Dépenses et Revenus !

This commit is contained in:
fred 2024-01-07 03:18:46 +01:00
parent f09ef9e226
commit f899b04567
3 changed files with 187 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,13 @@
<li>Ajout à "Dépenses" de la partie "Revenus".</li>

View File

@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
<section id="expenses">
<section id="incomes">
<section id="export-button">
<!-- Export button will be added here dynamically -->

View File

@ -263,9 +263,9 @@ export const fetchExpenses = async (pubkey, minTime, limit = MAX_NB_TX) => {
date: new Date(tx.medianTime).toLocaleDateString(),
walletId: pubkey,
income: tx.amount > 0 ? tx.amount / 100 : 0,
outcome: tx.amount < 0 ? -tx.amount / 100 : 0,
comment: "Transaction Comment", // Add your logic to get the comment
income: 0,
outcome: tx.amount,
comment: "Expense Comment", // Add your logic to get the comment
@ -285,6 +285,102 @@ export const fetchExpenses = async (pubkey, minTime, limit = MAX_NB_TX) => {
throw new Error("Failed to fetch data from all nodes");
export const query__incomes = (walletPk, minTime, size = MAX_NB_TX) => {
return {
_source: ["amount", "issuer"]
,sort: [
"medianTime": "desc"
,size: size
,query: {
bool: {
filter: [
range: {
"medianTime": {
gte: minTime
term: {
"recipient": walletPk
export const fetchIncomes = async (pubkey, minTime, limit = MAX_NB_TX) => {
shuffle(CESIUM_G1_NODES); // Mélanger la liste des noeuds
for (let node of CESIUM_G1_NODES) {
try {
const url = `${node}/g1/movement/_search`;
let queryBody = query__incomes(pubkey, minTime, limit);
console.log('incomes queryBody : \n', JSON.stringify(queryBody));
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(queryBody)
const data = await response.json();
console.log('node for the incomes of :\n', pubkey, '\n', node);
console.log('incomes data :\n', data);
let incomesByIssuer = {};
let totalAmount = 0;
let transactions = [];
for (const hit of data.hits.hits) {
const tx = hit._source;
if (!(tx.issuer in incomesByIssuer)) {
incomesByIssuer[tx.issuer] = 0;
incomesByIssuer[tx.issuer] += tx.amount/100;
totalAmount += tx.amount;
date: new Date(tx.medianTime).toLocaleDateString(),
walletId: pubkey,
income: tx.amount,
outcome: 0,
comment: "Income Comment", // Add your logic to get the comment
totalAmount = totalAmount/100;
return {
incomesTotalAmount: totalAmount
,incomesByIssuer: incomesByIssuer
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch data from ${node}: ${error}`);
// Si une erreur se produit, passez simplement au noeud suivant
throw new Error("Failed to fetch data from all nodes");
export const query__cesium_profile = (pubkey) => {
@ -444,40 +540,6 @@ const exportToPDF = (transactions) => {
export const displayExpenses = (expensesByRecipient, expensesTotalAmount, recipientsCesiumProfiles, chartColors, currentPubkey, currentProfile) => {
let exportButtonContainer = document.querySelector("#export-button");
let exportButton = document.createElement("button");
exportButton.textContent = "Export to PDF";
exportButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
try {
const { expensesByRecipient, expensesTotalAmount } = await fetchExpenses(
let transactions = [];
for (const recipient in expensesByRecipient) {
date: new Date().toLocaleDateString(),
walletId: currentPubkey,
income: expensesByRecipient[recipient],
outcome: 0,
comment: "Transaction Comment", // Add your logic to get the comment
// Export transactions to PDF
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error exporting to PDF: ${error}`);
// Append the export button to the container
exportButtonContainer.innerHTML = '';
let screenElt = document.querySelector('#expenses');
screenElt.innerHTML = '';
@ -539,6 +601,69 @@ export const displayExpenses = (expensesByRecipient, expensesTotalAmount, recipi
screenElt.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'}, true);
export const displayIncomes = (incomesByIssuer, incomesTotalAmount, issuersCesiumProfiles, chartColors, currentPubkey, currentProfile) => {
let screenElt = document.querySelector('#incomes');
screenElt.innerHTML = '';
let currentProfileTitleElt = document.createElement('h2');
let title = null;
if (currentProfile == undefined) {
