## # DOCKER # target docker-build: Fire docker-images-myos, Call docker-build-% target for each DOCKER_IMAGES .PHONY: docker-build docker-build: docker-images-myos $(foreach image,$(or $(SERVICE),$(DOCKER_IMAGES)),$(call make,docker-build-$(image))) # target docker-build-%: Call docker-build for each Dockerfile in docker/% folder .PHONY: docker-build-% docker-build-%: if grep -q DOCKER_REPOSITORY docker/$*/Dockerfile 2>/dev/null; then $(eval DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS:=$(subst $(DOCKER_REPOSITORY),$(USER_DOCKER_REPOSITORY),$(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS))) true; fi $(if $(wildcard docker/$*/Dockerfile),$(call docker-build,docker/$*)) $(if $(findstring :,$*),$(eval DOCKER_FILE := $(wildcard docker/$(subst :,/,$*)/Dockerfile)),$(eval DOCKER_FILE := $(wildcard docker/$*/*/Dockerfile))) $(foreach dockerfile,$(DOCKER_FILE),$(call docker-build,$(dir $(dockerfile)),$(DOCKER_REPOSITORY)/$(word 2,$(subst /, ,$(dir $(dockerfile)))):$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(dir $(dockerfile)))),"") && true) # target docker-commit: Call docker-commit for each SERVICES .PHONY: docker-commit docker-commit: $(foreach service,$(or $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(call docker-commit,$(service))) # target docker-commit-%: Call docker-commit with tag % for each SERVICES .PHONY: docker-commit-% docker-commit-%: $(foreach service,$(or $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(call docker-commit,$(service),,,$*)) # target docker-compose-build: Fire docker-images-myos, Call docker-compose build SERVICE .PHONY: docker-compose-build docker-compose-build: DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += -it docker-compose-build: docker-images-myos $(call docker-compose,build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) $(if $(filter $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(SERVICE))) # target docker-compose-config: Call docker-compose config .PHONY: docker-compose-config docker-compose-config: $(call docker-compose,config) # target docker-compose-connect: Call docker-compose exec SERVICE DOCKER_SHELL .PHONY: docker-compose-connect docker-compose-connect: SERVICE ?= $(DOCKER_SERVICE) docker-compose-connect: DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += -it docker-compose-connect: $(call docker-compose,exec $(SERVICE) $(DOCKER_SHELL)) || true # target docker-compose-down: Call docker-compose rm SERVICE or docker-compose down .PHONY: docker-compose-down docker-compose-down: DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += -it docker-compose-down: $(if $(filter $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(call docker-compose,rm -fs $(SERVICE)),$(call docker-compose,down $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_DOWN_OPTIONS) ||:)) # target docker-compose-exec: Call docker-compose-exec SERVICE ARGS .PHONY: docker-compose-exec docker-compose-exec: SERVICE ?= $(DOCKER_SERVICE) docker-compose-exec: $(call docker-compose-exec-sh,$(SERVICE),$(ARGS)) || true # target docker-compose-logs: Call docker-compose logs SERVICE .PHONY: docker-compose-logs docker-compose-logs: $(call docker-compose,logs -f --tail=100 $(if $(filter $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(SERVICE))) || true # target docker-compose-ps: Call docker-compose ps .PHONY: docker-compose-ps docker-compose-ps: $(call docker-compose,ps) # target docker-compose-rebuild: Call docker-compose-build target with DOCKER_BUILD_NO_CACHE=true .PHONY: docker-compose-rebuild docker-compose-rebuild: $(call make,docker-compose-build DOCKER_BUILD_NO_CACHE=true) # target docker-compose-recreate: Fire docker-compose-rm docker-compose-up .PHONY: docker-compose-recreate docker-compose-recreate: docker-compose-rm docker-compose-up # target docker-compose-restart: Call docker-compose restart SERVICE .PHONY: docker-compose-restart docker-compose-restart: $(call docker-compose,restart $(if $(filter $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(SERVICE))) # target docker-compose-rm: Call docker-compose rm SERVICE .PHONY: docker-compose-rm docker-compose-rm: DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += -it docker-compose-rm: $(call docker-compose,rm -fs $(if $(filter $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(SERVICE))) # target docker-compose-run: Call docker-compose run SERVICE ARGS .PHONY: docker-compose-run docker-compose-run: SERVICE ?