
1649 lines
31 KiB
Executable File

Ce script est basé sur la "barre de financement intégrable" développée par Pierre-Jean Chancellier.
Son travail original se trouve ici :
This script is based on Pierre-Jean Chancellier's "barre de financement intégrable".
See original work at :
class Crowdfunding {
* Constants
const PUBKEY_FORMAT = '#^[a-zA-Z1-9]{43,44}$#';
const DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d';
private $units = ['quantitative','relative'];
private $truePossibleValues = ['true','1', 'yes'];
private $qrCodesFolder = __DIR__ . '/img/qrcodes';
private $qrCodePath = NULL;
private $logosFolder = __DIR__ . '/img/logos';
private $logo = NULL;
private $logoPath = NULL;
private $validDisplayTypes = ['img', 'svg', 'html'];
private $cacheDir = __DIR__ . '/cache/';
private $isActivatedCache = true;
private $cacheLongevity = 10800; // in seconds
* General parameters
private $pubkey;
private $target = NULL;
private $startDate = NULL;
private $endDate = NULL;
private $nodes = [
// Fast ones
// Node that timeout
// Nodes with other issues
private $cesiumPlusNodes = [
private $preferredNode = NULL;
private $preferredCesiumPlusNode = NULL;
private $answeringNode = NULL;
private $answeringCesiumPlusNode = NULL;
// in seconds
private $nodeTimeout = 2;
private $nodeTimeoutIncrement = 2;
private $cesiumPlusNodeTimeout = 15;
private $cesiumPlusNodeTimeoutIncrement = 10;
private $node = NULL;
private $apiNode = 'g1.duniter.fr'; // Where the web payment gateway is located
private $unit = 'quantitative';
private $title = 'Financement participatif en monnaie libre';
* Display parameters
private $mustDisplayButton = false;
private $mustDisplayPubkey = false;
private $mustDisplayGraph = false;
private $mustHideTitle = false;
private $mustDisplayQRCode = false;
private $displayType = 'html';
private $filterMinDonation = 0;
private $filterMinCommentLength = 0;
private $validButtonTypes = ['api', 'copy', '2-steps-copy'];
private $buttonType = '2-steps-copy';
private $defaultMonthsToConsider = 3;
* Computed
private $isEvergreen = false; // monthly | forever
private $hasStartedYet = NULL;
private $isOver = NULL;
private $daysLeft = NULL;
private $monthlyAmountCollectedMean = NULL;
private $periodDonorsNb = NULL;
private $percentage = NULL;
private $totalDonationPerDonor = NULL;
private $monthsToConsider = NULL;
private $donationsList = NULL;
private $donorsNb = NULL;
private $amountCollected = NULL;
private $donorsList = NULL;
private $donorsProfiles = NULL;
private $meanDonation = NULL;
private $maxDonation = NULL;
private $minDonation = NULL;
private $periodDonorsList = array();
* UD amount in quantitive, for divisions
private $latestUdAmount = NULL;
private $startDateUdAmount = NULL;
* Methods
* @param $unit = 'quantitative' | 'relative'
* @param $displayType = NULL | 'img' | 'svg' | 'iframe'
public function __construct ($pubkey, $unit = NULL, $startDate = NULL, $endDate = NULL, $displayType = NULL) {
$this->now = new DateTime();
$this->today = new DateTime();
$this->today->setTime(0, 0, 0);
$this->handleDates($startDate, $endDate);
public function setFilterMinDonation ($min) {
$this->filterMinDonation = (float) $min;
public function getFilterMinDonation () {
return $this->filterMinDonation;
public function setFilterMinCommentLength ($length) {
$this->filterMinCommentLength = (int) $length;
public function getFilterMinCommentLength () {
return $this->filterMinCommentLength;
public function getEndDate() {
return (clone $this->endDate);
private function setUnit ($unit) {
if (!empty($unit)) {
if (!in_array($unit, $this->units)) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('L\'unité renseignée n\'existe pas.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre synthaxe.');
} else {
$this->unit = $unit;
private function setDisplayType ($displayType) {
if (!empty($displayType)) {
if (in_array($displayType, $this->validDisplayTypes)) {
$this->displayType = $displayType;
} else {
$this->decease(_('Ce type d\'affichage n\'existe pas.'));
public function decease ($errorMsgs) {
if (!is_array($errorMsgs)) {
$errorMsgs = explode("\n", $errorMsgs);
if ($this->displayType == 'img') {
$source = imagecreatetruecolor(500, 200);
$bgColor = imagecolorallocate($source,
255, 255, 255);
0, 0,
$txtColor = imagecolorallocate($source,
0, 0, 0);
$errorMsgFontSize = 3;
$x = 5;
$y = 5;
foreach ($errorMsgs as $msg) {
imagestring($source, $errorMsgFontSize, $x, $y, utf8_decode($msg), $txtColor);
$y += $errorMsgFontSize + 20;
} else if ($this->displayType == 'svg') {
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg width="580"
<g style="font-family:sans-serif;">';
$x = 25;
$y = 25;
foreach ($errorMsgs as $msg) {
echo '
x="'. $x .'"