title = 'Revenus du portefeuille <code>' + currentPubkey.substr(0, 8) + '</code>';
} else {
title = 'Revenus de <q>' + currentProfile.title + '</q>';
currentProfileTitleElt.innerHTML = title;
let svgContainer = document.createElement('article');
let chartData = [];
// Formatting data
for (const issuer in incomesByIssuer) {
let issuerObj = {};
issuerObj.pk = issuer;
issuerObj.amount = incomesByIssuer[issuer];
let numberOptions = { roundingMode: 'ceil', minimumFractionDigits: 0, maximumFractionDigits: 0 };
issuerObj.displayedAmount = G12DU(issuerObj.amount).toLocaleString('fr-FR', numberOptions) + ' DU';
if (issuersCesiumProfiles[issuer] != undefined
&& issuersCesiumProfiles[issuer].title != undefined
) {
issuerObj.title = issuersCesiumProfiles[issuer].title;
} else {
issuerObj.title = issuer.substr(0, 8);
let chart = Treemap(chartData, {
path: d => d.title,
value: d => d.amount,
group: d => d.title,
label: (d, n) => d.title,
title: (d, n) => d.displayedAmount,
link: (d, n) => '#' + d.pk + '',
linkTarget: '_self',
tile: d3.treemapSquarify,
width: 1280,
height: 720,
padding: 0,
colors: chartColors,
fillOpacity: 1
screenElt.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'}, true);
let formElt = document.querySelector('form#explore');
@ -550,18 +675,25 @@ const treemapIt = async (pubkey, minTime, maxNbTx = MAX_NB_TX) => {
let { expensesTotalAmount, expensesByRecipient } = await fetchExpenses(pubkey, minTime, maxNbTx);
let { incomesTotalAmount, incomesByIssuer } = await fetchIncomes(pubkey, minTime, maxNbTx);
let nbRecipients = Object.keys(expensesByRecipient).length;
let nbIssuers = Object.keys(incomesByIssuer).length;
console.log("nb recipients :\n", nbRecipients);
console.log("nb recipients :\n", nbRecipients);
console.log("nb Issuers :\n", nbIssuers);
let recipientsList = Object.keys(expensesByRecipient);
let recipientsCesiumProfiles = await fetchCesiumProfiles(recipientsList, maxNbTx);
let issuersList = Object.keys(incomesByIssuer);
let issuersCesiumProfiles = await fetchCesiumProfiles(issuersList, maxNbTx);
let currentProfile = await fetchCesiumProfile(pubkey);
console.log('currentProfile :\n', currentProfile);
console.log('currentProfile :\n', currentProfile);
displayExpenses(expensesByRecipient, expensesTotalAmount, recipientsCesiumProfiles, chartColors, pubkey, currentProfile);
displayIncomes(incomesByIssuer, incomesTotalAmount, issuersCesiumProfiles, chartColors, pubkey, currentProfile);
let svg = document.querySelector('#expenses svg');
let links = svg.querySelectorAll("a");
@ -571,7 +703,7 @@ const treemapIt = async (pubkey, minTime, maxNbTx = MAX_NB_TX) => {
link.addEventListener('click', (linkEvent) => {
// linkEvent.currentTarget.preventDefault();
console.log('linkEvent.currentTarget :\n', linkEvent.currentTarget);
console.log('linkEvent.currentTarget :\n', linkEvent.currentTarget);
let pubkey = linkEvent.currentTarget.getAttribute('href').substr(1);
// treemapIt(pubkey, minDate);
@ -589,7 +721,7 @@ const getPkInHash = () => {
window.addEventListener("popstate", (popEvent) => {
let pk = getPkInHash();
console.log('\n\n\npubkey :\n', pk);
console.log('\n\n\npubkey :\n', pk);
if (pk != '') {
treemapIt(pk, minTime, txLimit);
@ -605,7 +737,7 @@ formElt.addEventListener('submit', (formEvent) => {
let minDateStr = formEvent.target.querySelector('input[name="minDate"]').value;
let minDate = new Date(minDateStr);
minTime = Math.floor(minDate.valueOf()/1000);
console.log('minTime :\n', minTime);
console.log('minTime :\n', minTime);
let pubkey = formEvent.target.querySelector('input[name="pubkey"]').value;
@ -625,13 +757,12 @@ window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (loadEvent) => {
let aMonthAgo = new Date(now);
aMonthAgo.setMonth(aMonthAgo.getMonth() - 1);
console.log('aMonthAgo : ', aMonthAgo);
console.log('aMonthAgo.getMonth() :\n', aMonthAgo.getMonth());
console.log('aMonthAgo : ', aMonthAgo);
console.log('aMonthAgo.getMonth() :\n', aMonthAgo.getMonth());
let dateStr = aMonthAgo.getFullYear() + '-' + (aMonthAgo.getMonth()+1).toString().padStart(2,0) + '-' + aMonthAgo.getDate().toString().padStart(2,0);
console.log('dateStr : ', dateStr);
console.log('dateStr : ', dateStr);
minDateElt.value = dateStr;