import '../videos/video_id.dart'; import 'youtube_explode_exception.dart'; /// Exception thrown when the requested video is unplayable. class VideoUnplayableException implements YoutubeExplodeException { /// Description message final String message; /// Initializes an instance of [VideoUnplayableException] VideoUnplayableException(this.message); /// Initializes an instance of [VideoUnplayableException] with a [VideoId] VideoUnplayableException.unplayable(VideoId videoId, {String reason = ''}) : message = 'Video \'$videoId\' is unplayable.\n' 'Streams are not available for this video.\n' 'In most cases, this error indicates that there are \n' 'some restrictions in place that prevent watching this video.\n' 'Reason: $reason'; /// Initializes an instance of [VideoUnplayableException] with a [VideoId] VideoUnplayableException.liveStream(VideoId videoId) : message = 'Video \'$videoId\' is an ongoing live stream.\n' 'Streams are not available for this video.\n' 'Please wait until the live stream finishes and try again.'; /// Initializes an instance of [VideoUnplayableException] with a [VideoId] VideoUnplayableException.notLiveStream(VideoId videoId) : message = 'Video \'$videoId\' is not an ongoing live stream.\n' 'Live stream manifest is not available for this video'; @override String toString() => 'VideoUnplayableException: $message'; }