListRenderer') ?.getList('contents') ?? root .getList('onResponseReceivedActions') ?.firstOrNull ?.get('appendContinuationItemsAction') ?.getList('continuationItems'); late final List>? videosContent = root .get('contents') ?.get('twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer') ?.get('primaryContents') ?.get('sectionListRenderer') ?.getList('contents') ?? root .getList('onResponseReceivedCommands') ?.firstOrNull ?.get('appendContinuationItemsAction') ?.getList('continuationItems'); List<_Video> get playlistVideos => playlistVideosContent ?.where((e) => e['playlistVideoRenderer'] != null) .map((e) => _Video(e['playlistVideoRenderer'])) .toList() ?? const []; List<_Video> get videos => videosContent?.firstOrNull ?.get('itemSectionRenderer') ?.getList('contents') ?.where((e) => e['videoRenderer'] != null) .map((e) => _Video(e)) .toList() ?? const []; } class _Video { // Json parsed map final Map root; _Video(this.root); String get id => root.getT('videoId')!; String get author => root.get('ownerText')?.getT>('runs')?.parseRuns() ?? root.get('shortBylineText')?.getT>('runs')?.parseRuns() ?? ''; String get channelId => root .get('ownerText') ?.getList('runs') ?.firstOrNull ?.get('navigationEndpoint') ?.get('browseEndpoint') ?.getT('browseId') ?? root .get('shortBylineText') ?.getList('runs') ?.firstOrNull ?.get('navigationEndpoint') ?.get('browseEndpoint') ?.getT('browseId') ?? ''; String get title => root.get('title')?.getList('runs')?.parseRuns() ?? ''; String get description => root.getList('descriptionSnippet')?.parseRuns() ?? ''; Duration? get duration => _stringToDuration(root.get('lengthText')?.getT('simpleText')); int get viewCount => root.get('viewCountText')?.getT('simpleText')?.parseInt() ?? 0; /// Format: HH:MM:SS static Duration? _stringToDuration(String? string) { if (string == null || string.trim().isEmpty) { return null; } var parts = string.split(':'); assert(parts.length <= 3); if (parts.length == 1) { return Duration(seconds: int.parse(parts.first)); } if (parts.length == 2) { return Duration( minutes: int.parse(parts.first), seconds: int.parse(parts[1])); } if (parts.length == 3) { return Duration( hours: int.parse(parts[0]), minutes: int.parse(parts[1]), seconds: int.parse(parts[2])); } throw Error(); } }