y="'. $y . '"
'. $msg . '
$y += 25;
echo '
} else {
ob_get_clean(); // to prevent error message to display inside an HTML container (case of error generated by get method calls)
echo '<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>'. $this->getTitle() . '</title>
div {
overflow: auto;
word-wrap: break-word;
background-color: hsl(0, 100%, 69%);
color: hsl(0, 100%, 19%);
margin: 1em;
padding: 1em;
border-radius: 1em;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: calc(100% - 4em);
max-height: calc(100vh - 4em);
foreach ($errorMsgs as $msg) {
echo '<p>' . $msg . '</p>';
echo '
public function setTarget ($target) {
if (empty($target)) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('Il manque le montant à atteindre. Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else {
$target = (int)$target;
if (!is_int($target)){
$out = [];
$out[] = _('Le montant n\'est pas un nombre entier.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else if ($target == 0) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('Le montant cible est nul.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else if ($target < 0) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('La montant cible inférieur à 0.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else {
$this->target = $target;
public function hasTarget() {
return isset($this->target);
public function getTarget () {
if (!$this->hasTarget()) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('Il manque le montant à atteindre.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else {
return $this->target;
public function setMustDisplayGraph ($displayGraphOrNot) {
if (in_array($displayGraphOrNot, $this->truePossibleValues)) {
$this->mustDisplayGraph = true;
} else {
$this->mustDisplayGraph = false;
public function getMustDisplayGraph () {
return $this->mustDisplayGraph;
public function setMustDisplayQRCode ($mustDisplayQRCode) {
$this->mustDisplayQRCode = $mustDisplayQRCode;
if ($mustDisplayQRCode) {
$qrCodePath = $this->qrCodesFolder . '/' . $this->pubkey . '.png';
if (file_exists($qrCodePath)) {
$this->qrCodePath = $qrCodePath;
} else {
QRcode::png($this->pubkey, $qrCodePath);
$this->qrCodePath = $qrCodePath;
public function getQRCodePath () {
if (!file_exists($this->qrCodePath)) {
return false;
} else {
return $this->qrCodePath;
public function setMustHideTitle ($mustHideTitle) {
if (in_array($mustHideTitle, $this->truePossibleValues)) {
$this->mustHideTitle = true;
} else {
$this->mustHideTitle = false;
public function getMustHideTitle () {
return $this->mustHideTitle;
public function setTitle ($title) {
if (!empty($title)) {
$this->title = htmlspecialchars($title);
public function hasLogo() {
return !empty($this->logoPath);
public function setLogo ($logoName) {
if ($this->displayType == 'img') {
$logoPath = $this->logosFolder . '/png/' . $logoName . '.png';
} else {
$logoPath = $this->logosFolder . '/svg/' . $logoName . '.svg';
if (!file_exists($logoPath)) {
$this->decease(_('Ce logo n\'existe pas.'));
} else {
$this->logoPath = $logoPath;
public function getLogoPath() {
return $this->logoPath;
public function getTitle () {
return $this->title;
public function getMustDisplayQRCode () {
return $this->mustDisplayQRCode;
public function getMustDisplayButton () {
return $this->mustDisplayButton;
public function setMustDisplayPubkey ($mustDisplayPubkey) {
if (in_array($mustDisplayPubkey, $this->truePossibleValues)) {
$this->mustDisplayPubkey = true;
} else {
$this->mustDisplayPubkey = false;
public function getMustDisplayPubkey () {
return $this->mustDisplayPubkey;
public function setMustDisplayButton ($mustDisplayButton) {
$this->mustDisplayButton = (bool) $mustDisplayButton;
public function getContributionURL () {
if (!isset($this->contributionURL)) {
$this->contributionURL ='https://' . $this->apiNode . '/api/#/v1/payment/' . $this->pubkey
. '?' .
