import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:youtube_explode_dart/youtube_explode_dart.dart'; void main() { YoutubeExplode? yt; setUpAll(() { yt = YoutubeExplode(); }); tearDownAll(() { yt?.close(); }); test('Get metadata of a video', () async { var videoUrl = ''; var video = await yt!.videos.get(VideoId(videoUrl)); expect(, 'AI7ULzgf8RU'); expect(video.url, videoUrl); expect(video.title, 'Aka no Ha [Another] +HDHR'); expect(video.channelId.value, 'UCEnBXANsKmyj2r9xVyKoDiQ'); expect(, 'Tyrrrz'); var rangeMs = DateTime(2017, 09, 30, 17, 15, 26).millisecondsSinceEpoch; // 1day margin since the uploadDate could differ from timezones expect(video.uploadDate!.millisecondsSinceEpoch, inInclusiveRange(rangeMs - 86400000, rangeMs + 86400000)); expect(video.publishDate!.millisecondsSinceEpoch, inInclusiveRange(rangeMs - 86400000, rangeMs + 86400000)); expect(video.description, contains('246pp')); // Should be 1:38 but sometimes it differs // so we're using a 10 seconds range from it. expect(video.duration!.inSeconds, inInclusiveRange(108, 118)); expect(video.thumbnails.lowResUrl, isNotEmpty); expect(video.thumbnails.mediumResUrl, isNotEmpty); expect(video.thumbnails.highResUrl, isNotEmpty); expect(video.thumbnails.standardResUrl, isNotEmpty); expect(video.thumbnails.maxResUrl, isNotEmpty); expect( video.keywords, containsAll([ 'osu', 'mouse' /*, 'rhythm game'*/ ])); expect(video.engagement.viewCount, greaterThanOrEqualTo(134)); expect(video.engagement.likeCount, greaterThanOrEqualTo(5)); expect(video.engagement.dislikeCount, greaterThanOrEqualTo(0)); }); group('Get metadata of any video', () { for (final val in { VideoId('9bZkp7q19f0'), VideoId('SkRSXFQerZs'), VideoId('5VGm0dczmHc'), VideoId('ZGdLIwrGHG8'), VideoId('5qap5aO4i9A') }) { test('VideoId - ${val.value}', () async { var video = await yt!.videos.get(val); expect(, val.value); }); } }); group('Get metadata of invalid videos throws VideoUnplayableException', () { for (final val in {VideoId('qld9w0b-1ao'), VideoId('pb_hHv3fByo')}) { test('VideoId - $val', () { expect(() async => yt!.videos.get(val), throwsA(const TypeMatcher())); }); } }); }