/* jquery.earth3d.js jQuery ui plugin that allow you to draw a beautiful 3d spinning earth on canvas Author: Sebastien Drouyer Based on the amazing sphere.js plug of Sam Hasler Licensed under the MIT license (MIT-LICENSE.txt) http://sdrdis.github.com/jquery.earth-3d/ Depends: ui.core.js Options: * texture: texture map used by the planet * sphere: rotation and size of the planet * defaultSpeed: default spinning speed of the planet * backToDefaultTime: time (in ms) to return by to default speed when planet is dragged * locations: locations to display on the planet: * Each position must have a key, an alpha and delta position (or x and y if you want to display a static location). Any additional key can be reached via callbacks functions Example: { obj1: { alpha: Math.PI / 4, delta: 0, name: 'location 1' } } * paths: paths and flights to display over the planet: Each path must have a key, an origin and a destination. The values are the location's key. You can, if you want to, define flights on these paths. Each flight has a key, a destination (the location's key) and a position. The position is the progress a fleet has made on its path. Any additional key can be reach via callbacks functions. Example: { path: { origin: 'obj1', destination: 'obj2', flights: { flight: { position: 0.25, destination: 'obj2', name: 'Flight 1' }, flight2: { position: 0.25, destination: 'obj1', name: 'Flight 2' } } } } * flightsCanvas: Dom element which is a canvas and where the flights and paths are drawn * dragElement: Dom element where we catch the mouse drag * locationsElement: Dom elements where the locations are drawn * flightsCanvasPosition: position of the flight canvas (can be use if you have some gap between your planet and your flights * pixelRadiusMultiplier: (TEMPORARY) used by the getSphereRadiusInPixel (see the functions) * onInitLocation: callback function which allows you to define what to do when the locations are initialized * Parameters: * location: location (coming from locations option) * widget: earth3d widget object * onShowLocation: callback function which allows you to define what to do when a location becomes visible (was behind the planet and is now in front of it) * Parameters: * location: location (coming from locations option) * x: 2d left position * y: 2d top position * widget: earth3d widget object * onRefreshLocation: callback function which allows you to define what to do when a location is refreshed (it moves) * Parameters: * location: location (coming from locations option) * x: 2d left position * y: 2d top position * widget: earth3d widget object * onHideLocation: callback function which allows you to define what to do when a location becomes invisible (was in front of the planet and is now behind it) * Parameters: * location: location (coming from locations option) * x: 2d left position * y: 2d top position * widget: earth3d widget object * onInitFlight: callback function which allows you to define what to do when the flights are initialized * Parameters: * flight: flight (coming from flights option) * widget: earth3d widget object * onShowFlight: callback function which allows you to define what to do when a flight becomes visible (was behind the planet and is now in front of it) * Parameters: * flight: flight (coming from flights option) * widget: earth3d widget object * onRefreshFlight: callback function which allows you to define what to do when a flight is refreshed (it moves) * Parameters: * flight: flight (coming from flights option) * x: 2d left position * y: 2d top position * widget: earth3d widget object * onHideFlight: callback function which allows you to define what to do when a flight becomes invisible (was in front of the planet and is now behind it) * Parameters: * flight: flight (coming from flights option) * widget: earth3d widget object Functions * getSphereRadiusInPixel: function which allows you to get the sphere radius in pixel /!