. '&amp;' .
. '&amp;' .
'redirect_url=https://%3A%252F%252F' . $this->apiNode
. '&amp;' .
'cancel_url=https%3A%252F%252F' . $this->apiNode;
return $this->contributionURL;
public function setPubkey ($pubkey) {
if (empty($pubkey)) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('Il manque la clé publique du compte à vérifier.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else if (!preg_match(self::PUBKEY_FORMAT, $pubkey)) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('La pubkey n\'a pas le format attendu.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else {
$this->pubkey = $pubkey;
public function printUnit () {
if ($this->unit == 'relative') {
if ($this->displayType == 'img') {
return _('DUĞ1');
} else {
return _('DU<sub>Ğ1</sub>');
} else {
return _('Ğ1');
protected function isDate ($date, $format){
$a = date_parse_from_format($format, $date);
return checkdate($a["month"], $a["day"], $a["year"]);
public function hasStartedYet () {
if (empty($this->hasStartedYet)) {
$this->hasStartedYet = ($this->startDate <= $this->now);
return $this->hasStartedYet;
public function isEvergreen ($bool = NULL) {
if (isset($bool)) {
$this->isEvergreen = $bool;
} else {
return $this->isEvergreen;
protected function handleDates ($startDate, $endDate) {
/* Starting date handling */
if (empty($startDate)) {
$this->startDate = new DateTime('first day of this month');
} else if (!$this->isDate($startDate, self::DATE_FORMAT)) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('La date de début n\'est pas correcte.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else {
$d = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::DATE_FORMAT, $startDate);
if ($d === false) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('La date de début n\'est pas correcte.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else {
$this->startDate = $d;
/* Ending date handling */
if (empty($endDate)) {
if (empty($startDate)) {
// For everygreen campaigns (monthly crowdfunding)
} else {
$this->endDate = NULL;
} else {
if (!$this->isDate($endDate, self::DATE_FORMAT) ) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('La date de fin est incorrecte.');
$out[] = _(' Vérifiez votre syntaxe.');
} else {
$d = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::DATE_FORMAT, $endDate);
if ($d === false) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('La date de fin est incorrecte.');
$out[] = _('Renseignez la au format '. self::DATE_FORMAT . '.');
} else {
$this->endDate = $d;
if (empty($startDate)) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('Vous avez spécifié une date de fin, mais pas de date de début !');
$out[] = _('Renseignez une date de début !');
$out[] = _('Date de fin : ') . $this->endDate->format(self::DATE_FORMAT);
} elseif ($this->startDate >= $this->endDate) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('La date de fin est antérieure ou égale à la date de début.');
$out[] = _('Un crowdfunding ne peut pas se terminer avant d\'avoir commencé.');
$out[] = _('Vérifiez vos dates :');
$out[] = _('Date de début : ') . $this->startDate->format(self::DATE_FORMAT);
$out[] = _('Date de fin : ') . $this->endDate->format(self::DATE_FORMAT);
public function isOver () {
if (empty($this->isOver)) {
$this->isOver = (!empty($this->endDate) and ($this->endDate < $this->now));
return $this->isOver;
public function getDaysLeft () {
if (!isset($this->daysLeft)) {
if ($this->isEvergreen()) {
$lastDayOfTheMonth = new DateTime($this->startDate->format('Y-m-t'));
$this->daysLeft = intval($this->today->diff($lastDayOfTheMonth)->format('%a'));
} elseif (empty($this->endDate)) {
$this->daysLeft = NULL;
} else {
$this->daysLeft = intval($this->today->diff($this->endDate)->format('%R%a'));
return $this->daysLeft;
public function getMeanDonation () {
if (empty($this->meanDonation)) {
$this->meanDonation = $this->amountCollected / $this->donorsNb;
return $this->meanDonation;
public function getMaxDonation () {
if (empty($this->maxDonation)) {
$max = 0;
foreach ($this->donationsList as $d) {
$max = max($max, $d->getAmount());
$this->maxDonation = $max;
return $this->maxDonation;
public function getPubkey () {
return $this->pubkey;
public function getMinDonation () {
if (empty($this->minDonation)) {
$min = 666666;
foreach ($this->donationsList as $d) {
$min = min($min, $d->getAmount());
$this->minDonation = $min;
return $this->minDonation;
protected function computePercentage () {
$this->percentage = $this->getAmountCollected() / $this->getTarget() * 100;
public function getPercentage () {
if (!isset($this->percentage)) {
return round($this->percentage);
public function getAmountCollected () {
if (!isset($this->amountCollected)) {
return $this->convertIntoChosenUnit($this->amountCollected);
public function getDonorsNb () {
if (!isset($this->donorsNb)) {
return $this->donorsNb;
public function fetchMonthlyMean ($monthsToConsider) {
$nMonths = new DateInterval('P'. $monthsToConsider . 'M');
$dateMonthsAgo = clone $this->today;
$dateMonthsAgo = DateTime::createFromFormat(
$dateMonthsAgo->format('Y') . '-' .
