
33 lines
967 B

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import '../exceptions/exceptions.dart';
import '../models/models.dart';
/// Download extension for [MediaStreamInfo]
extension DownloadExtension on MediaStreamInfo {
static final _rateBypassExp = RegExp('ratebypass[=/]yes');
/// Returns the stream of this media stream object.
/// The download is split in multiple requests using the `range` parameter.
Stream<List<int>> downloadStream() async* {
var req = await http.head(url);
if (req.statusCode != 200) {
throw VideoStreamUnavailableException(req.statusCode, url);
var maxSize = _rateBypassExp.hasMatch(url.toString()) ? 9898989 : size + 1;
var total = 0;
for (var i = 1; total < size; i++) {
var req = http.Request('get', url);
req.headers['range'] = 'bytes=$total-${total + maxSize}';
var resp = await req.send();
total += maxSize + 1;