| WARNING: this function needs to be refactored, since I didn't find out (my maths courses are far away) how to get the exact value. I did a basic linear regression, but it is not exact, and you will have to change the pixelRadiusMultiplier option to get the correct value * destroy: use this function when you want to destroy the object. It will throw a cancel animation frame, so the CPU won't be used anymore. * changePaths: use this function when you want to update paths and flights (options on widget) it will add the callback functions support */ var earth3d; (function($) { $.widget('ui.earth3d', { options: { texture: 'maps/earth1024x1024.jpg', sphere: { tilt: 0, turn: 0, r: 10 }, defaultSpeed: 20, backToDefaultTime: 4000, locations: { }, paths: { }, flightsCanvas: null, dragElement: null, locationsElement: null, flightsCanvasPosition: { x: 0, y: 0 }, tiling: {horizontal: 1, vertical: 1}, pixelRadiusMultiplier: 0.97, onInitLocation: function(location, widget) { var $elem = $('
'); $elem.appendTo(widget.options.locationsElement); $elem.click(function() { // alert('Clicked on ' + location.name + ' : ' + location.link ); // window.open( location.link, "AstroTab"); window.parent.location.href = location.link; }); location.$element = $elem; }, onShowLocation: function(location, x, y) { location.$element.show(); }, onRefreshLocation: function(location, x, y) { //console.log(x, y); location.$element.css({ left: x, top: y }); }, onHideLocation: function(location, x, y) { location.$element.hide(); }, onDeleteLocation: function(location) { location.$element.remove(); }, onInitFlight: function(flight, widget) { var $elem = $('
'); $elem.appendTo(widget.options.locationsElement); $elem.click(function() { alert('Clicked on ' + flight.name); }); flight.$element = $elem; }, onShowFlight: function(flight) { flight.$element.show(); }, onRefreshFlight: function(flight, x, y, angle, widget) { flight.$element.css({ left: x, top: y, '-webkit-transform':'rotate(' + ((angle + Math.PI / 2) * 360 / (2 * Math.PI)) + 'deg)', '-moz-transform':'rotate(' + ((angle + Math.PI / 2) * 360 / (2 * Math.PI)) + 'deg)', '-o-transform':'rotate(' + ((angle + Math.PI / 2) * 360 / (2 * Math.PI)) + 'deg)' }); }, onHideFlight: function(flight) { flight.$element.hide(); }, onDeleteFlight: function(flight) { flight.$element.remove(); } }, earth: null, posVar: 24 * 3600 * 1000, lastMousePos: null, lastSpeed: null, lastTime: null, lastTurnByTime: null, textureWidth: null, textureHeight: null, obj: null, flightsCtx: null, renderAnimationFrameId: null, mousePressed: null, _create: function() { earth3d = this; var self = this; this.obj = $('div'); if (this.options.flightsCanvas !== null) { this.flightsCtx = this.options.flightsCanvas[0].getContext('2d'); } createSphere(this.element[0], this.options.texture, function(earth, textureWidth, textureHeight) { self._onSphereCreated(earth, textureWidth, textureHeight); }, this.options.tiling); if (this.options.dragElement !== null) { this.options.dragElement .bind('mousedown vmousedown', function(e) { self._mouseDragStart(e); self.mousePressed = true; }) .bind('mouseup vmouseup', function(e) { self._mouseDragStop(e); self.mousePressed = false; }) .bind('mousemove vmousemove', function(e){ if (self.mousePressed) { self._mouseDrag(e); } }); } this._initLocations(); this._initFlights(); }, _initLocations: function() { for (var key in this.options.locations) { var location = this.options.locations[key]; location.visible = true; this.options.onInitLocation(location, this); } }, _initFlights: function() { for (var key in this.options.paths) { var path = this.options.paths[key]; for (var key in path.flights) { path.flights[key].visible = true; this.options.onInitFlight(path.flights[key], this); } } }, getSphereRadiusInPixel: function() { return this.earth.getRadius() / 2; }, _onSphereCreated: function(earth, textureWidth, textureHeight) { var self = this; this.textureWidth = textureWidth; this.textureHeight = textureHeight; this.earth = earth; this.earth.init(this.options.sphere); this.earth.turnBy = function(time) { return self._turnBy(time); }; var renderAnimationFrame = function(/* time */ time) { /* time ~= +new Date // the unix time */ earth.renderFrame(time); self._renderAnimationFrame(time); self.renderAnimationFrameId = window.requestAnimationFrame(renderAnimationFrame); }; this.renderAnimationFrameId = window.requestAnimationFrame(renderAnimationFrame); }, destroy: function() { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.renderAnimationFrameId); }, _renderAnimationFrame: function(time) { var ry=90+this.options.sphere.tilt; var rz=180+this.options.sphere.turn; var RY = (90-ry); var RZ = (180-rz); var RX = 0,RY,RZ; var rx=RX*Math.PI/180; var ry=RY*Math.PI/180; var rz=RZ*Math.PI/180; //console.log(rx, ry, rz); var r = this.getSphereRadiusInPixel(); var center = { x: this.element.width() / 2, y: this.element.height() / 2 } for (var key in this.options.locations) { var location = this.options.locations[key]; if (typeof location.delta === 'undefined') { location.flatPosition = {x: location.x, y: location.y}; this.options.onRefreshLocation(location, location.x, location.y, this); continue; } /* WARNING: calculation of alphaAngle and deltaAngle is not exact I had to create the _calibrated functions to modify the deltaAngle to make the result look good on a spinning planet without rotation. It will totally bug with rotation! * */ var progression = (((this.posVar + this.textureWidth * location.delta / (2 * Math.PI)) % this.textureWidth) / this.textureWidth); var alphaAngle = progression * 2 * Math.PI; var deltaAngle = this._calibrated(progression, location.alpha) * 2 * Math.PI; var objAlpha = ry + location.alpha - Math.sin(alphaAngle / 2) * 0.15 * (location.alpha - Math.PI / 2) / (Math.PI / 4); var objDelta = rz + deltaAngle; var a = this._orbitalTo3d(objAlpha, objDelta, r); var flatPosition = this._orthographicProjection(a); if (a.x < 0 && !location.visible) { this.options.onShowLocation(location, flatPosition.x, flatPosition.y, this); } if (a.x > 0 && location.visible) { this.options.onHideLocation(location, flatPosition.x, flatPosition.y, this); } this.options.onRefreshLocation(location, flatPosition.x, flatPosition.y, this); location.visible = a.x < 0; location.position = a; location.flatPosition = flatPosition; location.rAlpha = objAlpha; location.rDelta = objDelta; } if (this.flightsCtx !== null) { this.flightsCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.options.flightsCanvas.width(), this.options.flightsCanvas.height()); for (var key in this.options.paths) { this._drawPath(this.options.paths[key], center, r); } } }, _line_circle_intersection: function(A, B, C, r) { var d = { x: B.x - A.x, y: B.y - A.y }; var f = { x: A.x - C.x, y: A.y - C.y }; var a = this._dot(d, d); var b = 2 * this._dot(f, d); var c = this._dot(f, f) - r * r; var discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c; if (discriminant < 0) { return false; } else { discriminant = Math.sqrt(discriminant); var t1 = (-b + discriminant) / (2 * a); var t2 = (-b - discriminant) / (2 * a); var sols = []; if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1) { sols.push({ x:A.x + t1 * d.x, y:A.y + t1 * d.y }); } if (t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1) { sols.push({ x:A.x + t2 * d.x, y:A.y + t2 * d.y }); } return sols; } }, _dot: function(A, B) { return A.x * B.x + A.y * B.y; }, _drawPath: function(path, center, r) { var originLocation = this.options.locations[path.origin]; var destinationLocation = this.options.locations[path.destination]; var dotSize = 50; var spacing = 0.15; if (typeof originLocation.delta === 'undefined' || typeof destinationLocation.delta === 'undefined') { var pathVisible = originLocation.visible && destinationLocation.visible; if (pathVisible) { var flatDistance = this._distance(originLocation.flatPosition, destinationLocation.flatPosition); var nb = flatDistance * 0.9 / 20; // WARNING: we are drawing the paths on canvas, intensively using CPU. Could we gain by instead using SVG or the DOM ? for (var i = 0; i < nb; i++) { var fromFlatPosition = { x: ((nb - i) / nb) * originLocation.flatPosition.x + (i / nb) * destinationLocation.flatPosition.x, y: ((nb - i) / nb) * originLocation.flatPosition.y + (i / nb) * destinationLocation.flatPosition.y }; var toFlatPosition = { x: Math.max(((nb - (i + 1)) / nb), 0) * originLocation.flatPosition.x + Math.min(((i + 1) / nb), 