# MineTest Python API This code is dirty for the moment. Experimental purpose only. ## Install Requires MineTest `blocks` table to be on PostgreSQL. Requires `python3-psycopg2` (which requires `libpq-dev`) and `cbor`: sudo apt install libpq-dev sudo pip3 install psycopg2 cbor ## Configure Change `CONFIG_DB_CONNECT` with your PostgreSQL config string, and `CONFIG_LISTEN` with your IP and port. (leave `` to listen on all addresses) ## Run python3 getblocks.py ## Use Beware of browsers which may replace `>` and `<` by `<` and `&rt;` in url. Use commandline instead: curl ">-5/x<5/y>20/y<=30" Response is a JSON list of the blocks of which position verifies these conditions: a rectangle of 8×9×1 blocks. { "blocks": [ [x, y, z, data], // data is hexadecimal form of raw binary from MineTest blocks DB ... ] } Options: * `fmt` Response format: `json` (default), `cbor` * `cpr` Response compression: `none` (default), `gzip`, `lzma` Example: curl ">=0/x<100/y>=0/y<100/z>=0/z<100/fmt/cbor/cpr/gzip" > test_gzip.cbor Prefer cbor+gzip for big imports. lzma is much slower than gzip but produces slightly smaller files. cbor is much smaller than json. ## License GNU AGPL 3.0 CopyLeft 2020 Pascal Engélibert