= $(DOCKER_SERVICE) docker-compose-run: DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += -it docker-compose-run: $(call docker-compose,run $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_RUN_OPTIONS) $(SERVICE) $(ARGS)) # target docker-compose-scale: Call docker-compose up --scale SERVICE=NUM .PHONY: docker-compose-scale docker-compose-scale: SERVICE ?= $(DOCKER_SERVICE) docker-compose-scale: $(call docker-compose,up $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_UP_OPTIONS) --scale $(SERVICE)=$(NUM)) # target docker-compose-start: Call docker-compose start SERVICE .PHONY: docker-compose-start docker-compose-start: $(call docker-compose,start $(if $(filter $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(SERVICE))) # target docker-compose-stop: Call docker-compose stop SERVICE .PHONY: docker-compose-stop docker-compose-stop: $(call docker-compose,stop $(if $(filter $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(SERVICE))) # target docker-compose-up: Fire docker-image-myos, Call docker-compose up SERVICE .PHONY: docker-compose-up docker-compose-up: DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += -it docker-compose-up: docker-images-myos bootstrap-stack $(call docker-compose,up $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_UP_OPTIONS) $(if $(filter $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(SERVICE))) # target docker-images-myos: Call myos-docker-build-% target for each DOCKER_IMAGES_MYOS .PHONY: docker-images-myos docker-images-myos: MAKE_VARS += DOCKER_REPOSITORY STACK docker-images-myos: $(foreach image,$(subst $(quote),,$(DOCKER_IMAGES_MYOS)),$(call make,docker-build-$(image),$(MYOS))) # target docker-images-rm: Call docker-image-rm-% target for DOCKER_REPOSITORY .PHONY: docker-images-rm docker-images-rm: $(call make,docker-images-rm-$(DOCKER_REPOSITORY)/) # target docker-images-rm-%: Remove docker images matching % .PHONY: docker-images-rm-% docker-images-rm-%: docker images |awk '$$1 ~ /^$(subst /,\/,$*)/ {print $$3}' |sort -u |while read image; do $(RUN) docker rmi -f $$image; done # target docker-login: Run 'docker login' .PHONY: docker-login docker-login: myos-user $(RUN) docker login # target docker-network: Fire docker-network-create-% for DOCKER_NETWORK and DOCKER_NETWORK_PUBLIC .PHONY: docker-network docker-network: docker-network-create docker-network-create-$(DOCKER_NETWORK_PUBLIC) # target docker-network-create: Fire docker-network-create-% for DOCKER_NETWORK .PHONY: docker-network-create docker-network-create: docker-network-create-$(DOCKER_NETWORK) # target docker-network-create-%: Run 'docker network create %' .PHONY: docker-network-create-% docker-network-create-%: if [ -z "$(shell docker network ls -q --filter name='^$*$$' 2>/dev/null)" ]; then \ $(RUN) sh -c 'docker network create $* >/dev/null 2>&1' \ && $(or $(call INFO,docker network $* created), true) \ ||: ; \ fi # target docker-network-rm: Fire docker-network-rm-% for DOCKER_NETWORK .PHONY: docker-network-rm docker-network-rm: docker-network-rm-$(DOCKER_NETWORK) # target docker-network-rm-%: Run 'docker network rm %' .PHONY: docker-network-rm-% docker-network-rm-%: if [ -n "$(shell docker network ls -q --filter name='^$*$$' 2>/dev/null)" ]; then \ $(RUN) sh -c 'docker network rm $* >/dev/null 2>&1' \ && $(or $(call INFO,docker network $* removed), true) \ ||: ; \ fi # target docker-plugin-install: Run 'docker plugin install DOCKER_PLUGIN_OPTIONS DOCKER_PLUGIN' .PHONY: docker-plugin-install docker-plugin-install: $(eval docker_plugin_state := $(shell docker plugin ls | awk '$$2 == "$(DOCKER_PLUGIN)" {print $$NF}') ) $(if $(docker_plugin_state),\ $(if $(filter $(docker_plugin_state),false),\ $(RUN) docker plugin enable $(DOCKER_PLUGIN) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ && $(or $(call INFO,docker plugin $(DOCKER_PLUGIN) enabled), true) \ ), \ $(RUN) docker plugin install $(DOCKER_PLUGIN_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_PLUGIN) $(DOCKER_PLUGIN_ARGS) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ && $(or $(call INFO,docker plugin $(DOCKER_PLUGIN) installed), true) \ ) # target docker-push: Call docker-push for each SERVICES .PHONY: docker-push docker-push: ifneq ($(filter $(DEPLOY),true),) $(foreach service,$(or $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(call docker-push,$(service))) else $(call WARNING,target,$@,disabled in app,$(APP)) endif # target docker-push-%: Call docker-push with tag % for each SERVICES .PHONY: docker-push-% docker-push-%: ifneq ($(filter $(DEPLOY),true),) $(foreach service,$(or $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(call docker-push,$(service),,$*)) else $(call WARNING,target,$@,disabled in app,$(APP)) endif # target docker-rebuild: Call docker-build target with DOCKER_BUILD_CAHE=false .PHONY: docker-rebuild docker-rebuild: $(call make,docker-build DOCKER_BUILD_CACHE=false) # target docker-rebuild-%: Call docker-build-% target with DOCKER_BUILD_CAHE=false .PHONY: docker-rebuild-% docker-rebuild-%: $(call make,docker-build-$* DOCKER_BUILD_CACHE=false) # target docker-rm: Fire docker-rm-% for COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME .PHONY: docker-rm docker-rm: docker-rm-$(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME) # target docker-rm-%: Remove dockers matching % .PHONY: docker-rm-% docker-rm-%: docker ps -a |awk '$$NF ~ /^$*/ {print $$NF}' |while read docker; do $(RUN) docker rm -f $$docker; done # target docker-run: Call docker-run-% target with ARGS for SERVICE .PHONY: docker-run docker-run: SERVICE ?= $(DOCKER_SERVICE) docker-run: $(call make,docker-run-$(SERVICE),,ARGS) # target docker-run-%: Call docker-run with image % and command ARGS .PHONY: docker-run-% docker-run-%: docker-build-% $(eval command := $(ARGS)) $(eval path := $(patsubst %/,%,$*)) $(eval image := $(DOCKER_REPOSITORY)/$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(path)))$(if $(findstring :,$*),,:$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG))) $(eval image_id := $(shell docker images -q $(image) 2>/dev/null)) $(call docker-run,$(command),$(if $(image_id),$(image),$(path))) # target docker-tag: Call docker-tag for each SERVICES .PHONY: docker-tag docker-tag: ifneq ($(filter $(DEPLOY),true),) $(foreach service,$(or $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(call docker-tag,$(service))) else $(call WARNING,target,$@,disabled in app,$(APP)) endif # target docker-tag-%: Call docker-tag with target tag % for each SERVICES .PHONY: docker-tag-% docker-tag-%: ifneq ($(filter $(DEPLOY),true),) $(foreach service,$(or $(SERVICE),$(SERVICES)),$(call docker-tag,$(service),,,,$*)) else $(call WARNING,target,$@,disabled in app,$(APP)) endif # target docker-volume-rm: Fire docker-volume-rm-% for COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME .PHONY: docker-volume-rm docker-volume-rm: docker-volume-rm-$(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME) # target docker-volume-rm-%: Remove docker volumes matching % .PHONY: docker-volume-rm-% docker-volume-rm-%: docker volume ls |awk '$$2 ~ /^$*/ {print $$2}' |sort -u |while read volume; do $(RUN) docker volume rm $$volume; done