#!/bin/bash # ### # Lecture des messages Cesium+ # ### [[ -z $(which jq) || -z $(which curl) ]] && echo "Installation de jq et curl ..." && sudo apt update && sudo apt install jq curl -y [[ ! -f .env ]] && cp .env.template .env source .env # Help display helpOpt() { echo -e "Cesium+ messages sender \r$0 Default: ask recipient in interactive mode. Advice: Fill your .env file for more fun. \rOptions: -k,--key \t\tPath to the pubsec keychain file of the issuer. -n,--number \tDisplay the lasts messages from Cesium (tail-like format) -o,--outbox\t\t\tRead outbox messages instead of inbox -h,--help\t\t\tDisplay this help" } REGEX_PUBKEYS="[a-zA-Z0-9]{42,44}" recipient=$issuer # Parse options declare -a args=($@) for ((i=0; i<${#args[*]}; ++i)) do case ${args[$i]} in -k|--key) dunikey="${args[$i+1]}" [[ -z $dunikey ]] && echo "Veuillez préciser un fichier de trousseau." && exit 1;; -o|--outbox) type=outbox;; -n|--number) nbrRaw="${args[$i+1]}";; -n*) nbrRaw="${args[$i]:2}";; -h|--help) helpOpt && exit 0;; *) [[ "${args[$i]}" == "-"* ]] && echo "Option inconnue." && exit 1;; esac done recipient=$(./natools.py pk -f pubsec -k $dunikey) if [[ -z $dunikey ]]; then read -p "Fichier de trousseau: " dunikey fi [[ -z $type ]] && type="inbox" [[ -z $nbrRaw ]] && nbrRaw=5000 [[ -z $(grep -Eo $REGEX_PUBKEYS <<<$recipient) ]] && echo "Le format de la clé publique du destinataire est invalide." && exit 1 document="{\"sort\":{\"time\":\"desc\"},\"from\":0,\"size\":$nbrRaw,\"_source\":[\"issuer\",\"recipient\",\"title\",\"content\",\"time\",\"nonce\",\"read_signature\"],\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"filter\":{\"term\":{\"recipient\":\"$recipient\"}}}}}" # Envoi du document msgContent=$(curl -s -X POST "$pod/message/$type/_search" -d "$document" | jq .hits.hits[]._source -c) #Traitement des données n=0 for i in $msgContent; do echo -e "=== $n ===\n" dataObj=($(jq -r '.issuer,.recipient,.nonce,.title,.content,.time' <<<"$i")) issuer="${dataObj[0]}" recipient="${dataObj[1]}" nonce=$(echo "${dataObj[2]}" | base58 -d | base64 -w 0) title="${dataObj[3]}" content="${dataObj[4]}" time="${dataObj[5]}" titleClear=$(./natools.py box-decrypt -p $issuer -f pubsec -k $dunikey -n $nonce -I 64 <<< "${title}") contentClear=$(./natools.py box-decrypt -p $issuer -f pubsec -k $dunikey -n $nonce -I 64 <<< "${content}") echo "$titleClear" echo "$contentClear" echo "=========" ((n++)) # echo "./natools.py box-decrypt -p $issuer -f pubsec -k $dunikey -n $nonce -I 64 <<< \"${title}\"" done #echo "$msgContent" | jq