
102 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File

# ###
# Simple testeur d'envoi de message via la messagerie de Cesium ou de Gchange.
# ###
[[ -z $(which jq) || -z $(which curl) ]] && echo "Installation de jq et curl ..." && sudo apt update && sudo apt install jq curl -y
[[ ! -f .env ]] && cp .env.template .env
source .env
# Help display
helpOpt() {
echo -e "Cesium+ messages sender
Default: ask title, content and recipient in interactive mode.
Advice: Fill your .env file for more fun.
Example: $0 -f <Path of file content message> -r <recipient pubkey> -k <path of pubsec keychain of issuer>
-t\t\t\t\tTest mode: Uses the \"test.txt\" file as well as the same recipient as the sender.
-f,--file <file>\t\tRead the file <file> with title in first line and content in rest of the file for the message.
-r,--recipient <pubkey>\tUses <pubkey> as recipient of the message.
-k,--key <key>\t\tPath <key> to the pubsec keychain file of the issuer.
-h,--help\t\t\tDisplay this help"
# Parse options
declare -a args=($@)
for ((i=0; i<${#args[*]}; ++i))
case ${args[$i]} in
-f|--file) file="${args[$i+1]}"
[[ ! -f $file ]] && echo "Le fichier $file n'existe pas." && exit 1;;
-t|--test) file="test.txt"
issuer=$(./natools.py pk -f pubsec -k $DUNIKEY)
-r|--recipient) recipient="${args[$i+1]}"
[[ -z $recipient ]] && echo "Veuillez préciser un destinataire." && exit 1;;
-k|--key) DUNIKEY="${args[$i+1]}"
[[ -z $DUNIKEY ]] && echo "Veuillez préciser un fichier de trousseau." && exit 1;;
-h|--help) helpOpt && exit 0;;
*) [[ "${args[$i]}" == "-"* ]] && echo "Option inconnue." && exit 1;;
if [[ -z $DUNIKEY ]]; then
read -p "Fichier de trousseau: " DUNIKEY
issuer=$(./natools.py pk -f pubsec -k $DUNIKEY)
if [[ -z $file ]]; then
read -p "Objet du message: " title
read -p "Corps du message: " content
message=$(cat $file)
if [[ -z $recipient ]]; then
read -p "Destinataire: " recipient
[[ -z $(grep -Eo $REGEX_PUBKEYS <<<$recipient) ]] && echo "Le format de la clé publique du destinataire est invalide." && exit 1
[[ -z $(grep -Eo $REGEX_PUBKEYS <<<$issuer) ]] && echo "Le format de la clé publique de l'émetteur est invalide." && exit 1
# Récupération et chiffrement du titre et du message
nonce=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
b58nonce=$(echo $nonce | base64 -d | base58)
title=$(head -n1 <<<$message | ./natools.py box-encrypt -n $nonce -f pubsec -k $DUNIKEY -p $recipient -O 64)
content=$(tail -n+2 <<<$message | ./natools.py box-encrypt -n $nonce -f pubsec -k $DUNIKEY -p $recipient -O 64)
times=$(date -u +'%s')
# Fabrication du hash
hash=$(echo -n "$hashBrut" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1 | awk '{ print toupper($0) }')
# Fabrication de la signature
signature=$(echo -n "$hash" | ./natools.py sign -f pubsec -k $DUNIKEY --noinc -O 64)
# Affichage du JSON final
jq . <<<$document
# Envoi du document
#curl -s -i -X OPTIONS "$POD/message/inbox?pubkey=$issuer" -d "pubkey=$issuer"
msgID=$(curl -s -X POST "$POD/message/inbox?pubkey=$recipient" -d "$document")
echo -e "\nMessage ID: $msgID"
### Tests mode ###
# Delete the message 1 second later, just for test
#sleep 1 && ./deletemsg.sh -id $msgID
# To put the message in outbox too
#curl -s -X POST "$POD/message/outbox?pubkey=$issuer" -d "$document"
# To put the message as read, add this at the end of document