
37 lines
856 B

import 'bitrate.dart';
import 'container.dart';
import 'filesize.dart';
/// Generic YouTube media stream.
abstract class StreamInfo {
/// Stream tag.
/// Uniquely identifies a stream inside a manifest.
final int tag;
/// Stream URL.
final Uri url;
/// Stream container.
final Container container;
/// Stream size.
final FileSize size;
/// Stream bitrate.
final Bitrate bitrate;
StreamInfo(this.tag, this.url, this.container, this.size, this.bitrate);
/// Extensions for [StreamInfo]
extension StreamInfoExt on StreamInfo {
static final _exp = RegExp('ratebypass[=/]yes');
bool _isRateLimited() => _exp.hasMatch(url.toString());
/// Gets the stream with highest bitrate.
static StreamInfo getHighestBitrate(List<StreamInfo> streams) =>
(streams..sort((a, b) => a.bitrate.compareTo(b.bitrate))).last;