$dateMonthsAgo->format('m') . '-' .
$oneMonth = new DateInterval('P1M');
$dateFirstDayTodaysMonth = DateTime::createFromFormat(
$this->today->format('Y') . '-' .
$this->today->format('m') . '-' .
$dateLastDayOfPreviousMonth = clone $dateFirstDayTodaysMonth;
$aDay = new DateInterval('P1D');
$periodTotalCollected = 0;
$tx = $this->getTransactions(
$previousMonth = $dateMonthsAgo->format('Y-m');
$monthlyDonors[$previousMonth] = [];
$monthlyDonorsNb[$previousMonth] = 0;
foreach ($tx as $t) {
if ($t->issuers[0] != $this->pubkey) {
foreach ($t->outputs as $o) {
if (strstr($o, $this->pubkey)) {
$transactionDate = new DateTime();
$currentMonth = $transactionDate->format('Y-m');
if ($currentMonth != $previousMonth) {
$monthlyDonors[$currentMonth] = [];
$monthlyDonorsNb[$currentMonth] = 0;
$donor = $t->issuers[0];
if (!in_array($donor, $monthlyDonors[$currentMonth])) {
$monthlyDonors[$currentMonth][] = $donor;
$o = explode(':', $o);
$transactionAmount = $o[0] / 100;
$periodTotalCollected += $transactionAmount;
$previousMonth = $currentMonth;
$this->periodDonorsMean = ceil(array_sum($monthlyDonorsNb) / $monthsToConsider);
$this->monthlyAmountCollectedMean = $this->convertIntoChosenUnit($periodTotalCollected / $monthsToConsider);
return $this->monthlyAmountCollectedMean;
public function setButtonType ($type) {
if (in_array($type, $this->validButtonTypes)) {
$this->buttonType = $type;
public function getButtonType () {
return $this->buttonType;
public function getPeriodDonorsMean ($monthsToConsider) {
return $this->periodDonorsMean;
private function addPeriodDonor ($donor) {
if (!in_array($donor, $this->periodDonorsList)) {
$this->periodDonorsList[] = $donor;
public function getPeriodDonorsNb ($monthsToConsider) {
if (!isset($this->periodDonorsNb)) {
return $this->periodDonorsNb;
public function getMonthlyAmountCollectedMean ($monthsToConsider) {
if (!isset($this->monthlyAmountCollectedMean)) {
return $this->monthlyAmountCollectedMean;
private function getTransactions ($pubkey, $startDate, $endDate = NULL) {
if ($startDate > $this->now) {
return array();
} else {
if (!isset($endDate)) {
$endDate = $this->today;
$json = NULL;
$jsonUri = '/tx/history/' . $pubkey . "/times/" . $startDate->getTimestamp() . "/" . $endDate->getTimestamp();
$txCacheDir = $this->cacheDir . 'tx/';
if ($this->isOver()) {
$txFullPath = $txCacheDir . $pubkey . '_' . $startDate->format('Y-m-d') . '_' . $endDate->format('Y-m-d') . '.json';
} else {
$txFullPath = $txCacheDir . $pubkey . '_' . $startDate->format('Y-m-d') . '.json';
if ($this->isActivatedCache) {
if (file_exists($txFullPath) and ((time() - filemtime($txFullPath)) < $this->cacheLongevity)) {
$json = file_get_contents($txFullPath);
if (empty($json)) {
$json = $this->fetchJson($jsonUri);
// Cache tx
if ($this->isActivatedCache) {
if (!file_exists($txCacheDir)) {
mkdir($txCacheDir, 0777, true);
file_put_contents($txFullPath, $json);
} else {
$json = $this->fetchJson($jsonUri);
$transactions = json_decode($json);
return $transactions->history->received;
public function keepOnlyHighestDonations () {
public function getDonationsList () {
if (empty($this->donationsList)) {
return $this->donationsList;
public function getDonors () {
if (empty($this->donorsList)) {
return $this->donorsList;
public function getDonorCesiumPlusProfile ($pubkey) {
if (!isset($this->donorsCesiumPlusProfiles)) {
if (isset($this->donorsCesiumPlusProfiles[$pubkey])) {
return $this->donorsCesiumPlusProfiles[$pubkey];
} else {
return new Donor($pubkey);
public function fetchCesiumPlusProfiles () {
$this->donorsCesiumPlusProfiles = array();
