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2023-01-22 20:01:20 +01:00
from tools import get_publickey_from_seed, b58_decode, xor_bytes, message_exit
from nacl import encoding
import nacl.hash
from scrypt import hash
import pyaes
from getpass import getpass
from os import path
from re import compile, search
def auth_method(cli_args):
if cli_args.contains_switches('auth-scrypt'):
return auth_by_scrypt(cli_args)
if cli_args.contains_switches('auth-seed'):
return auth_by_seed()
if cli_args.contains_switches('auth-file'):
return auth_by_auth_file(cli_args)
if cli_args.contains_switches('auth-wif'):
return auth_by_wif()
message_exit("Error: no authentication method")
def generate_auth_file(cli_args):
if cli_args.contains_definitions('file'):
file = cli_args.get_definition('file')
file = "authfile"
seed = auth_method(cli_args)
with open(file, "w") as f:
# G1SMS:: Remove verbose text
#print("Authfile generated for the public key: ", get_publickey_from_seed(seed))
def auth_by_auth_file(cli_args):
if cli_args.contains_definitions('file'):
file = cli_args.get_definition('file')
file = "authfile"
if not path.isfile(file):
message_exit("Error: the file \"" + file + "\" does not exist")
with open(file) as f:
filetxt = f.read()
regex_seed = compile('^[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$')
regex_gannonce = compile('^pub: [1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{43,44}\nsec: [1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{88,90}.*$')
# Seed Format
if search(regex_seed, filetxt):
seed = filetxt[0:64]
# gannonce.duniter.org Format
elif search(regex_gannonce, filetxt):
private_key = filetxt.split("sec: ")[1].split("\n")[0]
seed = encoding.HexEncoder.encode(b58_decode(private_key))[0:64].decode("utf-8")
message_exit("Error: the format of the file is invalid")
return seed
def auth_by_seed():
seed = input("Please enter your seed on hex format: ")
regex = compile('^[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$')
if not search(regex, seed):
message_exit("Error: the format of the seed is invalid")
return seed
def auth_by_scrypt(cli_args):
# G1SMS:: Accept salt & password from "cli_args"
if cli_args.contains_definitions('salt') and cli_args.contains_definitions('password'):
salt = cli_args.get_definition('salt')
password = cli_args.get_definition('password')
salt = getpass.getpass("Please enter your Scrypt Salt (Secret identifier): ")
password = getpass.getpass("Please enter your Scrypt password (masked): ")
if cli_args.contains_definitions('n') and cli_args.contains_definitions('r') and cli_args.contains_definitions('p'):
n, r, p = cli_args.get_definition('n'), cli_args.get_definition('r'), cli_args.get_definition('p')
if n.isnumeric() and r.isnumeric() and p.isnumeric():
n, r, p = int(n), int(r), int(p)
if n <= 0 or n > 65536 or r <= 0 or r > 512 or p <= 0 or p > 32:
message_exit("Error: the values of Scrypt parameters are not good")
message_exit("one of n, r or p is not a number")
# G1SMS:: Remove text
#print("Using default values. Scrypt parameters not specified or wrong format")
n, r, p = 4096, 16, 1
#print("Scrypt parameters used: N: {0}, r: {1}, p: {2}".format(n, r, p))
return get_seed_from_scrypt(salt, password, n, r, p)
def auth_by_wif():
wif = input("Please enter your WIF or Encrypted WIF address: ")
regex = compile('^[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]*$')
if not search(regex, wif):
message_exit("Error: the format of WIF is invalid")
wif_bytes = b58_decode(wif)
fi = wif_bytes[0:1]
if fi == b'\x01':
return get_seed_from_wifv1(wif)
elif fi == b'\x02':
password = getpass("Please enter the " +
"password of WIF (masked): ")
return get_seed_from_ewifv1(wif, password)
message_exit("Error: the format of WIF is invalid or unknown")
def get_seed_from_scrypt(salt, password, N=4096, r=16, p=1):
seed = hash(password, salt, N, r, p, 32)
seedhex = encoding.HexEncoder.encode(seed).decode("utf-8")
return seedhex
def get_seed_from_wifv1(wif):
regex = compile('^[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]*$')
if not search(regex, wif):
message_exit("Error: the format of WIF is invalid")
wif_bytes = b58_decode(wif)
if len(wif_bytes) != 35:
message_exit("Error: the size of WIF is invalid")
checksum_from_wif = wif_bytes[-2:]
fi = wif_bytes[0:1]
seed = wif_bytes[1:-2]
seed_fi = wif_bytes[0:-2]
if fi != b'\x01':
message_exit("Error: It's not a WIF format")
# checksum control
checksum = nacl.hash.sha256(
nacl.hash.sha256(seed_fi, encoding.RawEncoder),
if checksum_from_wif != checksum:
message_exit("Error: bad checksum of the WIF")
seedhex = encoding.HexEncoder.encode(seed).decode("utf-8")
return seedhex
def get_seed_from_ewifv1(ewif, password):
regex = compile('^[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]*$')
if not search(regex, ewif):
message_exit("Error: the format of EWIF is invalid")
wif_bytes = b58_decode(ewif)
if len(wif_bytes) != 39:
message_exit("Error: the size of EWIF is invalid")
wif_no_checksum = wif_bytes[0:-2]
checksum_from_ewif = wif_bytes[-2:]
fi = wif_bytes[0:1]
salt = wif_bytes[1:5]
encryptedhalf1 = wif_bytes[5:21]
encryptedhalf2 = wif_bytes[21:37]
if fi != b'\x02':
message_exit("Error: It's not a EWIF format")
# Checksum Control
checksum = nacl.hash.sha256(
nacl.hash.sha256(wif_no_checksum, encoding.RawEncoder),
if checksum_from_ewif != checksum:
message_exit("Error: bad checksum of EWIF address")
password = password.encode("utf-8")
scrypt_seed = hash(password, salt, 16384, 8, 8, 64)
derivedhalf1 = scrypt_seed[0:32]
derivedhalf2 = scrypt_seed[32:64]
aes = pyaes.AESModeOfOperationECB(derivedhalf2)
decryptedhalf1 = aes.decrypt(encryptedhalf1)
decryptedhalf2 = aes.decrypt(encryptedhalf2)
seed1 = xor_bytes(decryptedhalf1, derivedhalf1[0:16])
seed2 = xor_bytes(decryptedhalf2, derivedhalf1[16:32])
seed = seed1+seed2
seedhex = encoding.HexEncoder.encode(seed).decode("utf-8")
# Password Control
salt_from_seed = nacl.hash.sha256(
if salt_from_seed != salt:
message_exit("Error: bad Password of EWIF address")
return seedhex