1) * destinationLocation.flatPosition.x, y: Math.max(((nb - (i + 1)) / nb), 0) * originLocation.flatPosition.y + Math.min(((i + 1) / nb), 1) * destinationLocation.flatPosition.y }; var diff = { x: fromFlatPosition.x - toFlatPosition.x, y: fromFlatPosition.y - toFlatPosition.y, z: fromFlatPosition.z - toFlatPosition.z }; fromFlatPosition.x -= diff.x * spacing; fromFlatPosition.y -= diff.y * spacing; fromFlatPosition.z -= diff.z * spacing; toFlatPosition.x += diff.x * spacing; toFlatPosition.y += diff.y * spacing; toFlatPosition.z += diff.z * spacing; this.flightsCtx.lineWidth = 3; this.flightsCtx.beginPath(); this.flightsCtx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)'; this.flightsCtx.moveTo(fromFlatPosition.x + this.options.flightsCanvasPosition.x, fromFlatPosition.y + this.options.flightsCanvasPosition.y); this.flightsCtx.lineTo(toFlatPosition.x + this.options.flightsCanvasPosition.x, toFlatPosition.y + this.options.flightsCanvasPosition.y); this.flightsCtx.stroke(); } } for (var key in path.flights) { var flight = path.flights[key]; var position = flight.destination == path.destination ? flight.position : (1 - flight.position); var flightFlatPosition = { x: (1 - position) * originLocation.flatPosition.x + position * destinationLocation.flatPosition.x, y: (1 - position) * originLocation.flatPosition.y + position * destinationLocation.flatPosition.y }; if (!flight.visible && pathVisible) { this.options.onShowFlight(flight, this); flight.visible = true; } if (flight.visible && !pathVisible) { this.options.onHideFlight(flight, this); flight.visible = false; } var angle = Math.atan2(destinationLocation.flatPosition.y - originLocation.flatPosition.y, destinationLocation.flatPosition.x - originLocation.flatPosition.x) + (flight.destination == path.destination ? 0 : Math.PI); //console.log(flightAheadFlatPosition.y - flightFlatPosition.y); this.options.onRefreshFlight(flight, flightFlatPosition.x, flightFlatPosition.y, angle, this); } return; } var locationsDistance = this._distance(originLocation.position, destinationLocation.position); var middlePosition = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }; var radius = this._distance(originLocation.position, middlePosition); var originP = { delta: Math.atan2((originLocation.position.y - middlePosition.y), (originLocation.position.x - middlePosition.x)), alpha: Math.acos((originLocation.position.z - middlePosition.z) / radius) }; var destinationP = { delta: Math.atan2((destinationLocation.position.y - middlePosition.y), (destinationLocation.position.x - middlePosition.x)), alpha: Math.acos((destinationLocation.position.z - middlePosition.z) / radius) }; if (Math.abs(originP.delta - destinationP.delta) > Math.PI) { if ((originP.delta - destinationP.delta) > Math.PI) { originP.delta -= 2 * Math.PI; } else { originP.delta += 2 * Math.PI; } } if (path.sens) { if (((originP.delta - destinationP.delta) > 0 ? 1 : -1) != path.sens) { if (Math.abs(originP.delta - destinationP.delta) > Math.PI / 2) { originP.delta += path.sens * 2 * Math.PI; } } } else { path.sens = (originP.delta - destinationP.delta) > 0 ? 1 : -1; } if (!path.nb) { path.nb = Math.round(((locationsDistance / (2 * r)) * Math.PI * 2 * r + (1 - (locationsDistance / (2 * r))) * locationsDistance) / dotSize); } var nb = path.nb; var maxDistance = 1.2; for (var i = 0; i < nb; i++) { var fromP = { alpha: ((nb - i) / nb) * originP.alpha + (i / nb) * destinationP.alpha, delta: ((nb - i) / nb) * originP.delta + (i / nb) * destinationP.delta }; var toP = { alpha: ((nb - 1 - i) / nb) * originP.alpha + ((i + 1) / nb) * destinationP.alpha, delta: ((nb - 1 - i) / nb) * originP.delta + ((i + 1) / nb) * destinationP.delta }; //console.log(i, fromP.alpha, fromP.delta, toP.alpha, toP.delta); var fromPosition = this._orbitalTo3d(fromP.alpha, fromP.delta, -(Math.sin(Math.PI * i / nb) * (maxDistance - 1) + 1) * radius); var toPosition = this._orbitalTo3d(toP.alpha, toP.delta, -(Math.sin(Math.PI * (i + 1) / nb) * (maxDistance - 1) + 1) * radius); var diff = { x: fromPosition.x - toPosition.x, y: fromPosition.y - toPosition.y, z: fromPosition.z - toPosition.z }; fromPosition.x -= diff.x * spacing; fromPosition.y -= diff.y * spacing; fromPosition.z -= diff.z * spacing; toPosition.x += diff.x * spacing; toPosition.y += diff.y * spacing; toPosition.z += diff.z * spacing; fromPosition.x += middlePosition.x; fromPosition.y += middlePosition.y; fromPosition.z += middlePosition.z; toPosition.x += middlePosition.x; toPosition.y += middlePosition.y; toPosition.z += middlePosition.z; var fromFlatPosition = this._orthographicProjection(fromPosition); var toFlatPosition = this._orthographicProjection(toPosition); var fromDistanceCenter = this._distance(fromFlatPosition, center); var toDistanceCenter = this._distance(toFlatPosition, center); var fromVisible = true; var toVisible = true; if (fromPosition.x > 0) { if (fromDistanceCenter <= r) { fromVisible = false; } } if (toPosition.x > 0) { if (toDistanceCenter <= r) { toVisible = false; } } //console.log(i, fromVisible, toVisible); if (!fromVisible && !toVisible) { continue; } if (!fromVisible) { var intersection = this._line_circle_intersection(fromFlatPosition, toFlatPosition, center, r); if (intersection.length == 0) { continue; } fromFlatPosition = intersection[0]; } if (!toVisible) { var intersection = this._line_circle_intersection(fromFlatPosition, toFlatPosition, center, r); if (intersection.length == 0) { continue; } toFlatPosition = intersection[0]; } this.flightsCtx.lineWidth = 3; this.flightsCtx.beginPath(); this.flightsCtx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)'; this.flightsCtx.moveTo(fromFlatPosition.x + this.options.flightsCanvasPosition.x, fromFlatPosition.y + this.options.flightsCanvasPosition.y); this.flightsCtx.lineTo(toFlatPosition.x + this.options.flightsCanvasPosition.x, toFlatPosition.y + this.options.flightsCanvasPosition.y); this.flightsCtx.stroke(); } for (var key in path.flights) { var flight = path.flights[key]; var position = flight.destination == path.destination ? flight.position : (1 - flight.position); var positionAhead = flight.destination == path.destination ? (flight.position + 0.01) : (1 - (flight.position + 0.01)); var flightP = { alpha: (1 - position) * originP.alpha + position * destinationP.alpha, delta: (1 - position) * originP.delta + position * destinationP.delta }; var flightAheadP = { alpha: (1 - positionAhead) * originP.alpha + positionAhead * destinationP.alpha, delta: (1 - positionAhead) * originP.delta + positionAhead * destinationP.delta }; var flightPosition = this._orbitalTo3d(flightP.alpha, flightP.delta, -(Math.sin(Math.PI * position) * (maxDistance - 1) + 1) * radius); var flightAheadPosition = this._orbitalTo3d(flightAheadP.alpha, flightAheadP.delta, -(Math.sin(Math.PI * positionAhead) * (maxDistance - 1) + 1) * radius); flightPosition.x += middlePosition.x; flightPosition.y += middlePosition.y; flightPosition.z += middlePosition.z; flightAheadPosition.x += middlePosition.x; flightAheadPosition.y += middlePosition.y; flightAheadPosition.z += middlePosition.z; var flightFlatPosition = this._orthographicProjection(flightPosition); var flightAheadFlatPosition = this._orthographicProjection(flightAheadPosition); var flightDistanceCenter = this._distance(flightFlatPosition, center); if (!flight.visible && (flightPosition.x < 0 || flightDistanceCenter > r)) { this.options.onShowFlight(flight, this); flight.visible = true; } if (flight.visible && (flightPosition.x > 0 && flightDistanceCenter < r)) { this.options.onHideFlight(flight, this); flight.visible = false; } var angle = Math.atan2(flightAheadFlatPosition.y - flightFlatPosition.y, flightAheadFlatPosition.x - flightFlatPosition.x); //console.log(flightAheadFlatPosition.y - flightFlatPosition.y); this.options.onRefreshFlight(flight, flightFlatPosition.x, flightFlatPosition.y, angle, this); } }, _distance: function(A, B) { if (A.z) { return Math.sqrt( (A.x - B.x) * (A.x - B.x) + (A.y - B.y) * (A.y - B.y) + (A.z - B.z) * (A.z - B.z) ); } else { return Math.sqrt( (A.x - B.x) * (A.x - B.x) + (A.y - B.y) * (A.y - B.y) ); } }, // WARNING: temporary function to make the locations look good on a spinning planet without rotation _calibrated: function(x, alpha) { var calib = 0.3 + 0.15 * Math.abs(alpha - Math.PI / 2) / (Math.PI / 4); //console.log(calib); var y = calib * (4 * (x - 0.5) * (x - 0.5) * (x - 0.5) + 0.5) + (1 - calib) * x; return y; }, /* WARNING: Obviously there is something wrong with _orbitalTo3d and _orthographicProjection, since I can't get a descent display of locations when the planet is rotated. That's why I had to create the _calibrated function in the first place. I didn't have time to look precisely into it, and I probably don't know enough math. I leaved the _3dProjection function I found on wikipedia but is not working. (I might not have correctly understood / write it) */ _orbitalTo3d: function(alpha, delta, r) { return { x: -r * Math.sin(alpha) * Math.cos(delta), y: -r * Math.sin(alpha) * Math.sin(delta), z: -r * Math.cos(alpha) }; }, _orthographicProjection: function(position) { return {x: position.y + this.element.width() / 2, y: position.z + this.element.height() / 2}; }, _3dProjection: function(a, c, delta, e) { // Wikipedia is your friend :) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_projection var d = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}; d.x = Math.cos(delta.y) * (Math.sin(delta.z) * (a.y - c.y) + Math.cos(delta.z) * (a.x - c.x)) - Math.sin(delta.y) * (a.z - c.z); d.y = Math.sin(delta.x) * (Math.cos(delta.y) * (a.z - c.z) + Math.sin(delta.y) * (Math.sin(delta.z) * (a.y - c.y) + Math.cos(delta.z) * (a.x - c.x))) + Math.cos(delta.x) * (Math.cos(delta.z) * (a.y - c.y) - Math.sin(delta.z) * (a.x - c.x)) d.z = Math.cos(delta.x) * (Math.cos(delta.y) * (a.z - c.z) + Math.sin(delta.y) * (Math.sin(delta.z) * (a.y - c.y) + Math.cos(delta.z) * (a.x - c.x))) - Math.sin(delta.x) * (Math.cos(delta.z) * (a.y - c.y) - Math.sin(delta.z) * (a.x - c.x)); return { x: d.z, //(d.x - e.x) * (e.y / d.y), y: d.y //(d.z - e.z) * (e.y / d.y) }; }, _mouseDragStart: function(e) { this.lastMousePos = e.clientX; this.lastSpeed = null; }, _mouseDrag: function(e) { this.lastSpeed = (e.clientX - this.lastMousePos); this.posVar = this.posVar - this.lastSpeed; this.lastMousePos = e.clientX; }, _mouseDragStop: function(e) { this.lastMousePos = null; this.lastTime = null; }, _turnBy: function(time) { if (this.lastTurnByTime === null) { this.lastTurnByTime = time; } var timeDiff = (time - this.lastTurnByTime) / 1000; if (this.lastMousePos === null) { if (this.lastSpeed !== null) { if (this.lastTime === null) { this.lastTime = time; } if (this.options.backToDefaultTime + this.lastTime - time < 0) { this.lastSpeed = null; } else { var backToDef = (this.options.backToDefaultTime + this.lastTime - time) / this.options.backToDefaultTime; this.posVar -= this.lastSpeed * backToDef + (this.options.defaultSpeed * timeDiff) * (1 - backToDef); } } else { this.posVar -= this.options.defaultSpeed * timeDiff; } } this.lastTurnByTime = time; return this.posVar; }, _getQBezierValue: function (t, p1, p2, p3) { var iT = 1 - t; return iT * iT * p1 + 2 * iT * t * p2 + t * t * p3; }, _getQBezierDerivation: function(t, p1, p2, p3) { return (2 * p1 - 4 * p2 + 2 * p3) * t + 2 * p2 - 2 * p1; }, _getQBezierAngle: function(startX, startY, cpX, cpY, endX, endY, position) { var x = this._getQBezierDerivation(position, startX, cpX, endX); var y = this._getQBezierDerivation(position, startY, cpY, endY); return Math.atan2(y, x); }, _getQuadraticCurvePoint: function(startX, startY, cpX, cpY, endX, endY, position) { return { x: this._getQBezierValue(position, startX, cpX, endX), y: this._getQBezierValue(position, startY, cpY, endY), angle: this._getQBezierAngle(startX, startY, cpX, cpY, endX, endY, position) }; }, changeLocations: function(locations) { for (var key in this.options.locations) { this.options.onDeleteLocation(this.options.locations[key], this); } this.options.locations = locations; this._initLocations(); }, changePaths: function(paths) { for (var key in this.options.paths) { var path = this.options.paths[key]; for (var keyFlight in path.flights) { var flight = path.flights[keyFlight]; this.options.onDeleteFlight(flight, this); } } this.options.paths = paths; this._initFlights(); } }); })($);