$queryParams = [
'size' => $this->donorsNb,
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'should' => []
'_source' => [
foreach ($this->donorsList as $pubkey) {
$queryParams['query']['bool']['should'][] = [
'match' => [
'issuer' => $pubkey
$json = $this->fetchJson('/user/profile/_search', true, $queryParams);
$result = json_decode($json);
$cesiumPlusProfiles = $result->hits->hits;
foreach ($cesiumPlusProfiles as $profile) {
$profile = $profile->_source;
$donor = new Donor($profile->issuer);
if (isset($profile->title)) {
if (isset($profile->city)) {
if (isset($profile->avatar)) {
$donor->setAvatar($profile->avatar->_content, $profile->avatar->_content_type);
if (isset($profile->geoPoint)) {
$donor->setGeoPoint($profile->geoPoint->lon, $profile->geoPoint->lat);
$this->donorsCesiumPlusProfiles[$profile->issuer] = $donor;
public function getFilteredDonationsList () {
if (($this->getFilterMinDonation() <= 0) AND ($this->getFilterMinCommentLength() <= 0)) {
return $this->getDonationsList();
} else {
return array_filter($this->getDonationsList(), function ($v) {
return (
($v->getAmount() >= $this->getFilterMinDonation())
(strlen($v->getComment()) >= $this->getFilterMinCommentLength())
public function setMonthsToConsider ($m) {
$this->monthsToConsider = (int) $m;
public function getMonthsToConsider () {
if (isset($this->monthsToConsider)) {
return $this->monthsToConsider;
} else {
return $this->defaultMonthsToConsider;
private function fetchDonationsList () {
$this->donationsList = array();
$this->totalDonationPerDonor = array();
$this->donorsList = array();
$this->amountCollected = 0;
$this->donorsNb = 0;
$tx = $this->getTransactions($this->pubkey,
foreach ($tx as $t) {
// Filter only incoming transactions
if ($t->issuers[0] != $this->pubkey) {
$donorPubkey = $t->issuers[0];
foreach ($t->outputs as $o) {
if (strstr($o, $this->pubkey)) {
$o = explode(':', $o);
$transactionAmount = $o[0] / 100;
$this->donationsList[] = new Donation(
$this->amountCollected += $transactionAmount;
if (!in_array($donorPubkey, $this->donorsList)) {
$this->donorsList[] = $donorPubkey;
$this->totalDonationPerDonor[$donorPubkey] = $transactionAmount;
} else {
$this->totalDonationPerDonor[$donorPubkey] += $transactionAmount;
public function convertIntoChosenUnit ($amountInQuantitative) {
if ($this->unit == 'quantitative') {
return $amountInQuantitative;
} else {
if (!isset($this->startDateUdAmount)) {
$this->startDateUdAmount = $this->getUdAmount($this->startDate);
return round($amountInQuantitative / $this->startDateUdAmount, 2);
public function addNode ($node) {
$node = htmlspecialchars($node);
$this->nodes = array_unique(
public function addNodes ($nodes) {
if (!is_array($nodes)) {
$nodes = explode(' ', $nodes);
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
* @return $nodes array
public function getNodesList ($cesiumPlus = false) {
$nodesFilename = $cesiumPlus ? 'nodes-cesiumplus' : 'nodes';
$nodesFilename .= '.txt';
$nodesFullpath = $this->cacheDir . $nodesFilename;
$nodes = $cesiumPlus ? $this->cesiumPlusNodes : $this->nodes;
if ($this->isActivatedCache) {
if (!file_exists($nodesFullpath)) {
$this->cacheNodes($nodes, $cesiumPlus);
} else {
$nodesStr = file_get_contents($nodesFullpath);
$nodes = explode("\n", $nodesStr);
} else {
return $nodes;
protected function cacheNodes ($nodes, $cesiumPlus = false) {
$nodesFilename = $cesiumPlus ? 'nodes-cesiumplus' : 'nodes';
$nodesFilename .= '.txt';
if (!file_exists($this->cacheDir)) {
mkdir($this->cacheDir, 0777, true);
file_put_contents($this->cacheDir . $nodesFilename, implode("\n", $nodes));
