import 'dart:convert'; import '../../youtube_explode_dart.dart'; import '../extensions/helpers_extension.dart'; import '../retry.dart'; import '../reverse_engineering/pages/search_page.dart'; import '../reverse_engineering/youtube_http_client.dart'; import 'base_search_content.dart'; import 'search_filter.dart'; import 'search_list.dart'; import 'search_query.dart'; /// YouTube search queries. class SearchClient { final YoutubeHttpClient _httpClient; /// Initializes an instance of [SearchClient] SearchClient(this._httpClient); /// Enumerates videos returned by the specified search query /// (from the video search page). /// The videos are sent in batch of 20 videos. /// You [SearchList.nextPage] to get the next batch of videos. Future getVideos(String searchQuery, {SearchFilter filter = const SearchFilter('')}) async { final page = await SearchPage.get(_httpClient, searchQuery, filter: filter); return SearchList( page.searchContent .whereType() .map((e) => Video(, e.title,, ChannelId(e.channelId), e.uploadDate?.toDateTime(), null, e.description, e.duration.toDuration(), ThumbnailSet(, null, Engagement(e.viewCount, null, null), e.isLive)) .toList(), page, _httpClient); } /// Enumerates videos returned by the specified search query /// (from the video search page). /// Contains only instances of [SearchVideo] or [SearchPlaylist] @Deprecated( 'Since version 1.9.0 this is the same as [SearchClient.getVideos].') Stream getVideosFromPage(String searchQuery, {bool onlyVideos = true, SearchFilter filter = const SearchFilter('')}) async* { SearchPage? page; // ignore: literal_only_boolean_expressions for (;;) { if (page == null) { page = await retry(() async => SearchPage.get(_httpClient, searchQuery, filter: filter)); } else { page = await page.nextPage(_httpClient); if (page == null) { return; } } if (onlyVideos) { yield* Stream.fromIterable( page!.searchContent.whereType()); } else { yield* Stream.fromIterable(page!.searchContent); } } } /// Returns the suggestions youtube provide while search on the page. Future> getQuerySuggestions(String query) async { final request = await _httpClient.get( '${Uri.encodeComponent(query)}&callback=func'); final body = request.body; final startIndex = body.indexOf('func('); final jsonStr = body.substring(startIndex + 5, body.length - 1); final data = json.decode(jsonStr) as List; final suggestions = data[1] as List; return => e[0]).toList().cast(); } /// Queries to YouTube to get the results. @Deprecated('Use getVideosFromPage instead - ' 'Should be used only to get related videos') Future queryFromPage(String searchQuery) =>, searchQuery); } /* channelId = ChannelId.fromString(channelId); var page = await ChannelUploadPage.get( _httpClient, channelId.value, videoSorting.code); yield* Stream.fromIterable(page.initialData.uploads); // ignore: literal_only_boolean_expressions while (true) { page = await page.nextPage(_httpClient); if (page == null) { return; } yield* Stream.fromIterable(page.initialData.uploads); } */