import 'dart:convert'; import '../../channels/channel_id.dart'; import '../../extensions/helpers_extension.dart'; import '../../retry.dart'; import '../../reverse_engineering/youtube_http_client.dart'; import '../videos.dart'; import 'comment.dart'; /// Queries related to comments of YouTube videos. class CommentsClient { final YoutubeHttpClient _httpClient; /// Initializes an instance of [CommentsClient] CommentsClient(this._httpClient); /// Returns the json parsed comments map. Future> _getCommentJson( String service, String continuation, String clickTrackingParams, String xsfrToken, String visitorInfoLive, String ysc) async { var url = '' '$service=1&' 'pbj=1&' 'ctoken=$continuation&' 'continuation=$continuation&' 'itct=$clickTrackingParams'; return retry(() async { var raw = await _httpClient.postString(url, headers: { 'cookie': 'YSC=$ysc; GPS=1; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=$visitorInfoLive;' ' CONSENT=WP.288163; PREF=f4=4000000', }, body: { 'session_token': xsfrToken }); return json.decode(raw); }); } /// Returns a stream emitting all the [video]'s comment. /// A request is page for every comment page, /// a page contains at most 20 comments, use .take if you want to limit /// the results. /// /// Throws an exception if the given video has not a watch page available. /// this happens for the videos from playlist or search queries. Stream getComments(Video video) async* { if (video.watchPage == null) { //TODO: Implement custom exception. throw Exception('Watch page not available for this video'); } yield* _getComments( video.watchPage.initialData.continuation, video.watchPage.initialData.clickTrackingParams, video.watchPage.xsfrToken, video.watchPage.visitorInfoLive, video.watchPage.ysc); } Stream _getComments(String continuation, String clickTrackingParams, String xsfrToken, String visitorInfoLive, String ysc) async* { var data = await _getCommentJson('action_get_comments', continuation, clickTrackingParams, xsfrToken, visitorInfoLive, ysc); var contentRoot = data['response']['continuationContents'] ['itemSectionContinuation']['contents'] ?.map((e) => e['commentThreadRenderer']) ?.toList() ?.cast>() as List>; if (contentRoot == null) { return; } for (var content in contentRoot) { var commentRaw = content['comment']['commentRenderer']; String continuation; String clickTrackingParams; if (content['replies'] != null) { continuation = content['replies']['commentRepliesRenderer'] ['continuations'] .first['nextContinuationData']['continuation']; clickTrackingParams = content['replies']['commentRepliesRenderer'] ['continuations'] .first['nextContinuationData']['clickTrackingParams']; } var comment = Comment( commentRaw['commentId'], commentRaw['authorText']['simpleText'], ChannelId(commentRaw['authorEndpoint']['browseEndpoint']['browseId']), _parseRuns(commentRaw['contentText']), commentRaw['likeCount'] ?? 0, _parseRuns(commentRaw['publishedTimeText']), commentRaw['replyCount'], continuation, clickTrackingParams); yield comment; } var continuationRoot = (data ?.get('response') ?.get('continuationContents') ?.get('itemSectionContinuation') ?.getValue('continuations') ?.first as Map) ?.get('nextContinuationData'); if (continuationRoot != null) { yield* _getComments( continuationRoot['continuation'], continuationRoot['clickTrackingParams'], xsfrToken, visitorInfoLive, ysc); } } String _parseRuns(Map runs) => runs?.getValue('runs')?.map((e) => e['text'])?.join() ?? ''; //TODO: Implement replies /* Stream getReplies(Video video, Comment comment) async* { if (video.watchPage == null || comment.continuation == null || comment.clicktrackingParams == null) { return; } yield* _getReplies( video.watchPage.initialData.continuation, video.watchPage.initialData.clickTrackingParams, video.watchPage.xsfrToken, video.watchPage.visitorInfoLive, video.watchPage.ysc); } Stream _getReplies(String continuation, String clickTrackingParams, String xsfrToken, String visitorInfoLive, String ysc) async* { var data = await _getCommentJson('action_get_comment_replies', continuation, clickTrackingParams, xsfrToken, visitorInfoLive, ysc); print(data); }*/ }