protected function saveNodes ($nodes, $cesiumPlus = false) {
if ($cesiumPlus) {
$this->cesiumPlusNodes = $nodes;
} else {
$this->nodes = $nodes;
protected function fetchJson_aux ($nodes, $uri, $cesiumPlus, $queryParams, $nodesNb, $nodeTimeout) {
if ($cesiumPlus) {
// $header = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
// $header = "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n";
$opts = [
'http' => [
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => json_encode($queryParams),
// 'header' => $header,
'timeout' => $nodeTimeout
} else {
$opts = [
'timeout' => $nodeTimeout,
$streamContext = stream_context_create($opts);
$i = 0;
do {
$json = @file_get_contents("https://" . current($nodes) . $uri,
if (empty($json)) {
$nodes[] = array_shift($nodes);
} while (empty($json) and ($i < $nodesNb));
if (!empty($json)) {
// Let's save node order for other queries :
$this->saveNodes($nodes, $cesiumPlus);
if ($this->isActivatedCache) {
$this->cacheNodes($nodes, $cesiumPlus);
return $json;
public function fetchJson ($uri, $cesiumPlus = false, $queryParams = NULL) {
$json = NULL;
$nodes = $this->getNodesList($cesiumPlus);
$nodesNb = count($nodes);
$maxTries = 3;
$nodeTimeout = $cesiumPlus ? $this->cesiumPlusNodeTimeout : $this->nodeTimeout;
$nodeTimeoutIncrement = $cesiumPlus ? $this->cesiumPlusNodeTimeoutIncrement : $this->nodeTimeoutIncrement;
for ($i = 0; ($i < 3) and empty($json); ++$i) {
$json = $this->fetchJson_aux($nodes, $uri, $cesiumPlus, $queryParams, $nodesNb, $nodeTimeout);
$nodeTimeout += $nodeTimeoutIncrement;
if (empty($json)) {
$out = [];
$out[] = _('Aucun noeud Duniter n\'a été trouvé.');
$out[] = _('Noeud interrogés : ');
if ($cesiumPlus) {
$out[] = _('Paramètres de la requête : ');
$out[] = print_r($queryParams, true);
$out = array_merge($out, $nodes);
return $json;
protected function fetchUdAmount ($date) {
// On récupère les numéros de chaque blocks de DU journalier
$json = $this->fetchJson('/blockchain/with/ud');
$blocks = json_decode($json)->result->blocks;
if ($date > $this->now) {
// On récupère le dernier block
$blockNum = end($blocks);
} else {
// On récupère le bloc de la date qui nous intéresse
$blockNum = $blocks[count($blocks) - $this->today->diff($date)->format("%a") - 1];
// Puis on récupère le montant du DU
$json = $this->fetchJson('/blockchain/block/' . $blockNum);
$block = json_decode($json);
return ($block->dividend / 100);
public function getStartDate () {
return (clone $this->startDate);
public function getUdAmount ($date) {
$udFilename = $this->getUdFilename($date);
$udsCacheDir = $this->cacheDir . 'uds/';
$udFullPath = $udsCacheDir . $udFilename;
if ($this->isActivatedCache) {
if (file_exists($udFullPath)) {
$udCachedAmount = file_get_contents($udFullPath);
if (is_numeric($udCachedAmount) and $udCachedAmount != 0) {
$udAmount = floatval($udCachedAmount);
if (!isset($udAmount)) {
$udAmount = $this->fetchUdAmount($date);
// Cache UD amount
if (!file_exists($udsCacheDir)) {
mkdir($udsCacheDir, 0777, true);
file_put_contents($udFullPath, $udAmount);
} else {
$udAmount = $this->fetchUdAmount($date);
return $udAmount;
protected function getUdFilename ($date) {
$datePreviousAutumnEquinox = new DateTime($date->format('Y') . '-09-22');
$datePreviousSpringEquinox = new DateTime($date->format('Y') . '-03-20');
if ($date > $datePreviousAutumnEquinox) {
$udFilename = $date->format('Y') . '-autumn';
} elseif ($date > $datePreviousSpringEquinox) {
$udFilename = $date->format('Y') . '-spring';
} else {
$udFilename = ($date->sub(new DateInterval('P1Y'))->format('Y')). '-autumn';
return $udFilename . '.txt';