print("Matrix bridge loaded.") local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) dofile(modpath.."/config.lua") dofile(modpath.."/debug.lua") local http = minetest.request_http_api() if http == nil then error("Please add matrix_bridge to secure.http_mods") end local token = nil local txid = 0 -- used for msync() local since = nil local function msync() -- optimization note: request more recent instead of unfiltered req -- local param1 = '&filter={\"room\":{\"timeline\":{\"limit\":1}}}' local param1 = "?access_token=" .. token local param2 = "&full_state=false" local u = MATRIX_SERVER.."/_matrix/client/r0/sync" .. param1 .. param2 if since == nil then -- first time sync -- do nothing for now else -- second time sync -> append since parameter u = u + "&since="..since end http.fetch({url=u}, function (res) if res == nil then print("Matrix - sync response is nil") else local response = minetest.parse_json( since = response.next_batch minetest.log("action", "sync state:" .. since) end end ) end local function mlogin() local u = MATRIX_SERVER.."/_matrix/client/r0/login" local d = '{"type":"m.login.password","password":"'..MATRIX_PASSWORD..'","identifier":{"type":"","user":"'..MATRIX_USERNAME..'"}}' local h = {"Content-Type: application/json"} http.fetch({url=u, method="POST", extra_headers=h, data=d}, function(res) if res.code == 200 then minetest.log("action", local data = minetest.parse_json( token = data.access_token minetest.log("action", "Matrix authenticated") msync() else minetest.log("error", to_string(res)) end end ) end mlogin() function send_message(msg) txid = txid + 1 http.fetch({ url = MATRIX_SERVER.."/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/"..MATRIX_ROOM.."/send/"..txid.."?access_token="..token, method = "PUT", extra_headers = {"Content-Type: application/json"}, data = minetest.write_json({msgtype="m.text", body=msg}) }, function(res) end) end -- http.fetch({ -- url = MATRIX_SERVER.."/_matrix/client/r0/login", -- method = "POST", -- extra_headers = {"Content-Type: application/json"}, -- data = '{"type":"m.login.password","password":"'..MATRIX_PASSWORD..'","identifier":{"type":"","user":"'..MATRIX_USERNAME..'"}}' -- }, function(res) -- if res.code == 200 then -- minetest.log("action", -- local data = minetest.parse_json( -- token = data.access_token -- minetest.log("action", "Matrix authenticated") -- else -- minetest.log("error", to_string(res)) -- end -- end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if token then send_message("*** "" joined the game") end end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player, timed_out) local name = player:get_player_name() if token then send_message("*** "" left the game".. (timed_out and " (Timed out)" or "")) end end) minetest.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message) if token == nil or message:sub(1, 1) == "/" or message:sub(1, 5) == "[off]" or (not minetest.check_player_privs(name, {shout=true})) then return end local nl = message:find("\n", 1, true) if nl then message = message:sub(1, nl - 1) end send_message("<""> "..message) end)