
135 lines
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import '../common/common.dart';
import '../extensions/helpers_extension.dart';
import '../playlists/playlists.dart';
import '../reverse_engineering/responses/channel_about_page.dart';
import '../reverse_engineering/responses/channel_upload_page.dart';
import '../reverse_engineering/responses/responses.dart';
import '../reverse_engineering/youtube_http_client.dart';
import '../videos/video.dart';
import '../videos/video_id.dart';
import 'channel.dart';
import 'channel_id.dart';
import 'channel_video.dart';
import 'channels.dart';
import 'username.dart';
import 'video_sorting.dart';
/// Queries related to YouTube channels.
class ChannelClient {
final YoutubeHttpClient _httpClient;
/// Initializes an instance of [ChannelClient]
/// Gets the metadata associated with the specified channel.
/// [id] must be either a [ChannelId] or a string
/// which is parsed to a [ChannelId]
Future<Channel> get(dynamic id) async {
id = ChannelId.fromString(id);
var channelPage = await ChannelPage.get(_httpClient, id.value);
return Channel(id, channelPage.channelTitle, channelPage.channelLogoUrl);
/// Gets the metadata associated with the channel of the specified user.
/// [username] must be either a [Username] or a string
/// which is parsed to a [Username]
Future<Channel> getByUsername(dynamic username) async {
username = Username.fromString(username);
var channelPage =
await ChannelPage.getByUsername(_httpClient, username.value);
return Channel(ChannelId(channelPage.channelId), channelPage.channelTitle,
/// Gets the info found on a YouTube Channel About page.
/// [id] must be either a [ChannelId] or a string
/// which is parsed to a [ChannelId]
Future<ChannelAbout> getAboutPage(dynamic id) async {
id = ChannelId.fromString(id);
var channelAboutPage = await ChannelAboutPage.get(_httpClient, id.value);
var iData = channelAboutPage.initialData;
assert(iData != null);
return ChannelAbout(
for (var e in id.avatar)
Thumbnail(Uri.parse(e.url), e.height, e.width)
/// Gets the info found on a YouTube Channel About page.
/// [username] must be either a [Username] or a string
/// which is parsed to a [Username]
Future<ChannelAbout> getAboutPageByUsername(dynamic username) async {
username = Username.fromString(username);
var channelAboutPage =
await ChannelAboutPage.getByUsername(_httpClient, username.value);
var id = channelAboutPage.initialData;
assert(id != null);
return ChannelAbout(
for (var e in id.avatar)
Thumbnail(Uri.parse(e.url), e.height, e.width)
/// Gets the metadata associated with the channel
/// that uploaded the specified video.
Future<Channel> getByVideo(dynamic videoId) async {
videoId = VideoId.fromString(videoId);
var videoInfoResponse =
await VideoInfoResponse.get(_httpClient, videoId.value);
var playerResponse = videoInfoResponse.playerResponse;
var channelId = playerResponse.videoChannelId;
return get(ChannelId(channelId));
/// Enumerates videos uploaded by the specified channel.
/// If you want a full list of uploads see [getUploadsFromPage]
Stream<Video> getUploads(dynamic channelId) {
channelId = ChannelId.fromString(channelId);
var playlistId = 'UU${(channelId.value as String).substringAfter('UC')}';
return PlaylistClient(_httpClient).getVideos(PlaylistId(playlistId));
/// Enumerates videos uploaded by the specified channel.
/// This fetches thru all the uploads pages of the channel so it is
/// recommended to use _.take_ (or any other method) to limit the
/// search result. Every page has 30 results.
/// Note that this endpoint provides less info about each video
/// (only the Title and VideoId).
Stream<ChannelVideo> getUploadsFromPage(dynamic channelId,
[VideoSorting videoSorting = VideoSorting.newest]) async* {
channelId = ChannelId.fromString(channelId);
var page = await ChannelUploadPage.get(
_httpClient, channelId.value, videoSorting.code);
yield* Stream.fromIterable(page.initialData.uploads);
// ignore: literal_only_boolean_expressions
while (true) {
page = await page.nextPage(_httpClient);
if (page == null) {
yield* Stream.fromIterable(page.initialData.uploads);