# OSM2IPFS 1. Planet earth with equador ring 2. World divided in 36 x 18 LONxLAT 10° grid . 3. Clic on a grid cell to zoom to 1°, 0.1°, 0.01° sub grids 4. From selected 0.01° land appears "Make ZenCard" button 5. Enter Astroport Station then type your email to create G1Visa and G1Card for this "Umap" Start registering your commons and personnal registrered in Blockchains ## Crypto Commons for United Planet - Umap image are created with LAT and LON on DEG=0.01 SCALE You receive an access to this crypto landing recorded into IPFS. Get Friends. Explore Trust. # SNAPSHOT DEMO https://ipfs.copylaradio.com/ipfs/Qmb7eXoTXpiwhFVFQavX5wooKsRuM6gvrfPoZY9k5W4cPq/ Install Astroport.ONE at your location https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE Enjoy Life