import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:html/dom.dart'; import 'package:html/parser.dart' as parser; import '../../channels/channel_video.dart'; import '../../exceptions/exceptions.dart'; import '../../retry.dart'; import '../../videos/videos.dart'; import '../youtube_http_client.dart'; import 'generated/channel_upload_page_id.g.dart'; /// class ChannelUploadPage { /// final String channelId; final Document _root; late final _InitialData _initialData = _getInitialData(); /// _InitialData _getInitialData() { final scriptText = _root .querySelectorAll('script') .map((e) => e.text) .toList(growable: false); var initialDataText = scriptText.firstWhere( (e) => e.contains('window["ytInitialData"] ='), orElse: () => ''); if (initialDataText.isNotEmpty) { return _InitialData(ChannelUploadPageId.fromRawJson( _extractJson(initialDataText, 'window["ytInitialData"] ='))); } initialDataText = scriptText.firstWhere( (e) => e.contains('var ytInitialData = '), orElse: () => ''); if (initialDataText.isNotEmpty) { return _InitialData(ChannelUploadPageId.fromRawJson( _extractJson(initialDataText, 'var ytInitialData = '))); } throw TransientFailureException( 'Failed to retrieve initial data from the channel upload page, please report this to the project GitHub page.'); // ignore: lines_longer_than_80_chars } String _extractJson(String html, String separator) { return _matchJson( html.substring(html.indexOf(separator) + separator.length)); } String _matchJson(String str) { var bracketCount = 0; late int lastI; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { lastI = i; if (str[i] == '{') { bracketCount++; } else if (str[i] == '}') { bracketCount--; } else if (str[i] == ';') { if (bracketCount == 0) { return str.substring(0, i); } } } return str.substring(0, lastI + 1); } /// ChannelUploadPage(this._root, this.channelId, [_InitialData initialData]) : _initialData = initialData; /// Future nextPage(YoutubeHttpClient httpClient) { if (initialData.continuation.isEmpty) { return Future.value(null); } var url = '${initialData.continuation}&continuation=${initialData.continuation}&itct=${initialData.clickTrackingParams}'; return retry(() async { var raw = await httpClient.getString(url); return ChannelUploadPage(null, channelId, _InitialData(ChannelUploadPageId.fromJson(json.decode(raw)[1]))); }); } /// static Future get( YoutubeHttpClient httpClient, String channelId, String sorting) { assert(sorting != null); var url = '$channelId/videos?view=0&sort=$sorting&flow=grid'; return retry(() async { var raw = await httpClient.getString(url); return ChannelUploadPage.parse(raw, channelId); }); } /// ChannelUploadPage.parse(String raw, this.channelId) : _root = parser.parse(raw); } class _InitialData { // Json parsed map final ChannelUploadPageId root; _InitialData(this.root); /* Cache results */ List _uploads; String _continuation; String _clickTrackingParams; List getContentContext() { if (root.contents != null) { return root.contents.twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer.tabs .map((e) => e.tabRenderer) .firstWhere((e) => e.selected) .content .sectionListRenderer .contents .first .itemSectionRenderer .contents .first .gridRenderer .items; } if (root.response != null) { return root.response.continuationContents.gridContinuation.items; } throw FatalFailureException('Failed to get initial data context.'); } NextContinuationData getContinuationContext() { if (root.contents != null) { return root.contents?.twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer?.tabs ?.map((e) => e.tabRenderer) ?.firstWhere((e) => e.selected) ?.content ?.sectionListRenderer ?.contents ?.first ?.itemSectionRenderer ?.contents ?.first ?.gridRenderer ?.continuations ?.first ?.nextContinuationData; } if (root.response != null) { return root?.response?.continuationContents?.gridContinuation ?.continuations?.first?.nextContinuationData; } return null; } List get uploads => _uploads ??= getContentContext() ?.map(_parseContent) ?.where((e) => e != null) ?.toList(); String get continuation => _continuation ??= getContinuationContext()?.continuation ?? ''; String get clickTrackingParams => _clickTrackingParams ??= getContinuationContext()?.clickTrackingParams ?? ''; ChannelVideo _parseContent(GridRendererItem content) { if (content == null || content.gridVideoRenderer == null) { return null; } var video = content.gridVideoRenderer; return ChannelVideo( VideoId(video.videoId), video.title?.simpleText ?? video.title?.runs?.map((e) => e.text)?.join() ?? ''); } }